Would it be possible to convert 4chan to a left-wing hub? You could probably push communism into a more positive light through relentless memes and threads whilst under the guise of being anti-idpol (which naturally links into the anti-pc thing they have going on). Perhaps boards like /lit/ and /his/ could serve as initial starting points as they are already somewhat lefty. Having a permanent fixture on the site would make taking it over easy. If, by some miracle, Zig Forums was converted, the general ideology of the entire site would shift.
Kind of gay and retarded, but if they become disillusioned enough, anything is possible
William Sullivan
4ch is already starting to go full nazbol because trump endorsed gun control and violent videogame control, things most of the site doesn't agree with.
Michael Phillips
Jeremiah Cooper
it's kind of gay and retarded, but everyone's already tired of Zig Forumsyps shitting up the site so maybe
A couple of the regional chat threads in /int/ are way more left than I thought. Zig Forums seems to be mostly corbynites and the french thread, what little I can read of it/is posted in english, is also veering in that direction. I think it's because those threads are designated zones to post about normalfag shit like your job and school so naturally it's going to attract the 4channers who aren't Neets or incredibly young. Which seems to be the main bracket for the reactionary or outright fascists on the website. I agree that outside of Zig Forums 4chan is actually way more diverse in opinion than we tend to give credit. A marginal dislike for SJWs is probably the only commonality across the entire website.
Halfchan is a lost cause. Its filled with reactionary boomers & users from the_donald.
Let it die.
Parker Sullivan
No, and not only because it would just validate a whole bunch of boards view on us given that many think we are already trying to subvert them (quite a few boards think we are raiding/shilling on them, though its mostly just paranoia towards left-wing views). The main reason that we shouldn't is that most boards are already frustrated and tired of Zig Forums shitposting and derailment, even to the point that Zig Forumsyps have begun false-flagging as "leftists" to try to justify their posting as opposition to "Zig Forums subversion". The most you can and should do is simply out them for this, say its not us, and move on. Just let them hang themselves by their own rope.
Camden Hill
How? They consider Mussolini a tragic hero. I especially feel an urge to convert alt-righters and NutSacs because I considered myself one for a brief amount of time. I attempted doing debates there but it's hard to get anyone who actually wants to engage in an intelligent debate there and when I do, I fail to convince them. I honestly think that most of their gripes with the world could be solved by Marxism, they're just too brainwashed to understand. Some perimeters to follow: Here's a copypasta I made that I occasionally post on Zig Forums that I call the RED pill.
Dylan Thomas
This. Let it die.
John Lee
Id rather it return to neutral but I cant stand to let it die..
Zig Forums here. Fascism and NutSac are already anticapitalist enough to give you an in, but since you faggots focus entirely on the material and disregard the spiritual you can never win. It's cool that you all act as if you have "read some stuff" and know some "bourgeois" big words but you're actually retarded with regards to how human people behave and interact with each other, what they value, and what they're lacking psychologically because of the materialist paradigm - even more so than unironic Alex Jones watchers. "Idpol" is used because it is successful and identity is meaningful. Until you come to terms with the fact that people not wanting their race to die out is "just a thing" you're going to continue to flounder.
I'm not a stirner nigger but the supremacy of economic issues must be stressed
Lucas Scott
Just let it die, or at least go help some comrades in the generals that appear from time to time. The problem is, they are fucking retarded, for unfathomable reasons they will defend the rich, it's the basic sado-maso type. They want to control but also be controlled by powerful men in return.
Robert Long
You will not rouse the masses by talking about at worst abstract and at best failed economic ideals. If you want leftism to continue to be a wank of privileged 11x Autism Level college kids who think they're geniuses and the occasional violent poor dude be my guest. I don't like leftism to begin with.
Most revolutions, riots and unrest started with economic issues hitting the masses… If anything it's Idpol that is a privileged college kids and petty bourg thing.
it's pretty far gone, especially in popular boards and subjects Zig Forums users take interest in. We could wait till things really hit critical mass and Zig Forums and their opinions are regarded as lowly as SJWs, but there is a very real possibility that even after the eventual shift away from right wing it may become permanently infested similar to how SJWs practically own sites like tumblr.
/his/, /lit/, /fa/, /int/, /mu/ would be sympathetic
Owen Williams
Carter Myers
Aww hell
Cooper Ross
the problem with 4chan is that it's gull of amerifats. Amerifats are so indoctrinated by their propaganda system that we will never get them not-to-be-fascist, or at least centrists. The only ones of them who actually are clever enough to free theirselves from the idiotic ideology of that country are already posting here. This is the reason /int/ and /lit/ are the more leftist ones, cause they have less americans or less idiots (and these things often come paired).
I know a national chan of my european country and some chilean ones, and they are all much more left-leaning than halfchan.
Carson Cook
You know, me and some other people are planning that. This summer, while all the schoolkiddies'll be browsing, we're gonna raid Zig Forums and try to pop the idpol bubble. Watch out for Outer Heaven, comrades.
Type in leftypol on an archive for boards like /tg/ if you want to see examples of this btw.
Ethan Richardson
lol. You're gonna get nowhere.
