What is to be done?

It has become increasingly clear that every facet of the left has been overtaken by women who only a few years ago used to identify as liberal feminists. Every subset of leftism from MLs to the democratic cops of america is filled with these (almost always white or white-washed) women who have shifted the discourse from materialist class politics to one about abortion, sex work, trans rights, attention whoring for likes and #metoo drama. I've even being seeing an increasing number of these "leftist" women straight up begging followers for money because they know they can instantly get a platform on social media just by virtue of being female and "leftist".

Isn't this exactly what the pushback against Idpol was *supposed* to prevent? The liberal feminist movement of the 00s and 10s that played a large role in stiffing any talk about leftist economics is still here with us despite Trump's win, and it has simply taken on a new form.

Where are all the leftist men and why have they been so happy to step aside and let the discourse be dictated by liberals?

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well first of the left was never united and its shit was always fucked up with identity politics and circular firing squads.

Second of all if the internet left gets bigger the con men will appear just like they did with the alt right.

Pathetic bait.

One the one hand this sounds like concern trolling but on the other this exact thing happened with pic related, so who knows…

At any length, half of all people are women, their concerns matter. Abortion and being free from harassment in the workplace are concerns that fit neatly into class struggle, as they impact the position of women as workers, and can lead to (dis) empowerment vis a vis the capitalists.

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Is that so? Funny how actual class struggles like Fight For 15 and the various teacher's strikes around the nation have been completely detached from these "leftist" circles.

Don't you think it's interesting how every card carrying leftist woman spends so much time talking about abortion and sexual harassment and overall social media attention whoring yet actual working class women are the ones doing anything even remotely like actual class warfare?

It's almost as if these leftist women are middle class LARPers whose sole intent is on pushing liberal feminism and couldn't care less about working class struggles.

(a) this is not a recent trend
(b) it's not just women doing it, everyone in the mainstream left is because the old left failed to reproduce itself in the current generation
(c) idpol is idpol, feminism isn't nearly as self-destructive as racial politics are anyway. Just look at who voted in the 2016 election: a narrow majority of white women voted for Trump while all nonwhites voted against him by a margin of 2-to-1 if not larger. The use of racial divisions is much stronger and suppresses worker solidarity by distracting people.

The core of the problem is that those running mainstream left things these days are bourgeoisie who unironically *believe* in globalist capitalism because globalist capitalism is to them this perfect meritocracy that will enlighten all oppressed groups and destroy all nationalism. That's the core of the issue here, they see globalist capitalism as a sacred thing (almost a religion) which must be protected from heresy. Heretics include Zig Forums on the right and actual socialists on the left. Ironically they'll do business with any socdem shit so long as they praise globalism and markets, which is why they all trust China.

Most of the people involved in such struggles likely support what you would describe as liberal feminism.

This is much less a matter of women promoting stupid socjus crap as it is the modern left as a whole being unimaginative and unwilling to reform their current coalitions/voter bases. They have completely forgotten their roots, and now only see a plausible future in a "coalition of the ascendant" aka empowered minorities and women who are empowered through their credit cards. Workers have become this redundant, defunct leftover from the past century, so they are not given any help.

Reference the 2016 election where elites seriously tried to make it Jeb vs. Hilary. Hilary herself has the exact same positions as her husband, and is therefore stuck in the year 1992. That's the core of the problem, modern politicians (except schemers like Trump) are getting old and are stuck thirty years in the past. This is more prevalent on the left, because the basic codex of leftism is civil rights and that cannot be disputed in any way unlike how the right's basic codex of "family values" can be subject to different interpretations.

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Do you have a single fact to back that up?

I mean, let me just surf to "fightfor15.org/press-room/" - look at that, the very first article is by someone called "Wendi" - sure sounds like a woman.

Never change Zig Forums

Have you ever sat down actually thought about who the left are?
Academics, hollywood, slacktivists, bourgeois liberals, lifestyleists.

All of these people would be murdered by actual proles in a communist revolution

t. perpetually online leftist

The fact that you can't differentiate between supporting anti harassment sentiments, abortion rights, etc and pushing those ideals to the detriment of actual material struggles says everything I need to know about you.

Are you retarded? FF15 movement has a massive amount of women, because a large amount of fast food workers are Women. Single moms.

Those women aren't the card carrying leftists on social media. Those are regular everyday proles fighting for their class. The entire point of my post is to show that "leftist" women have absolutely nothing in common with the proletariat, yet these "leftist" women are the ones guiding the discourse of the left.

You can't just say "leftist" when you mean liberal. Yes, all (online) discourse is dominated by (crypto) liberals - of both sexes. This is not a novel insight.

