Remind me why anarchists are considered leftist again? Anarchism was a utopian right wing proto-fascist movement from the get go. Proudhon, Bakunin, and Makhno were explicit antisemites. Kropotkin was a chauvinistic nationalist. Early fascism was heavily inspired by anarchism. Look up Sorel, Futurism, Cercle Proudhon etc.
This utopian drivel has no place among the radical left. As Marxists, we can do better.
sp00ky. You sound like a Zig Forumsfag when they apply jewish characteristics to things. For example: is normal. but when a jew does it: ^This is what you sound like. Trotfags >>>/out/. Faggots were heavily inspired by OP's shitpost. Look up OP, Trotsky, Trots, (You), etc.
thats THE icepick. the one trotsky was killed with. according to the guardian.
Daniel Nelson
latter one can be explained but no blood? he was either some fucking alien, which would explain things, like his weird fucking head shape and hair, but it might also be a complete fake
Julian Thompson
or maybe they just cleaned it lmao
Liam Sanders
Next I bet you're gonna say ancaps are anarchists, too.
Connor Barnes
maybe those spots of rust are where the blood was. or, yknow,
Proofs? Because all I see is Kropotkin looking at various different ethnic groups acting differently due to culture.
character and on which it impresses its own stamp, so as to make an indivisible whole both men and territory” (Kropotkin 1885).
Mind you, Kropotkin was living under later 19th to early 20th century norms.
Syndicalism isn't limited to anarchism. Look to DeLeonism you retard. Are they fascists too? Besides, Rudolf Rocker already made the ground for Anarcho-syndicalism, thus making your connection to it moot. Futurism literally existed as an art movement which wanted to smash the ways of the old and introduce the world to a new age of advanced machinery while holding contempt for women. Wanting to have a few rising wages doesn't mean squat. Who? Mutualists are already a meme, as markets are fucking stupid. But anarcho-collectivism/communism/ syndicalism can't really be categorised as fascist. Should we therefore become all like foucault, who left marxist groups because he deemed them to be racist? Now make like a trot and split.