Ok ok, transhumanism is VERY dangerous under capitalism! but under socialism… think of the possibilities...
How else we going to get fully automated communism? If we do not augment ourselves our vastly superior robot workers will overthrow us.
Why not maintain our organic brains but augment our physical bodies with replacement parts? We won't have to upload our mind to anything that way, we'll still be human per se, but we'll have vastly superior bodies?
grow up
this is an anti-death cult board
The transhumanism, anti-natalism, radical nihilism, and anti-humanism death cults are literally just the end result of attempting to "despook" humanity. Humanity would naturally die of a mass-extinction if they had no reason to survive in a hostile universe.
You don’t need strong AI to automate the production of most commodities.
Reminder that transsexuality is a form of transhumanism (trannies are not human) and if you disagree with transhumanism you're a TERF.
100% this. Materialism makes no sense at all when you go really deep into it.
You misunderstood the OP
Materialism has nothing to do with transhumanism you fucking retard.
You can engineer your way around them.
We have to maintain our living conditions in the meantime but don't put nature on some sort of pedestal.
If anything, genetic engineering means we can introduce biodiversity back when it was lost through industrialization
The universe is on average vastly less intelligent than even the most stupid of humans and yet it is able to achieve feats that are far beyond what we can even imagine.
Intelligence is vastly overrated.
Being an individual is suffering, being unable to share this shitty existance with anybody, to always feel isolated, alone and not understood, is literally torture. I am incredibly jealous of the humans who will be able to form into a hive mind.
We don't even know what an indvidual is. For what we know we might already be part of an hive mind.
Hell we might just be an organical computing device like the "Hitchhiker's' guide" version of Earth.
luddites get out
If we are I want the hivemind to terminate my existance
Transhumanism is obviously a fable. Material things do not transcend anything. If you build a computer the silicone has not transcended into chiphood, it was simply chemically altered, and the emergent form it previously had as say a crystal was annihilated. That you can run a computer to render a representation of that crystal does not make it come back.
Our being ends with our squishy physicality. We should get beyond the neurosis of hoping to escape that, delay the end as long as any of us finds practicable, and think about other things we might perpetuate besides ourselves, to kill time if nothing else. And I would prefer it be something else than capital. Maybe art or an average of 2.1 children or something.
Transhumanism is a such broad umbrella that having a for/against opinion on it is very stupid.
Although computer engineers are currently struggling to increase raw processing power thanks to heating constraints, artificial intelligence has made tremendous progress over the last ten years. A huge volume of white collar jobs are slowly becoming replaceable, and it seems reasonable to expect that, sooner or later, specialized computers will surpass most human beings in doing just about anything with a profit motive. Whether or not a supercomputer will kill us all to turn us into paper clips is hard to say, and depends both on our treatment of technology and on the constraints natural physics places on information processing. Other fantastic speculation about uploading consciousness or whatever is more or less in the same vein.
Regardless, technological change has changed and will continue to change our lives in profound ways, and refusing to discuss it because "entitled white male manchild nerds who earn money don't get to speculate about social trends" is far past retarded. OP's image is exactly the sort of straw man that any remotely smart person should be disgusted by.
Bro, does the meme in pic related have an official name or maybe a Know Your Meme entry page? I'm looking for a specific one of those I saw a while back.
not that I know of
top lol corvids are some of the most intraspecifically competitive birds there are
you get the rock
that argument is dumb but you're being pedantic. they obviously mean other, less intelligent parts of it.
delet this
Transhumanism is pretty kino tbh
t. 19 year old who just watched Blade Runner and GITS but doesn't read
inside a shitty VR world based in 80's nostalgia
You won't be able to comprehend them or anything because immortality means you stop resembling a human with memories. Rewatch it's such a beautiful day or actually pay attention to Dr Manhattan.
Why do you think there wouldn't be systems in place to prevent this? And the world will be destroyed by natural processes, which is why I find arcology more relevant than transhumanism in socialism. You didn't think that through did you OP?
transhumanism would suck under the current technology. Wait for progress to happen.
what the FUCK is with the luddite hate? Correct me, but was it not a movement built around trying to preserve labor power in the face of machinery? I will beat you with a shoe if you don't support this.
You are way too spooked about transhumanism, but I do agree it's kind of lame. Being a normal person is pretty great, I don't see why you would want to be a robot.
People fetishize technology too much. The idea that we will one day have a henius general ai or a human level ai is totally grounded in fantasy. And I don't want to be that guy but the idea that we can be smarter or dumber is probably rooted in old racialist bs. We really have no reason to believe the human mind can be any smarter than it is, and we (at least I'm not aware) don't even have a good understanding of what being smart really is.
Here's a pretty great article summing this all up.
Feel free to be buttblasted, Zig Forums.
Cyborg female (male) communist takeover when?
early socialism was a reaction towards the new material conditions brought forth by technology
The concept of mankind is in fact a spook, yes.