Zig Forums we need to talk

I'm tired of being stuck in my echo chamber and I'm tired of you being stuck in your echo chamber, so I've come here to your echo chamber so that someone can talk some sense into someone. I just have to ask-

What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

Are you here because you want to end the exploitative capitalist system?

Or, are you here because you want infinite queers, trannies, niggers and spics?

If you're here for the "cultural leftism", I've got a news flash for you: you can fuck off and go be capitalists. The current capitalist system loves that shit. You can see the big corporations painting rainbow flags on everything. They want atomized consumers who cannot unite against their system, and that's what cultural leftism offers them.

Question one:

If you want to end the exploitative capitalist system, have you noticed that Jews are the ones running this system? When Occupy Wall Street was out protesting Goldman Sachs, did anyone notice that you were protesting the biggest Jewish bank in the country?

Debt slavery, the mechanism behind the capitalist control system, was previously called "usury", and this was prohibited, but not to Jews, who moved into this market because it was forbidden. These people now own and operate most of the banks which make your slavebucks out of nothing.

If you want to rise up against the people who control the money supply, isn't it time that you noticed that these people are overwhelmingly Jews?

Question two:

Name me a country where socialism has worked.

Great. Now, name me one country, which is not a homogenous white country, where socialism has worked.

That's what I thought.

It is impossible to have socialism in a multiethnic society because it implies a transfer of wealth from the productive group- in our case, whites- to the nonproductive groups.

This is the reason why the United States does not have and cannot have what Canada has.

Imagine that congress proposed a bill- we're going to tax everyone, and give free health care to everyone, and also to everyone in Uganda.

Now, you might be like, "but, why Uganda? Those aren't Americans."

So they say, "Okay, sure. We're going to boat them all over to America, and give them passports. Now they're Americans, because they have these American papers, see? Pay for them."

That is what happened in the United States. Everything "socialistic" we have created- welfare, food stamps, disability, social security, medicare, medicaid, school lunches, housing subsidies- has been -ravenously- consumed by these people who do nothing to contribute to these systems.

If you want to have social safety nets like in Holland, you have to have a society like in Holland, where the people identify with the people who receive the help, and feel like they should not leech more than they need, because it is their system.

Socialism has never worked in any other context, and will never work in any other context.

Change my mind.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I doesn't matter if the capitalist bourgeoisie is jews, wypipo or literal reptillians. If you end capitalism itself they can't jew you anymore.

In the past Zig Forums was strongly against "cultural leftism" AKA idpol, but we seem to have been succesfully invaded by twitter/reddit idpollers as of late.

Can't bother to read the rest of your shit.

Scandanavian countries aren't socialist you drooling retard. Social democrats are scum

You've neither a clue of what leftism entails, ideologically or economically, nor any earnest desire to do so - as you've made blatant with your post. I'd really prefer to see you buried, sorry

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you're a basic bitch burger libtard getting mad at other basic bitch burger libtards. your understanding of political economy literally doesn't extend an inch outside of the hegemony of ruling class ideology. the bluepills are in your blood, you've been getting pumped with them from birth by the media, education system and armies of useful idiots.
you're going to need to do a lot of unpacking of this baggage of garbage before you can approach communism in good faith.



We know. The Frankfurt School, which you believe to be "Cultural Marxists", predicated that.

And many other people who don't happen to be of Jewish origin. We don't care about what color capitalists have.

The Soviet Union or the GDR for example. Scandinavia is capitalist, they are merely a social democracy.

Capitalism is literally the transfer of wealth to an unproductive minority, the bourgeoisie. The USSR was a multiethnic society.

I see a jew sitting in a seat of power, that seat allows any man who sits in it to control me and others
I certainly dont like the jew, but my first priority is to destroy his chair
I certainly dont think the jew will give up without a fight, and if he dies defending the chair then so be it
I dont understand ☭TANKIE☭s though, they are my enemy just as much as the jew they just want the chair for themself

pic related

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Tell us something we don't know. We oppose identity politics. Lurk more.

Sure. It also doesn't matter. Replacing them with whites will change nothing. The whole system must be dismantled. Anti-semitism is a red herring that distracts the proles from the real issue at hand - class struggle.

Also Israel is shit and Jewish porky will get the bullet.

Not socialist in any way, shape or form.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, China.

The USSR was the most multi-ethnic society in the world.

We don't. We want worker ownership of the means of production.

Socialism isn't about the government doing stuff.

Lurk more. If you want to argue then at least take some time to learn about who you are going to argue with.