They really aren't, it's just that there are more reactionary women in the world so both regular leftist and idpol/neoliberal women have to scream louder to get their point across, making them more noticeable. If you look hard at arguments of mainstream liberals, it's usually much more race based. The most obvious example is the stupid resistance to Trump's vanity project (The Wall™), which everyone in the mainstream left is willing to fall on their swords to fight even though The Wall™ won't actually change anything after it's built. This happens because there's a racial element, that the The Wall™ will be used to symbolically tell impoverished Mexicans to stay in Mexico. This is enough to enrage liberals, whom are otherwise fine with compromising on abortion rights or gender discrimination.

Also the most obnoxious women tend to be nonwhite ones anyway, why do you think a nonwhite one was chosen to lead the "March For Our Lives" movement? A straight white male or female wouldn't have let neoliberals play the race card. More importantly by using a nonwhite they can frame gun owners and all opposition as "racist", while a white woman would have been freely made fun of like they do to Ann Coulter.

It's classic divide and conquer. Again look who voted for who in 2016, that info is extremely telling. It's all race baiting because race baiting works far more effectively than feminism, because feminism will have reactionary women and non-neoliberal leftist women criticize it.

There is no such thing as a "regular leftist" woman. They are all idpol neoliberals. The "regular leftist" women don't identify as leftist and they are the ones behind FF15 and the teacher's strike.

It's at least as much woman based as it is race based. Did you somehow sleep through all of 2016? Like half of Hillary's campaign was about how mean Trump and right wingers are to women.

Leftist women are almost all white.

She's hispanic white. There is a big divide with the march for our lives movement because black women do not want more cops in/around schools while the white kids who the media has focused on have been idolizing cops and the millitary.

Are you sure you're american? Pretty much everything you typed is nonsense. Almost like a European looking from the outside in.

I absolutely can because leftism has been overtaken by liberal women.

Blatant and utter lie. Your attempt to make it out like regular proles never identify as leftist is incredibly disingenuous.

But that's a fact. It's not my fault you can't interface with social reality.

Tell me what leftist orgs FF15 is involved with.

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Correct, women are the ones dominating the conversation with abortion right, sex work, trans rights and #metoo.

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Here let me answer that for you: None.

FF15 has been around since 2012. It is a completely bottom up movement started by regular ass fast food workers, the majority of them women. They had absolutely no ties to any leftist orgs. They are simple proles who wanted to fight for better wages.

The Democrat Cops of America latched onto FF15 extremely recently and has done absolutely nothing for the movement because the Democrat Cops of America is more preoccupied with idpol garbage.

Stop trying to claim proles as your own, you fucking parasite. You don't get to claim a movement literally 6 years after it started without your help. is right.
Liberal parasites like you would be the very first up against the wall.

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try to make your Zig Forumsypry less obvious next time you concern troll buddy

Yes, Bernie is a man and he actually cares about the material struggles. I like how you think this is an argument against my point you fucking retard

The entire attack on bernie during the primaries was that he didn't care abotu IdPol. He isn't the person I am talking about in the OP. He is actually an example of the good ones.

You realize you're making my point for me, right? jesus fucking christ lmao

So do most male liberals. You realize Zig Forums is a very small minority of leftist voices right? And largely a dead one in America.

And 51% of white women spat it back out at her. Dems also failed to flip Texas or Florida, one of the reasons why they chose to double down on fighting ICE rather than bother with womens' issues.

And? They're black so of course they don't want more laws/gun control that will inevitably increase black incarceration rates. Which is why the leader of MFOL is a beaner. It also insulates them from claims of racism when they shit on the Parkerville shooter, who was also a beaner. And look at what we've come back to: issues beaners care about. Race. That's the real tactic being used here, again because if they used a white woman then she'd just be made fun of like every other white soccer mom is. So they have to pick a nonwhite one and play the race card, which is what thy did.

This division in particular goes to demonstrate how this divide-and-conquer strategy cannot hold over the long term. Blacks are fed up with nothing being done about prison/punishment reform and illegal immigration, poor beans are mad about immigration taking their parents away, rich beans are mad about guns and rich whites are mad about guns, resurgent trade protectionism, education and crime. Everyone is fighting each other, getting nothing done as whites gradually consolidate into a single unified bloc.

If only you were making a point in stead of screaming incohately. You have some kind of anger against an undefined mass of "leftists", but they apparently don't include any actual leftist proles, because they don't count as leftists in your view - for some reason.

Al leftists are bad because as soon as they engage in actual class struggle they don't count as leftist? What?

This is the Chair of Democrat Cops of America Phoenix.

her entire timeline is like this.

Look at those wonderful leftist women, getting so much done

Obvious yuropoor Zig Forumsyp. Go back.

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It's pretty simple. All women who identify as leftists are pushing idpol neoliberal garbage and have completely taking over leftist discourse.

Prole women who aren't part of any leftist orgs like the Democrat Cops of America are the ones who are actually fighting for their material conditions.

The current crop of "leftist" women are cancerous and they must be purged at any cost and then replaced with prole women.

