what do ☭TANKIE☭s? Face it, no amount of state provided statistics will legitimatize the massive control exercised by the Soviet Union
Try and justify post-NEP USSR
Punch him in the face for being a biased reactionary shill and continue justifying post-NEP USSR.
the exact same comments could be made towards those who try and justify Stalin's economic policies
I'm not even that much of a stalinist but gas yourself, citing Solzhenitsyn is only a step above citing nazi propaganda
t. Someone who hasn't read TANS.
Soviet's shouldn't have given the nazi fuck life-saving cancer treatment tbh
Solzhenitsyn should've died in the Gulag.
it is citing nazi propaganda
He's an antisemite but it's good to mention that his antisemitism is overstated on account of deliberate neo-nazi propaganda trying to make it seem like Nazis have a stake in literary fame/"smart" people agreeing with them.
What if you cite him on the fact that the so-called Holodomor was not a genocide against Ukrainians?
The USSR was socialist until the death of Lenin. Stalin turned it into a reactionary bureaucratic collectivism.
Bureaucracy is a crime against the proletariat.
It's almost like he's writing from experience.
But Trotsky, while he still had influence within the government, was largely supportive of the bureaucracy.
This is the dumbest possible take. Lenin himself did not claim that the USSR, during his lifetime, was socialist. If the USSR was ever socialist it was after Lenin and after the NEP, with the introduction of the five year plans.
Also, do you seriously believe bureaucracy somehow didn't exist in the USSR until Lenin died and Stalin got in there and said "hey let's get some fucking bureaucracy up in this place!"?
The closest the workers ever came to owning the means of production, was during the NEP, daily reminder that if Bukharin had taken control, the Soviet Union would of been a workers paradise and still exist today
How do you organize society without bureaucracy?
What? This guy was a reactionary who hated leftism altogether. He should've been shot for treason.
This meme needs to fucking die. Bureaucracy isn't some inherently terrible or inefficient thing, it's quite useful when it's not created by dumbasses.
the nature of large scale Bureaucracy will squash creativity and variations from the norm, even those beneficial to society at large
Prove it
NEP shilling is fucking cancer. Stalin was unironically right about this.
something something hydroelectric dams
Let's be honest here. The soviet state owning all MoP (farms, factories, damns, mines, land, mills etc.) is no more authoritarian than the capitalist class owning them. Just because the ownership of MoP is fragmented doesn't mean that all those companies aren't authoritarian. I would even argue that a capitalist state + all companies combined are more totalitarian than a socialist (according to M-L) state.
Lenin explicitly said that the USSR was not socialist but state capitalist.
This, he said "this is state capitalist, but we are a proletarian state".
major industry and factories were still largely controlled by the government, however those business that were allowed, had to deal with unions so powerful that they could dictate the workers wages. Actually trade unions btw, ones still run primarily by the actual workers, rather then the state sanctioned official trade union which eventually (by late 1930s) were just simply another branch of government, having loyalty first to the state and secondly to the workers. The only place where capitalism was truly implemented was in the country side, and that was because of the large scale domination kulaks still had over food production, even then co-op farms were slowly becoming implemented under consent of the farmers.
Solzhenitsyn was dumb since his vision for Russia got toppled by a revolution already.
Execute the revolutionary justice that he was long overdue for.
New Times and Old Mistakes in New Guise I believe, gonna need to read through the letters in Lenin 2017 again.
user may be a nazi, but he has taste.
Wow that guy has a sexy beard. Looks like a great jizz catcher.