Capitalists are chads, you guys are the virgins.

t. bootlicker

And we're going to seize the means of reproduction

Are you a fucking retard?

Remember 99% of Zig Forumsyps have never even read the Manifesto

Idpol =/= revolutionary
If they were white it would make no difference.
4 what purpose

Soviet Union, North Korea, Eastern Block, China…
Wait, why?

The ones that have redouble their efforts to be insufferable by trying to affect some aire of intellectualism - all the while failing to grasp basic tenets of leftist thought or theory

Yes, it does matter if the people ruling over us are not our people, and we are being ruled over by a foreign people.

Go to some occupied country- I don't know, Afghanistan- and tell the people that the problem has nothing to do with being ruled by foreigners who are hostile to their existence, but with some theoretical component of the system by which they are being ruled.

Tell them that they could be happy under American rule, if only the American rule were structured differently.

Okay, then please give me an example of socialism working. Iceland was paradise the last time I checked, pretty much #1 in everything good and last place in everything bad.

incoherent bullshit, try again

incoherent bullshit, try again.

Maybe you should learn something about Chinese communism, and notice that it has only worked for a homogenous Chinese society ruled by Chinese people.

I don't know what year you think it is, but the Soviet Union collapsed. You can blame other people for this but it's pretty much "we wuz kangz" tier projection. It collapsed without anyone needing to make war on it.

Yes, capitalism is the transfer of wealth to an unproductive minority, and multiethnic socialism is the transfer of wealth to other unproductive minorities.

The solution is Not Socialism, or Chinese communism, which are pretty much the same thing.

I hate to break it to you kid, but there will always be a chair. What you are hoping for is that the person sitting in the chair will use the chair to prevent poverty among the people. This is not likely to happen if he is not one of the people.

Class struggle cannot be separated from racial struggle. Different races occupy different places in the capitalist hierarchy due to their differing natures.

If Iceland isn't "socialist" enough for you, try Communist China. Also a homogenous, self-ruled people. The USSR collapsed.

Aaaand, it collapsed. On its own. What sort of mental gymnastics do you people do to deal with it?

Are you closing your eyes to the homogenous Communist Chinese system that is taking over the world with its terrifying efficiency, to LARP about a system that collapsed under its own weight?

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epic, simply epic


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North korea is still alive.
And social democracy is not socialism in any shape or form

Are you trolling us?

The point is I don't give a shit if the capitalist is white, black or jewish I want to take away his power because I think that power itself is unjust.


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explain instead of just saying stuff.

Is this the power of Zig Forums arguments? Have they even read Mein Kampf, let alone works by leftists?

The USSR didn't collapse, it was undemocratically dissolved from above. You are also shifting the goalposts here - the fact it was dissolved in 1991 doesn't mean it "didn't work".

Nice monologue you got there. What do you even need us for? You already know every argument the left has to offer, clearly.
You have not come in good faith at all. Fuck right back to your echochamber.

bad map

At least learn what the fuck it is you are arguing against. Saying that Scandinavian social democracy is "socialist" is always a dead giveaway.
Just another stupid ass neo-lib that thought they would write a "gotcha" post.
At least try not to pretend like that can be done. I'd have an easier time talking you into killing yourself. Which is why we shouldn't try to convert nazis and neo-libs but just put them against the wall.

Zig Forums suddenly turns into anti-imperialists the moment it serves them. You know, this is actually a very typical debate tactic by fascists, I'm not even sure how to describe it besides dishonesty, or - as they like to call it - "pilpul."

My question is why are you so focused DA JOOS and not just nefarious predatory capitalists in general? Sure, some of them may or may not be Jewish, banking and media they may have some over representation and nepotism at play, but at the end of the day, you focus ONLY on that and not at all the other elites (who usually happen to be WASPs) who are doing the same shit. It's not about Judaism or white vs nonwhites, it's about capitalism. It's the profit motive. You need to attack the whole system and not just find a scapegoat for the system's shortcomings.

I'm tired of being stuck in my echo chamber and I'm tired of you being stuck in your echo chamber, so I've come here to your echo chamber so that someone can talk some sense into someone. I just have to ask-
New fag detected. Anarchists and ☭TANKIE☭s are constantly at eachothers throats, not to mention most of us hate BO, who's basically a dengist.

What's wrong with you firstly?


Or, are you here because you want infinite queers, trannies, niggers and spics?
No, but i don't see what's wrong with gays, transgenders, blacks and mexicans. If anything your bigotry might be the answer for your first question.

