> If Christianity has done everything to orientalise the Occident, Judaism has assisted essentially in occidentalising it anew ; which, in a certain sense, is equivalent to making Europe's mission and history a continuation of that of Greece. — Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human (1880)
Our entire religion is centered around national liberation and a return to the full communism and unity. There is literally nothing wrong with us or our teachings.
Colton Collins
t. someone who used satanic magic literally less than a week ago to curse a fellow communist
The early Israel state/ Kibbutzim before the 67 war were essentially NazBol.
Hunter Evans
Theres nothing wrong with plowing 3 year olds?
Carson Price
Nietzsche was a poor historian. The people actually responsible for saving Europe from the dark ages were European monks (mostly Irish) and the Arabs. Jews did do some intellectual works as well but he’s hugely exaggerating that here, probably because Nietzsche really was an asocial virgin edgelord and he knew that praising the Jews would piss people off. Well congrats man, 138 years later and it still does.
Carson Morgan
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group) ZIONBOL GANG Also fun fact, the current leader of Momentum in the UK grew up on a Kibbutz: said its collectivism inspired him to be a socialist. Now he gets called an "anti-semite facilitator".
Hudson Foster
Justin Gutierrez
[Citation Needed]
Michael Sullivan
Nolan Nelson
This. Nazbol is Eurasianist
Connor Nelson
Have you been to Nazbol Twitter? Their positions are so incoherent I wouldn't be surprised there are nazbols who believe that.
Why do "Aryan" women always look like they want to talk to your manager?
Benjamin Wilson
This quote is a fabrication. 1. You can't find any reference to it outside obscure far-right literature, 2. No website or book referencing it is older than a few years, 3. References are never properly sourced ("in his diaries" is not a source), 4. No such sentence appears in the Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl.
Goddamn, right-wingers really are incapable of refraining from lying. They just can't help it.
Jose Moore
Because they are entitled cunts that don't believe the rules should apply to them and everyone is out to get them. However those girls don't seem old enough to be at that level.