Mystical communism

How about class collaboration between magicans and agriculture workers? You could try out any societal structure possible as long as you can keep it shrouded from the envious porkies.

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I've actually wanted to to write a Marxist fantasy series that has heavy class conflict. First it would be a pretty generic fantasy setting, but with wizard-nobles being the ruling class.
Then a sort of industrial revolution happens, people figure out how to use "magic" from more external resources,rather than classic internal magic and it becomes more scientific and well understood. The old aristocracy becomes weak and revolutions happen.
Then we have a capitalist like society, where private ownership of the "magical" resources would be analogous to capital. It also would be great for talking about imperialism and colonialism, but also the necessity for the working class of all races to work together in the end. Eventually at the end socialism is established and we all live a better world.

that just sounds like a normal modern fantasy world lore until the end

Didn't Legend of Korra try to do this early on?

part of the point, starts of as normal fantasy world but class conflict and the change of material conditions completely change the world

I suppose, but ti doesn't take a class perspective at all, and is too focused on exceptional individuals(great men) solving problems/chaining society. Also it handles its themes(equality, religious fundamentalism, anarchism, fascism) terribly.

Christians are spiritual imperialists. Get off my pagan board christcoms!

Sounds gay. Why can't there be a wizard vanguard of intellectuals leading a revolution against capitalist normies instead?
Imagine people with no magical powers trying to snuff out magical knowledge out of jealousy, people with no redeeming qualities who rule society only because of smoke and mirror tricks to keep the masses ignorant. They would be so hate-able that the book would write itself!

Wasn't Mao deep into mysticism? There's rumors that he did all sorts of rituals resulting in direction changes and crossings of hostile terrain because the spirits were guiding him and the 1st army.

Could explain why China became a superpower, tbh.

This is reactionary as fuck.

Explain? Magic and secret societies go hand-in-hand. It only makes sense that both are involved in mystic /leftylit/.

With no heretics there will be no new ideas.

Wasn't that pretty much how it happened. First we were oppressed by rituals, now we are oppressed by technology. Thing is, there's still tricks to be done with technology, it's not an alternative to magic, just an extension.

If they use smoke and mirrors, why should we restrain ourselves from that. Imagine if poor would live in a utopia without rich even knowing.

Th revolution is not caused by class conflict but an elite group of special people.

Most fantasy literature is full of heroes. Good luck getting people to read about anything less than an elite group of special people fighting on behalf of the masses.

can't proles be heroes? Or at the very least have interesting parts in a great story?

Hero is by defeniteion a fucker who is born disprivilidged, climbs up the ladder and ends of becoming more or less porkie. It's the fucking american dream that keeps you eating shit from day to day, in a hope that some day you will be special. We need no stories about heroes, we need stories about humane co-operation

Of course! But it'll end up being similar to frodo's role in LOTR. Proles can learn magic too.

Climbing the ladder doesn't make you a hero. Someone that takes up arms and saves society without asking for anything in return is a hero. Che was a hero, never became porky either.

Climbing the ladder doesn't make you porky*

Fuck this i'm half asleep right now

Well IMO the best choice for a protagonist of a left wing fantasy would be a normal prole who chooses to take up arms. You can have exceptional people be leftists but at the end of the only ones who will save the working class is themselves.

Many would argue Che was a goon :^)