That's liberalism you fuckwit. We're fully aware that capitalism commodifies social justice ad nauseum. Unlike liberals however, we don't think that sticking a rainbow flag on an ad or making trans people CEO's will work. It's still capitalism, no matter how ""progressive"" it may seem.

I thought you already asked a question. Truly, the mind of a Zig Forumsyp is one to behold.

There's also whites, chinese and Saudia arabian princes all running various forms of capitalism on competing markets. China has the biggest concentration of millionaires, you're merely just viewing this from an american perspective.
Does it matter if they're jewish? A jewish worker is our comrade, the jewish bourgeoise is our enemy. At this point you're just saying "we'll have a better system if there's less jews". Ok, then what? Subject us to state capitalism and have white billionaires? Besides, 50 percent of billionaires are white. You're basically saying that by magically getting rid of 30 percent of billionaires (excluding the Chinese and Saudis) this will make capitalism more acceptable?

And the other 50 percent of white billionaires don't do this?

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What the fuck does Uganda have to do with this? Free healthcare and increased taxes aren't socialist.

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Admittedly I just pulled the first good-looking one I found down. Still, the point stands


I guess posting pepes at liberal journalists and being edgy is more worthwhile to brainlets

Is this op or not?

Okay, let's expand that subject-

92% of China's population are ethnic Han chinese. The minorities are repressed by the government which marginalizes them and forces them to learn Mandarin.

This is how China treats it minorities.


Then there's the Tibet thing, but I assume you already understand how the Chinese treat the Tibetians. I'll give you a hint: they ethincally cleanse them.

Yes, but, if you believe the western media, North Korea is an absolute shithole, and if you look at it from space, all the lights are off- definitely not working, bro.

This doesn't really go to my argument though- North Koreans hate gays, trannies, and anyone who is not North Korean. They are a homogenous and actually reactionary society.

All the lights are off, though, so I prefer to concentrate on China, a homogenous and actually reactionary society that is taking over the world with its terrifying productive efficiency.

No. I am a Chinese communist and I am trying to make you understand that Chinese communism works because China is actually reactionary and ethnically homogenous.

Okay, looks like there are people here who seriously still LARP over the USSR.

Being "undemocratically dissolved from above" is a way of collapse. The fact that this system did not have an effective administration, which caused an unfit leader to rise to power, is indicative of a structural flaw in its management.

I'm not Zig Forums, I'm me. Western Imperialism in the Middle East has been a uniquely Jewish invention, driven by the Jewish neoconservatives who used Bush as their figurehead.

Because the Jews are responsible for promoting the degenerate values and population transfers that make socialism impossible.

I'm not reading your long, gay pic. I have explained why the first steps the United States has taken towards a structural shift to "real socialism" have failed, and you haven't really given a rebuttal.

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Fascists have no theory or any coherence behind their views beyond emotions. So they can freely conjure up whatever arguments, without putting their worldview at risk - because there isn't one beyond "the big other is bad". So you can see Zig Forumstards making typical liberal arguments quite often, because it's what they've been exposed to all their lives, and it doesn't contradict their narrative - nothing does.

It is like arguing with a religious person - there is no solid foundation you can attack, only sophistry. They can endlessly reinterpret their scripture and say stuff while never placing the burden of proof on themselves. Their opponent, who is forced to argue rationally against essentially nothing, an endless stream of stuff, will eventually give up so the religious person can claim victory.

It isn't dishonesty, it's the thorough philosophical emptiness of their ideology.

No this is not OP, I am OP, and above is OP.

I am now addressing the wider notion of "destroying capitalism itself" or "owning the means of production" or "destroying class heirarchy", patience please

The intellectual capacity of Zig Forums, comrades.

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What type of bait is this

Also I gave a rebuttal. Welfare policies, foodstamps, and free health care are not socialist, we've stated that at best they are social democracies, but even then they are still capitalist. Fuck me sideways, are you that fucking dense?

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thanks for clearing that up.

Racism existing doesn't change the fact that you've just admitted that china isn't a homogeneous state.

Yeah, sure you are.

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Are you retarded?


What's with this fucking spacing OP?
A personal and whitespace-isolated row for nearly every fucking sentence? It's not clarifying formatting, as it doesn't clarify shit. I would tell you to go back to the R-lettered you-know-where because of this, but I can't be fucking asked.

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Okay, look.

The idea of having "everyone collectively rule everything" is not new. This was thought of a long time ago, in a place called Athens, and it was called "democracy."

