How would you respond?
You don't believe in gender equality when it comes to CEO's?! Check your white male p,rivilege you fucking white male!
Fuck you
There should be no CEOs.
this, worker's councils only
she's on the gulag list
Sounds like something white male would say. Do you think racism and sexism would just just disappear if we would abolish CEO position?
of course i do
male and female porkies get the bullet equally
Laugh smugly and dismissively
I don't want my oppressors to be more diverse, I want them to not exist.
"Fuck you" then leave
Without the insult i would explain my politics and go from there
This is the only non autismo option
*shows u to the wall*
If we eliminate the line between haves and have nots, racism, sexism, and other such isms all become superceded by preventing any meaningful discrimination.
I was gonna post this word for word except "hanged equally".
And when will be the turn for uglyism, shortism, poorism, hum?
When all those White whores will cease to be bigots who will not fuck short guys?
And all these tall guys who will never ever give a glimpse to a chubby gal?
It is not fair.
By law the merchandise must be shared.
Like I said, can't exist if everyone is a "have".
I'm sorry, I meant meaningful isms would be superceded.
And who decides what is meaningful?
There are needs that are far more important than social constructs.
I mean, real world needs, not ideological needs.
Meaningful isms are usually perpetuated towards a material advantage. Racism was invented to justify slavery, segregation and colonialism. Sexism was invented to control the paternal hereditary line. Sexism is the mode of operation of the bourgeoisie. Working class man knows from his daily experience that working class women are no less capable and no less smart than men. If any subscription to sexism is present, it is due to the culture one is exposed to and that culture is shaped by the ruling class and its agents.
Uglyism, shortism, and other madeupisms is just poor judgment of the wrongdoers at worst. At best a source of tasteless cheap laughs.
Racism is independent of slavery.
Take a look to ancient civilizations, they slaved their own and foreigners alike.
I was pointing to a "free love society", such as in the URSS.
The destruction of the family as a institution and men role in it, take us to a return to the system where females and males will be shared by all, without any distinction or discrimination.
It sounds interesting.
Where is my dinner?
Stop posting, terrible thread. Stop replying guys.
Why are you triggered?
Sexual liberation and thr suppression of the homo taboos is in the scope of gender equality.
A real equal society implies same access to sex for everyone.
Including trans.
It is and it is not.
I hope some high Autism Level feedback will show up.
Because the doctrine does not add up.