Daily reminder that Cockshott is a TERF
If you truly believe in solidarity with your comrades, you can start by not supporting transphobic authors.
Daily reminder that Cockshott is a TERF
If you truly believe in solidarity with your comrades, you can start by not supporting transphobic authors.
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Even if this was the case, should we dismiss Marx on the basis that he hated Slavs, Bakunin on his anti-semitism?
I didn't think so.
what dark corner of tranny twitter did you crawl out of?
BREAKING: Creator of transphobic webcomic comes out as trans!
Daily reminder that Stalin and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union position that ‘homosexuality is bourgeois decadence’ has been exonerated and proven correct by the rise of intersectionalist post-modern identity politics driven liberal decay infecting the first world ‘left’.
He's totay right tho, he even called out the lgbt lobby on his blog
Honestly who gives a shit
Daily reminder that Marxism is TERF.
Identity politics and transpolitics is Cia niggers pro-porky plot.
He's right again as usual. Thank you for brining this to my attention OP.
Ok. So there is a man, a female, bat were is Xir in this equation?
Pure d e g e n e r a c y.
Phobia is the irrational fear to something.
But in this case is not fear, but plain disgust.
A being suffering a mental illness is not joke.
More worrisome yet when is walking loose on the streets, ready to spread sickness.
ITT: People feeling threatened by the existence of people who are different from them.
So you "feel" also threatened (or annoyed) for people who thinks righter about your points of view.
It is a both ways avenue, you know?
That quote is TERF-tier though.
Shove it.
Great logic.
It's always amused me that Zig Forums hasn't the slightest clue what "degenerate" means.
What about "modern", "progressive", immoral"?
What about "mental illnesses don't spread person to person like the flu you fucking nimrod"?
If you're the future I don't wanna live to see it.
I have very good news for you.
There is a growing consensus that we will not support Trump.
Then, you degenerates will grab power again! Congratulations!
The future will be glorious!
Holy shit this thread.
How is admitting that men and women exist TERF? Ignoring shit like differences in body strength and the fact that only half of humanity can get pregnant is anti-materialist. Seeing how the social roles of men and women have a relation to these facts and are not in in fact entirely arbitrary is materialist, and Butler is a drooling retard for not recognizing that. This is in the sense of analyzing where shit comes from and not in the sense of defending stifling gender roles.
Ironically enough if you know anything about TERF's it's that actual TERF's are Terf's because they wanna abolish gender and consider trans people men or women who conform to gender norms. They're not women who want to identify as "le tru womang." instead they identify as not being anything. Women who want to identify as women are just mixed up with them because they're seen as bad and TERF's are inherently viewed as a boogeyman by the whole left inherently so they became a buzzword.
Does what he said there even make him a TERF?
I know the term is thrown around loosely, but still - people forget how completely shit radfem ideology is to begin with. Does Cockshott advocate banning porn? S&M? Maybe he does, I haven't read Cockshott.
TERFs don't just distinguish between biological women and trans-women - afaik they generally deny dysphoria and see trannies as men attempting to phase out women/take over the female narrative. And to some extent, I don't blame them for that last bit - when you were born and raised 'male,' and you'll never have a period, you have to make some fucking concessions and can't just act like you're the ambassador of the cuntosphere. But generally TERFs' views are extreme, and they get well into the area of imposing one's will over others' bodies.
Oh, and oldschool radfems frequently were super anti-gay, too, and that's not completely gone either.
I don't see anything in that quote that would make him a terf
You dare to question the glorious leader? Aren't the will of the rulers and the will of the people one and the same according to you clowns? Could it be that maybe, just MAYBE, class is the real issue here and he has completely different material interests from you due to the fact that he's part of the bourgeoisie?
When has the left been in power in western politics exactly? Most countries just have two right-wing parties that pander to different flavors of idpol but push the same capitalist economic policies. The left has been largely marginalized in the west for most of the 20th century, and the right is turning the world to shit as a result.
Seems like they're assmad over a strawman tbh. I kind of want to try actually speaking to these people to try to reason with them
I think most people lack the ability to differentiate between critical of trans politics, such as criticizing troons getting on women's-only lists in the Labour Party, or just being a dick to marginalized people. The same way you wouldn't call a black person a nigger because you disagree with BLM you wouldn't misgender transsexuals into their face just because you disagree with trans politics.
That being said, I feel like the word TERF is thrown around as a smear against everybody who is critical of trans politics especially in this whole "dating preferences" discussion. Toxic idiots like Contrapoints imply that you are a TERF because you don't want to date a trans person.
Really? That's retarded. Is it racism to have a thing for a certain ethnic group? Is it homophobic for me as a man to not wanna date other men?
feminine benis is fucking hot tho tbh so i totally would
Guess we cannot be marxist either because marx was a racist, like everybody else was in his time.
It is according to the far-right and the idpol left.
"""Radical""" liberals unironically believe this.
t. reddit
big if true
I'm honestly sick to the back teeth hearing/reading about bloody identity politics. I couldn't give one iota of a fuck about the neuroses of the 0.000001% of the population and their liberal cohorts. Surely there's more important things that we should be focusing/talking about instead of Eddie Izzard and his pink beret :<
Oh what am I blathering about; economics who gives a toss about that? The LGBTQIA++#$*batmansymbol and their myriad of inane problems in the first world is truly the movement which will abolish the present state of things
Okay, well that smug potato nigger is making a workers democracy and you're basically fucking stupid.
Do your own thing though I don't care.
Oh look, its another "leftypol spergs out over the existence of trans people" episode
Cease and desist cis filth
I think the idea that you can "feel" female and have a "female" mindset is ridiculous. If your a male with a certain mindset or personality, your still very much a man
I feel like I'm a dolphin therefore I am one