This system ended up having elected representatives, because each individual man cannot effectively think about each issue, and these representatives became the new power wielders.

Point one:

There will always be the rulers, and the ruled.

This is true in Cuba, in Venezuela, in China, in North Korea, it was true in the USSR, it has been true in every county ever, and it will always be true in every country ever.

If you think that this is not the case, please provide me with one historical example in which a country has not been ruled over by one person, or by relatively few people, who wielded power over all the other people.

I have provided the example of -literally every country ever-, so if you can provide one counterexample, that would be great.

Otherwise, you can throw that idea into the trash, and move on towards the more realistic thing that I want:

rulers who care for the people and make sure that they do not suffer poverty.

Point two:

There will always be different classes of material wealth in society.

This is, again, true in every country everywhere, including all of your favorite socialist utopias, the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, China, etc.

Not only do the rulers always have more material wealth than the ruled, but the useful people- doctors, engineers, professors, scientists, etc- usually have more wealth than the other people. Where this has not been the case, there has never been a very productive caste of doctors, engineers, etc.

Even China- and I take the opportunity to remind you that I am a Chinese Communist- has a growing middle class.

It has a million very rich people, more than a hundred million of reasonably rich people, and hundreds of millions of people who are not very rich at all.

This is a consequence of the market reforms which have allowed China to begin rapidly outpacing the West by working pricing and incentives into their system.

The Chinese vision of the future is not one in which everyone has the same wealth. That is impossible. The vision of the future is one in which the poorest person has what he needs- food, shelter, work, healthcare, a family, and respect.

So, if you are going to hold onto the notion of classless society, please, just provide me one example of a classless society which has ever worked. I continue to note that -every society ever has had social class- and that this is natural and inevitable.

literally every single one of your posts confirms that you're an amerimutt brainlet completely enthralled to liberal ideology

Class is not equal to hierarchy. Your argument doesn't become more sophisticated if you just keep writing the same bullshit over and over.
Humans lived the majority of their existence in a classless society till the Neolithic Revolution

Are you actually this new? Communism is the only classless society and can only exist when the whole world is socialist. Can you tell me when the whole world was socialist? No? So don't expect classless society. Socialism is just a dictatorship of the proletariat, it doesn't eliminate classes, it just advances the class struggle

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you have no fucking idea what economic class is.

go read the communist manifesto, it's not a long read, before then arguing with you is pointless.

also China is capitalist as fuck.

Oh my god are you a fucking redditor from 4chan? Don’t try to hide it. Go fuck your self you absolutely autistic shit. I will make sure my irreverent village of under 100 people mock you.

The Chinese are taking over the world, why would anyone deny that their formula is the winning combination?

They are the first step towards institutional change towards socialism, and they failed for the same reasons that full socialism cannot work in the united states.

The way to transform capitalist society into socialist society without a huge destructive bloodbath is to move it there until you get it there. The United states took the first step, and failed due to its demographic problem.

Like, what do you think you are even arguing about with me? Do you recognize that "social democracy policies" or whatever you want to call them, in the United States, amount to a transfer of wealth from one population to another, less capable population, and are therefore virulently opposed by the people?

Do you understand that this same problem would be encountered in any attempt at what you think "real socialism" is?

If the problems of multiculturalism are encountered with soft "at best social democracy" policies, would they not also be encountered with "true socialism lol"?

Racism exists because race exists. The chinese, -due to their race-, have an average Autism Level of 105, a larger cranial volume than the eurasian and african races, and a temperament which suits them lots and lots of work, high sociability and cooperativeness, and low crime.

They're smart, hard working, easy to get along with, and they identify with other chinese. That is why their system is working.

The 8% of minorities that they brutally oppress do not really provide an argument against the idea that Chinese communism works because everyone who is anyone is Han Chinese, and everyone else is being ethnically cleansed.

Scandanavia is democratic socialist. I'm a realistic person choosing the winning side, not a fucking leftypol sperg fapping off about "real socialism".

No, are you?

Sorry, what was the working socialist state? Venezuela? Hunger lately, lol?

Yeah, cry me a river for North Korea.

If you believe the news, life in North Korea is shit.

If you don't believe the news, nobody knows, because it's a hermit country.

Why are we talking about the retarded Stalinist little brother of the Chinese, whose superior post-Mao system is driving them to world supremacy?










Yeah the reddit spacing is certainly something to geez at.

you nigger
they're a social democracy
how hard is this for you to understand redditor

It's a social democracy same as scandinavia and Iceland, which we already told you are not our thing

The definitions of social democracy and socialism both agree that the latter isn't socialism….. What part of that do you not understand?

