This Is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy.
hypnotic suggestion in the news.
This Is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy
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I love how it's still not in the youtube trending section.
iah shinto un noose ree ka.
ree ree iah bazagrass.
There have been a number of other supercuts like this. Yes, the porky media is actually highly coordinated and controlled. Even stupid video game nerds noticed it with the "gamers are over" headlines.
It's not exactly tinfoil bullshit tho. Most of these stations are owned by large organisations who hold a monopoly over broadcasting, surly a fellow Communist on this board can pick up the subtle bullshit in every "balanced" news broadcast, on every "unbiased" network. This is simply the reality of media in capitalist society, everything acts to bolster the ruling ideology, whether purposefully, or unconsciously.
There's no doubt that large corporations exert an influence on what gets broadcast, but extending that into bullshit about hypnotic suggestion is Alex Jones-tier
I agree with you but that's pretty messed up either way. The sort of shit you'd see in Dystopian science fiction tbh.
I don't think this is a case of hypnotic suggestion, just a bunch of smaller channels towing the line for the beast
We live in a society
Most news stations just carbon copy Reuters. There is also a terrifying conglomeration between media corporations which is not a conspiracy theory but a natural result of capitalist competition.
And again, how fucking obvious does it have to be? We see symptoms and outwards reflections of the underlying trend pretty much every day, but people never jump to the conclusion that maybe capitalism is bad.
Not at all. I used to work for a local news station much like these, and our non-local stories were all delivered to us by the parent company.
This is why no matter where you are in the US, you can find the exact same non-essential fluff pieces. For instance I wrote up a piece about a pig harassing beachgoers in Poland
capitalism has become so entrenched that even if tomorrow top 10 Fortune 500 CEOs went on the TV and said "lmao suck our dicks sheeple you work and we eat" no one would question the system, at best some people would say it's not real capitalism and the jews are to blame
there's no escape. join the Camatte gang.
"Our" "Democracy"
Ain't tinfoil if it's real.
Because it's an ideological impossibility for liberals and conservatives to hold capitalism accountable for any sort of failing.
The dems see this story and pin it on Trump and evil white men trying to stifle the gloriously free and open press of the U.S.
The republicans see this story and think that George Soros and the Jews are pulling false flags to convince people that Trump is rigging the gloriously free and open press of the U.S.
Any sort of structural analysis that would point out that wealthy people who own broadcasting companies are naturally going to use the media to protect their interests is written off as conspiratorial madness by both the liberals and conservatives.
It's no surprise that they'll eat up MSNBC or Fox News respectively because both stations atomize and isolate issues to pander to their audiences. Capitalist media is not capable of framing things in the context of society and social relations, only as singular issues that must be addressed by individuals and ethical corporate intervention.