My sister was over for Easter. And we talked politics. She is a liberal. I wouldn't say that I'm a socialist necessary. I see the system as a scam that enriches a small minority at the expense of the mass of peasants. And I'm just focusing on self-preservation at this point. I used to shit post on Zig Forums a bit. I mostly shitpost on /biz/ at this point because I am focused on trying to make money and escape this god forsaken rat race. I started investing in crypto-currency a couple years ago and managed to make a decent mint off that. Enough to not have to wage cuck for awhile. The crypto-currency bubble has burst. I still have profit but it's not what it used to be. I am dreading having to go back to wage cucking. I've been NEET for 3 years. I would rather go ER than have to go back to wage cucking. It was brutal.
I told her that I am sick of the Liberal government in our country. All they do is tax the hell out of working people and we don't get anything to show for it. We are slaves until 65+. Working jobs that we hate to buy shit we need. People work 40+ hour work weeks in 2018 with both parents working while back in the 1950s one 40-hour salary was enough to support 2 adults, 2-3 children and a dog. Society is contributing more and more labour hours and what are we getting out of it?
Meanwhile there are people who through the luck of the birth lottery are born into wealth and never have to wage cuck a day in their lives. Meanwhile everyone is essentially born into slavery.
My sister says, "Don't concern yourself with how much other people have. You have it better than a lot of other people."
Are you fucking kidding me? There are people on this planet who have a lot because they were born into the right family and they basically lend out their inherited capital to labour, who them work the capital and make goods and services out of it. And then the proceeds of that worked capital go to the owners of that capital while the wage cucks are given the scraps. Just enough to keep them alive and productive.
And then she's like "but there are rich people who worked hard to earn their wealth. And then they pass that wealth onto their children. What's wrong with that?"
She says "I'm going to be working until I'm 65 too. I only have 22 years to go. I've been working since I was 15 so I'm more than half way there. What's wrong with that?"
This is a liberal. This is someone who is supposed to be one of the "good guys"?!
I understand that my sister makes good money. She pulled in $91,000+ USD BEFORE TAXES. And the taxes we pay here are pretty high. But even she admits that she is going to be wage cucking until 65+. And she works 40+ hours per week. Unpaid overtime. And she is just resigned to this fate.
She is like "you should do some yoga. You need to get rid of these negative thoughts. They will do you no good. I work hard and I feel zen when I do yoga."
I'm like "In the Russian Revolution, in the Cuban Revolution, people were willing to die for what they believed in. And now you wage cucks are just resigned to your fate and you COPE with your positive thinking yoga bullshit."
And she's like "but those people in Cuba and Russia were starving. They were in excruciating poverty. Worse than what we are experiencing here. And did the Russian and Cuban Revolution really work out for them? Did it? Communism doesn't work. We have it much better than the peasants did in Russia and Cuba. The only problem right now is the income inequality. But our quality of life is way better."
Ugggghhh. I can't fucking stand wage cucks. I don't know how they cope. Am I the only one who had a mental breakdown after having to wage cuck for a few years? Is this what life is? Giving so much of your life to make someone else rich and told me to be grateful for the opportunity to do so. Dealing with nagging bosses, shitty customers, gossipy co-workers, fighting through rush-hour stop-and-start traffic. I just wanted to go ER in my office building.
I am at the brink. If this crypto trading thing doesn't work out, I am thinking about going full-on lumpen-proletariat getting into carding in the darknet markets. I'm just sick of this shit. Revolution isn't coming because people are so classcucked out of their minds. So I think to myself, "I might as well become a criminal."
I sometimes wonder if Jason Unruhe is right about the first world.