Oh wait, you call that """democratically socialist""".
It's a parliamentary democracy you fuckwit.
Futhermore, The highest executive authority of the State is vested in the Government, which consists of a Prime Minister and roughly 22 Ministers who head the ministries. The Ministers are appointed at the sole discretion of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is nominated by the Speaker and appointed following a vote in the Riksdag itself. The Monarch plays no part in this process.
I doubt socialism would have a """monarch""" in power, nor would it operate on the basis of parliamentary democracy.


Why are you changing the argument?

Every public appearance of selfproclaimed "leftist" is filled with cringe queers, trannies, black supremacy revisionists, feminists, most in fact dominate by them. Where are these leftists that oppose what you call "identity politics" domiating your so called "revolution"?

Only in decade old quotes of dead people and post like yours, found only on obscure anonymous boards like this and only whenever someone from the outside brings it up we ever see some nuances of "the left" opposing anything about them at all.

No, even here in your own echochamber you tiptoe around the issue and still only use deflecting terms like "identity politics" to reject it while avoding to call the spade a spade, but everyone knows you obviously just don't want the cringe and ugly goblins walking around out there to be identified with your politics, because this instinctive behavior is just hardwired into our genes and every child can tell that, but you will probably deny even that.

"The lefts" fiction and idols are covered with buff or pretty idealistic supermodels with caucasoid baselines screaming Aryan superpower no less than the propaganda of the 3rd Reich. They dont feature fat crook nosed eggheaded guys "according to his ability", they feature "charismatic" and "beautiful" people blessed by genetics, you wish to be.

You're thinking of liberals not leftists.

social democracy is not a step towards socialism, it is a measure enacted by the bourgeoisie to distract the proles from the class struggle

socialism = worker ownership of the means of production

socialism =/= government doing shit

please at least give the communist manifesto a quick skim or loom it up on sparknotes, your posts are ridiculous because you simply don't know what you are even trying to argue against

OP. Please stop, you clearly have no idea what anything related to socialism is.

So just to summarise:
-Private property is still used for profit as opposed to human need. Sweeden can't even be counted as a "dictatorship of the proleteriat". True, they have to pay tax, but if taxes are automatically socialist then you're more retarded than I thought.

-It still operates on a parliamentary democracy
It doesn't even follow the model of direct democracy, workers councils, syndicalist unions, or a vanguard party. If this is your brain on ""chinese communism""" I sincerely hope they bring Hoxha back from the dead to purge shit-cunts like you.


you are thinking no i dont want my politics to be identified with that thats not true leftist/socialism/mypolitics thats "liberals" just as i just told you how the left acts as opposed to what you keep saying

Us not having anything in common with them is why we can't be grouped together. This is almost as stupid as someone saying that monarchists and libertarians are the same because I said so.

they are tho, if we're being dialectic

its checkers as usual lads

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Read a real book.

Wicherts, Borsboom, & Dolan (2010) argue that black-white differences in brain size are insufficient to explain 91% to 95% of the black-white Autism Level gap.

But let's just assume your'e correct Nisbett et al. argue that crude brain size is unlikely to be a good measure of Autism Level; for example, brain size also differs between men and women, but without well-documented differences in Autism Level. At the same time newborn Black children have the same average brain size as Whites, suggesting that the difference in average size could be accounted for by differences in postnatal environment. Several factors that reduce brain size have been demonstrated to disproportionately affect Black children.

I'm surprised you haven't been banned for being a fuckwit for this long.

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Is this all you people do?

Like, I come up here with an essential thesis:

Socialism only works in actually reactionary, ethnically homogenous societies with high-IQ races.

I cite an example in China, the actually reactionary, ethnically homogenous society with a high-IQ race.

There's no real rebuttal of this. So.. I guess you guys agree with me, then, and that we're pretty much all agreed on that, and that is why we are talking about these semantics.

Yeah, dude, outside of your little echo chamber, the term "social class" refers to "economic level", like "impoverished, working class, middle class, upper class, ruling class."

Yeah, but, no.

There wasn't much "society" before agriculture, so there wasn't much class within it, but wherever you had as much of a clan, there would be someone in charge, usually because he was the strongest and capable of leading, and he would get better access to food and women, resources.

Try again.

There are memes about people like you, dude.

China is not waiting for the rest of the world to become socialist, they do not reasonably expect this to happen, and they are not dragging their feet, waiting for this to happen, and crying like a little bitch about it, sort of the way you are.