Carson Rivera
What spiritual component does Zig Forums fascism offer besides philistine romanticism? I see this criticism fairly often from Zig Forums but, and I guess I shouldn't be surprised by this, the definition of "spirituality" seems to be nebulous. Fascism doesn't make any supernatural claims from what I know, what's being called spirituality seems more like irrationality. If they mean spirituality in the more literary sense then that actually is a huge component of Marxism, specifically addressed by Marx in his theory of alienation. He was actually quite poetic in his descriptions of human life under the encroachment of capitalism and that tradition hasn't abated at all, e.g. most of the Zero Books catalog.
Jordan Jenkins
Watch us. Unironically, I think slacktivism is the best praxis. So many people these days get all their information online, Thus, the internet is a battleground of ideology, and if we want to convince people, we'll have to mobilize online.
Our anti-Zig Forums brigading group. We gather memes to use, coordinate thread derailings and keep the board in a general state of disarray. We're going all out this summer, to win over the summerfags.
Asher Harris
Probably the only thing you’ll accomplish is pissing them off, tbh. I mean, it would be funny af, but from personal experience most polyps just dig their heels in and meme about soy whenever they’re confronted
Michael Phillips
Stop with this meme already, Zig Forums had to literally fasleflag as other people to illicit support by pretending to be leftist subverters. Raids have never built actual support for the people who did them.
Liam Mitchell
I used to be on my way to polyp-dom, and it took exposure to leftist raids to get me thinking about stuff. I was a big gun nut and it was this pic in particular that started me along the way. So I'd say it'll work if they do it right.
But everyone on the site fucking hates me and deletes my posts whenever I bring up leftpol or leftypol. Including this site. (I used to browse Zig Forums and /miku/)
Putting a marble statue in an avatar does not compensate for your personal lack of virtue.
Caleb Price
/fa/ is commodity fetishism incarnate /lit/ are some of the earliest Zig Forums users /mu/ and /his/ could go either way not sure about /int/ but doubtful
It's neither possible, nor needed. Because politically motivated left wing radicals can inhabit moderated parts of the internet, and using anonymous imageboards would be redundant,
Gabriel Campbell
No, why would we want the shitty reputation 4chan has anyway?
because we are, in a casual sort of way. it's not really raiding/shilling but more just casual conversation most of the time (except that one faggot who keeps spamming "communist generals" in Zig Forums) who the fuck cares? 4chan has been straight up raided by loads of groups, it's not like we're total outsiders or anything either like stormfront usually was, a lot of us casually use the boards. let them get paranoid and call every poster that doesn't toe their line "Zig Forums". it actually helps us in multiple ways
Noah Cox
More and more people on halfchan seem to be getting sick of Zig Forums so I guess it's technically possible, although not until the end of the Trump presidency because being "right wing" won't be contrarian to newfags so the conservative to stormfag pipeline might be damaged.
Joseph Baker
You've achieved the peak of brainlet, congratulations Honestly our best bet, only the well read have a place in actual leftism Comes close to /lit/ but misses considering /his/ seems to be filled to the brim with nostalgia filled reactionaries and /int/ is mostly just about patriotic feeling, if there are socialists posting threads then you can guarantee it's because of their national history being socialist not because they are themselves socialist Why would people interested in music suddenly develop an interest in left wing philosophy? Your only bet is to spam the board with notable left wing musicians or essays from Adorno about jazz (Good luck trying not to look like a philistine when criticising jazz music though, you're more likely to turn /mu/ into reactionaries that way)
Asher Price
There is a difference between casually disagreeing with someone in a thread and completely derailing a thread in a non-political board into politics. Zig Forums is spamming threads on boards like /tg/ to frame Zig Forums as if we're an SJW/idpol ridden board ("Why aren't there more POC, X company should fix its pronoun problem, etc.") then claiming it's us doing it. I'm saying to just call them out on this, say it's not us, and don't derail. That will illicit more respect then just pulling the whole thread down and validating some kind of percieved attempt at subversion.
Carter Baker
We need a Zig Forums on 4chan. This is the only way to gain a foothold. Zig Forums is a dying site.
Associating leftism with 4chan would be an exceedingly bad idea. The original spirit is completely dead and it's at the same time a place with a really bad reputation while not offering a real platform for discussion. Tbh you'd have more luck with kekdit than the stormfag shithole that 4chan became.
Elijah Ward
Joseph Fisher
I hang out in Zig Forums all the time, I don't understand.
Oliver Taylor
Trying to associate 4chan with any particular political thought will just cause backlash (like is now happening against Zig Forumsyps) and make people hate us more It's definitely easier to discuss theory on 4/pol/ as compared to 8/pol/, since it isn't directly run by an insane self-hating turk, but halfchan is just a bunch of r_thedonald young teens nowadays
Elijah Gomez
retard. fascism is basically final stage capitalism when oligarchy don't even need to maintain appearances of fairness anymore cause they have powerful enough authority and force
Anthony Gutierrez
According to who?
Jose Foster
autistically spamming threads and posts isnt exactly "casual"
And thats not even touching on the Zig Forums spam.