I'm not arguing that racial issues are a justifiable means to an end, merely that they're being wielded by Democrats to try and win over states like Texas and Florida who represent a combined total of 64 Electoral Votes/legislative seats against the 64 seats in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. I cannot put it more clearly than that.

Yes they do, you know where don't they fit? In gendered biased issues. Sexual harassment happens from both sexes boses and abortion in an equal relationship involves both parents. Your logic and acceptance of liberal feminism narrative just proves how much that cancer has deeped into the left.

Leftism has always been at least partially feminist, at least successful leftist movements in the twentieth century were.

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Supporting feminist causes =/= thinking that #metoo is a fucking class struggle.

Last time I checked women can have children out of wedlock, and even in marriage either partner does not have the ability to make medical decisions for the other unless they're placed under a conservativeship, a phenoneon that predominately happens to old people including old women who have undergone menopause and can no longer have children.

the #metoo hashtag doesn't really mean anything anymore other than being a big tent for airing grievances against Trump. Which by the numbers is done by more people of nonwhite races than it is done by just women. This is especially true when #yotambién is factored in.

No, that's just your mentally ill brain talking.

Actually advocating socialism tends to do away with these wanks: they come out as the neolibs they are. An example? The idpol-high peeps in the Labour party, many are auto-purging themselves because they cannot handle the real shit.

Lmaoing at you bro
I mean just because intersectionalism shouldn't be the focus of the left because the problems would be solved with the end of capitalism anyways doesn't mean that we have to act like there are no gender or race specific issues in society as for now

you still haven't posted any evidence that modern leftism is taken over by idpol-addled women/scalpers, or that scalpers in general aren't a thing that happens with both genders equally

scroll up

That's why i sad liberal feminism, notice that the RDA still has higer rates of women in tech than most of capitalist europe, surprise surprise, even now that all the media and the capital is obsesed with that gap, the RDA solved this issue decades ago without this toxic liberal feminism.

Is not a medical decision if it has no relation with health

Both men are women are whoring themselves to get money, USA, Japan, Europe.. but sure, lmao because there's a gap, that's what matters.. I can't laugh at you, because is obvious the right will be winning for centuries with this mentallity of yours.

And the gap is tiny anyways. The fact that it has gotten as much attention as it has is a fucking travesty

There's 15now which is a "front" for SocAlt (I don't know how much the word "front" is appropriate because they don't exactly hide their affiliations)

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I explicitly said that it shouldn't matter to the left u moron learn2read

No you didn't but it's good to see you recognizing your failure.

My feeling is that leftist women are little different from men. Some are among the hardest-working, most dedicated organizers I've ever met and without them, the local left would be rudderless. Others are superficial and never do anything except snark on Twitter about "bros" showing up to meetings. And there are others of all stripes.

The most counter-productive kind of "idpol" I've seen is liberal men pushing inexperienced or already-overworked women into positions of authority for diversity's sake, which results in them getting even more overwhelmed so they burn out. My advice is instead of complaining about people is to get involved and contribute. There's no perfect set of leftist organizers out there and there never will be.

This seems like crab bucket mentality about trying to find the ideal worker named Ivan Traktorsweat who works all day long and hard on the banks of the Volga River. I've been reading about the old Bolsheviks and it's hilarious how similar they are to any random leftist group today. Same petty arguments and same basic people, a lot of whom didn't even start out in politics as Marxists. Some of them even came from bourgeois families – the horror!

But hey, those people ended up taking over half the planet.

I'm in Texas and the whole idea of "flipping" Texas is a delusional fantasy Democrats in D.C. dream about and it bears no relation to how politics are actually done here. Trying to find the right set of national-level issues to flip the state is useless. Most voters are primarily concerned with property taxes and toll roads, and it'd be a much better use of time running strong candidates in county judge and commissioner's court races.

Comrade Amber did nothing wrong.

thread asks
OP is stupid, and pins this on female feminists in particular
instead of one single poster near the top of the thread saying
and it not needing to be said again, framing it as a conflict against women and feminism(and therfore 'womens rights') causes the thread to spiral into bickering over the OP and insisting its not that bad. so there's not a conflict against womens rights, which is what this is about, as we know from the op!
it is that bad, user.

You're complaints are over-exaggerated and childish. Seriously, if this is you're biggest concern, just become a classical liberal faggot.

Stop being an incel

He was complaining about feminist red liberals.

fucking fnords, man.

It's just the emphasis on women makes him come off as an incel

Pfff, maybe in the abstract. I know plenty of female coworkers who had to deal with superiors and colleagues imposing themselves, and no male coworkers who have had the same problem. Maybe we just don't talk about it as much, but really, more likely it's actually a sexed phenomenon. When it's purely workplace harassment, I'm willing to be it's almost entirely men harassing women, which is down to both cultural and innate biological factors.


The image is salutatory.

We did it lads

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Everything else is waste of time.