They are just building their own working insulated society, for themselves.

Oh boo hoo, the Chinese Communists are capitalist as fuck, because they reformed a system that failed- command economy Stalinism- into a system that works- mixed-economy post-Maoism- and you're butthurt about it.


I don't even have a reddit account.

And yet you just spaced your words that way, not on reddit.

Anyone can press a space bar.

Is this the point where everyone concedes my original thesis: that socialism can only succeed in a culturally unified and culturally conservative society of ethnically homogenous people of a high-IQ race?

a bunch o sperging, referring me to a bunch of long texts because he cannot argue directly or argue from them, so he wants to divert to an outside authority.

So, your argument is that ethnically homogenous people tend naturally to help each other, but that "self-ruling systems" are anarchic and inevitably have states impose other systems on them?

Where's the argument? Like, what you disagreeing with me about?

Have you ever been to Cuba, seriously?

Cuba is not "muh ebil dictatorship", it is just a dictatorship, as it should be. No one anywhere seriously thinks that Cuba is not a dictatorship. Dictatorship is the correct system for the people of Cuba, just as the removal of term limits for our glorious leader Xi Jinping is the correct system for the Chinese people.

Then you get angry and start cursing because every country always has a ruling and a ruled and this upsets you. Great.

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how can one debate with that

I addressed this, but I'll tag you anyway.

It's a "social democracy" which is going through huge failures, power outages, newborn babies dying for lack of medicine, hunger, etc. Not really an exemplary system.

Are we still mincing words? Democratic socialism is a form of socialism, or it is socialistic and it has enough things in common with socialism that lessons can be learned from it with respect to socialist policies.

Still sperging about this, having done nothing to address or refute my thesis and autistically kvetching over your snowflake terminology as opposed to general terminology used by wider people.

Literally, "not one of us, not one of us", the chant.

What's the change, sorry?

China is not a multicultural society. It is a society with one culture, held by 92% of its people, which unapologetically enforces that culture upon the other 8%.

These people are also racially more or less the same, they are east asians, and could never be divided the way afroamericans and whites are divided.

Like, this is a good question, or a good point.

If "you oppose" this, why haven't I noticed any of you? I stick my head out, and I see the right opposing the cultural destruction program and the invasion of Europe, and the left not doing this.

In China, I am a Chinese Communist. In the West, I am a Not Socialist, because there is no reaction from the left against the cultural subversion and the invasion.

Workers can never collectively own the means of production, this has never happened and will never happened. All self-identified communist systems have had rulers who have made decisions for the rulers, with names and usually with cults of personality, such as Kim, Mao, Stalin, Chavez, Castro, etc.

Do you realize that you are a meme, and that you only think you are a person?

Okay, look.

While you autistics were sperging around in leftypol, the meaning of the word "socialism" changed. You no longer own the term. You wish you would, but this "true socialism has never been tried" spergery is something that only happens in anime forums on the internet, whereas "democratic socialism" is the name of a system that is actually practiced in parts of Europe.

They took your name away from you. Go cry to a fucking attorney and try to patent it. I call things what they are called, not what the Communist Manifesto called their precursor concept more than a hundred years ago.

dude, like, don't even bother trying to argue race with me, you will trigger my hatefacts and embarass yourself. Just quietly quit and pretend it didn't happen.

My argument for Chinese Communism is not that they have achieved or will achieve the utopia planted by Marx a long time ago. My argument is their system is taking over the world and is working for their people.

There's a reason we stuffed Mao's wife in jail, you know. There were improvements to be made. We are looking forward while it seems many people here are looking backwards.

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China hasn't had a socialist economy in decades you moron.

I know that this is hard for you to understand but social democracy and democratic socialism are two different things.

t. barnie sandlers

Is OP still Reddit spacing?

I know this will be a challenge for you OP but you can do it, i believe in you

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fuck off tanky

Off yourself nigger. Is there still commodity production while the means of production is privatized? Yes? Well then that would mean it is capitalism. Unless you think that there is only free-market or mildly regulated capitalism which is not true.

You are wrong and a faggot.
t. Chink

fuckwits like you who cant even admit being too dumb to understand a basic map like that even when told in their face whats the problem with their missinterrpretation, should be banned from live.

China is not a multicultural society. It is a society with one culture, held by 92% of its people, which unapologetically enforces that culture upon the other 8%.

These people are also racially more or less the same, they are east asians, and could never be divided the way afroamericans and whites are divided.

This was about china being a multi ethnic country not about it's culture.

democratic socialism is socialism but it and social democracy are two different things.

it has a mixed economy, that is why it is succeeding.

Like, I'm not sure how to break this to you guys, but "communism 1.0" is a meme, it failed, people starved, everyone else moved on.

I am not worshipping the manifesto of this system like a bible. The degree of cultlike thinking here is powerful for such militantly atheistic people. I want people to have a government that guarantees that even the lowest person has the things that they need, in which people work to advance their nation and people and not to buy shiny useless consumer shit.

The Chinese system has successfully maintained sufficient State control over the market to prevent the abuses of the capitalist system, while recognizing that they cannot be prosperous with a command economy and with full state control of enterprise.

It. Is. Working.

We are taking over the world, and raising the standard of living of our people, and protecting them against the global capitalist system that has ravaged the west.

If you want to point at your book and be like, "this is not following the instruction manual written 100 years ago by a philosopher", you can just go to the same place where we send the Christians and other religious fanatics- to go be purists in a corner.

Wait- you are already there, in your autist corner. That is what leftypol is, your autist corner. You are -last generation- communists. China represents the next stage in the communist system, one which works and which is taking over the world.

We will continue to take the world, and you can have your corner. Okay?


Same as the above.

I am seeing that we really agree on the basic point here, that a socialist system requires the high trust that happens between people who are part of the same racial and ethnic group, and that the "trannyfag" thing is a social cancer that the last-generation communists, but that even these last-generation communists, like our hero Che, had the good sense to send these degenerates to reeducation camps.

Look, I can play this game too.

It is in fact you, sir, who is wrong and possibly a faggot.

See, I did it too. It doesn't require any evidence.

Attached: communismnofood.jpg (95x125, 2.46K)

suicide nets are actually existing socialism

made by fucking retard gang

The state of china's economy isn't relevant as to whether or not it's socialist or not and there's no such thing as a mixed economy either because an economy is either socialist or capitalistic with no fucking in betweens.

Socialism is when the government does stuff and the more stuff the government does the more socialist it is

Just one more for this guy:

, and East Asian-descended people (East Asians) 1364 cm3. These brain size
differences, containing millions of brain cells and hundreds of millions of synapses, were hypothesized to underlie the race differences on Autism Level tests, in which Blacks average an Autism Level of 85, Whites 100, and East Asians 106.


You don't have to feel bad about being wrong, you can just restructure your understanding of the world around available evidence.

Well, this is the funny thing about a system where the future of the country is more important than the individual.

Sacrifices get made.

There are economies where all the businesses are private, there are economies where all the businesses are state-controlled, and there are economies where some of the businesses are private and some of them are state-controlled.

There's literally a wikipedia article to explain to you this thing that you think doesn't exist.


I'm becoming disappointed in realizing that most of leftypol is not about addressing ideas in common language, but autistically insisting that outsiders use the ingroup language so as to create barriers between yourselves and normal people.

You should read Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", specifically, the part about "long-haired freaks who turn people off intentionally and then say, at least I tried."



If every middle-easterner decided tomorrow that they were elephants, and they called themselves "elephants" and not middle-easterners, and they persisted in this, then the word "elephant" would acquire a new definition.

Its first, principal definition would be like this:

Elephant. 1. a person of middle-eastern origin. 2. a large mammal of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea.

Attached: racialiqdistribution.png (286x176, 6.17K)

That is in fact framed very generously. Break it down from the angle of "most dominant group" to "ruling" and the image becomes even more unicolored. China is ruled from top to bottom by a very small set of tightly related ruling family clans followed by near 100% of the lesser mandates sharing the same "tribe", at least before the whole token and diversity schemes kicked off that obfuscate things.

Every fucking western country is a mixed by that metric because no one's stupid enough to have unregulated capitalism with no fucking laws. Every fucking government has at least a few state owned enterprises and heavier restrictions in volatile areas of their economies and you don't see anyone calling the us government now do you?

China is either Socialist or not

It doesn't matter if the government controls x amount of businesses if it still runs them like capitalists and then lets the other half exploit their workers in shitty sweatshops for surplus stealing. That's called state capitalism and it's what half of china is with the other half being totally exploitative capitalism.

What are you even trying to argue, all you do is get btfo by someone proving that Scandinavia is not socialist in the slightest then you move onto some other nitpicky thing in their post, you've done this shit like 5 times in the thread.

Write out whatever it is your trying to argue and take your time the boards a lot slower then 4chan pol so you can formulate a well constructed argument for whatever it is your trying to do.
We've already done that, what else do you have to offer

ITT brainlets who
Just skimming through this thread it looks like you're all fucking retarded. Instead of having some purity spiral about meaningless trash, how about you all start working together on something? Go work with Zig Forums to take down the Jews if you want an end to fiat currency and abused workers. Work on a plan for ethnostates if you want an end to racism. These things are obtainable with a little effort, and the US is ripe for overthrow and balkanization. I would set aside my differences to fight along side others here.

I also see a lot of "leftists" out there who are pushing for gun control these days. Gun control isn't something that anyone in their right mind wants. The government you so hate will stomp you into the ground like never before. But unlike the far right, I doubt any of you have hidden guns you can run off and grab in that situation. You all want to be revolutionaries but you're ill prepared and incredibly salty about the right rising up. Rise with us and we'll hash it out later. Right now we all have a common enemy. This enemy is the Jew. This is why the right is gaining ground. Behind it all, we mostly disagree on economics and race. You all need to accept that not all people are created equal. Race is not only real, but has a huge impact on how successful a person can ever be. There are real Autism Level limitations in blacks specifically. Of course there are exceptions, but those do not make the rule.

So to wrap it all up, consider meeting us half way. Do your own research, and when you come to the same conclusions, simply accept the truth. Join us in the fight against capitalist Jews that use and abuse people for profit. Help us to end racism by allowing all peoples to have their own nation. Who knows, maybe some of the whites here will end up joining us in the Pacific Northwest ethnostate. We'll have free healthcare and schooling, and there's plenty of infrastructure to be updated which will require a government funded work program.

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Yes, that is pretty much how a country should be ruled, and the only way that a country can be ruled, and it is successful, and it is the future of Communism.

You talk about "a dictatorship of the proliteriat" but you seem confused by the idea of a government which allows capital enough liberty to create useful things but curtails that liberty when it harms people or the national interest.

This is the imposition of state power over capital power.


Wrapping this up, I guess.

It's become pretty clear that no one here is interested in arguing on behalf of the "frankfurt school" cultural revolution, feminism, fags, trannies, or getting invaded by third worlders, and you just want to argue about the true meaning of socialism.

Which is fine, I guess. I don't have strong feelings about the meaning of words or much of an interest in arguing long about them when everyone understands what the other person is saying.

Why has there been no effective resistance from the hard left towards non-trivial issues, like Europe being invaded by violent, low-IQ savages who are collapsing their welfare systems and other public systems?

Trying to change the nature of your governance is pretty futile when you are being ruled by a hostile foreign elite and flooded with people you can never make a society with.

Your failure to address these issues is why you have basically been shouted off of Zig Forums, which was itself a containment board, and exiled here, to your meta-containment board.

You aren't reaching anyone. At this point, you should just give up and join the alt-right as ideologically pure socialists. The two words "national socialist" when put together undoubtedly provoke incredible autism, but you are already socialists, and you should be nationalists, in the same sense that the Chinese are nationalists, and socialists, and therefore Not Socialists.

It's kind of hard for normal people to care a lot about this "deck chairs on the titanic" autism when the actual capitalist power structure is invading them with aggressive and low-IQ foreign brown people.

The very term "alt-right" is a perjorative attached to it by those who label it according to the previous "left-right" dialectic, under which both labels represented a form of capitalist rule, and a denial of the new "nationalist-globalist" dialectic, under which globalism represents the dictatorship of international capitalism, and nationalism has yet to define its economic model because it has yet to take power.

I am not going to dox myself completely, but I will say that I am high level person within the alt-right, low name recognition doing more technical work, but in direct contact with names you would recognize.

Pretty much everyone knows I am a Chinese communist and refer to Chinese communism as the best living scaled model of the system which the West must adopt to survive the current capitalist system.

Everyone is fine with this. It is not an ideologically capitalist movement. It is an ideologically nationalist movement. This is the battle which must be fought now, because this is the response to the way in which the capitalist system is currently attacking us.

If you stay in this echo chamber and you do not get on board with the struggle of your generation, you will not be present to have a say in how the state should be structured once we shake off the yoke of the Jewish capitalist bourgeois.

Hail Victory.


Attached: communismwhowouldwin.png (800x500, 278.31K)

China is 92% Han Chinese. I would say that while technically that doesn’t classify it as homogeneous in practice terms it most certainly does.

you've spent the last few years pissing most of it away on petty bullshit while causing enough terror attacks to give liberals enough fuel to take fucking France.