While I disagree with the author when he says that France is doing this for the American empire rather than its own interests, I think not only are we entering into a dangerous situation but this seems to expose some dangerous illusions held by many about the current Kurdish leadership. The Kurds are being used as puppets to set up the next world war.
Franco-Turkish War Brewing
What the fuck does the first pic even have to do with the subject at hand? Why are Zig Forums so obsessed with "muh pomo" that they have to bring them up all the fucking time?
It's the "journal" that published the article arguing homosexuality was bourgeois decadence, mate.
I just thought it was a nice meme since the subject is about France.
So do you deny that France is contemplating military action in Syria? Its been reported elsewhere, including in WSWS
This entire shitstorm isn't contained to just Syria. Remember that Iraq declared war on their own Kurdish secessionists, and have so far rolled tanks into their communities to keep the peace. What happens next is completely obvious: Kurdistan will officially declare it's independence, and then declare war on Syria and Iraq. The Kurds will recognize Israel as one sovereign state, and Israel will give them critical air support in return. America will then tell Iraq to accept it or get sanctioned, causing the fragile Iraqi government to melt down as the leadership is forced to agree to it.
That's the point where another IS insurgency begins, for the exact same reasons as it began a decade ago under Bush: Iraqis get pissed off at their imperialist government for not protecting them. The sickest irony is that the secular nationalism America spent the past decade building will be used against America directly, demonstrating the complete and utter lunacy that was/is the invasion of Iraq in the first place. In the end though, Kurdistan will win and probably split Turkey too. When that happens Ankara will swing over to Iran's side, fucking up the balance of power in the middle east. Turkey will probably arm Hezbollah and Israel will cry foul, creating another massive crisis that will probably ensnare Egypt as well.
tl;dr Americans are fat and stupid
It's just like my HOI4 clusterfucks when I turn historical focuses off.
So basically the middle east era 2028 is: Israel, Kurdistan, and whatever shredded remains of Iraq's US-backed government against Turkey, Syria, Iran and probably Russia. The best case scenario for this tire fire is that it creates a permanent stalemate between two blocs who engage with each other diplomatically instead of military action. The worst case scenario is that Israel shoots down Russian fighter jets over Kurdistan and causes them to escalate, forcing the US's hand to get involved in some way. That "some way" will probably involve Trump parking nukes in Kurdistan, causing Russia to park nukes in Cuba. The last time this happened, WW3 almost began.
It is a complete and utter disaster, one which Americans are stuck with because their leaders refuse to challenge Israel. I'm not even a Zig Forumsyp either, but this entire situation exists because America's seemingly unquestionable alliance with Israel.
Implying it is not.
yep except this ends with a game of Twilight Struggle. Did I mention that New Start (the cap on nuclear weapons) expires in 2021? If that happens US/RU nuke policy goes back to 1967. That same year the USAF's Minuteman replacement program begins, just as the first deliveries of their new B-21 stealth bomber are made. Trump is already expected to increase the B-21 procurement to make it the official B-52 replacement. America also gets the XS-1 reusable spaceplane that year, which will make launching a thing like SDI (space lasers) much easier.
2020 will probably go down as one of the most important elections in mankind's history for this reason. If a skilled diplomat cannot unseat Trump, we get Trump creating a new cold war out of the ruins of the middle east.
Still I like how Imperialist powers are getting broken up
I think he actually argues that Turkey is an imperialist power which is probably farther than I would go. What is undoubtable is the possibility of France and Turkey bashing heads has massive potential for bloodshed on both sides.
Can any frog posters enlighten us on how the French Left and French workers are reacting to these developments?
i wish
Reminder that Che wanted to push the button
It's definitely an imperialist wannabe. Think Second Polish Republic.
Speaking of that how much longer till Zig Forumsand invades Ukraine because their mutual autism can no longer be contained or achieve any kind of synergy?
Finland is western!
Uniroinc nuclear war seems to be a better alternative to capitalism at this point
The turks have clearly had their own agenda for a while that doesnt gel well with the Wests plans.
They see visions of a neo ottoman empire. But they also seem pretty indecisive about what they actually want.
Could you imagine if the turks abandoned nato and the west and formed an alliance with the Russians and Iran and Syria….
The french have always been different. There is that whole stereotype about them being cowards. But the french were one of the few European states that maintained their military post ww2. They have had quite a few rapetastic adventures in africa.
Then use these as a source, not some backwater Internet tabloid.
Le Figaro is considered a respectable paper in France.
Not implying, stating that it is not
wow, I've heard this several decades ago and it didn't turn out well
The US is generationally behind in the space race for orbital dominance, the Chinese and Russians are going to take it without too much effort
i'm split between my dislike for turkey and my dislike for israel
As much as I hate the first image, at least Baudrillard is in his rightful position: first.
Why are you speaking as if Iraqi and Syrian Kurds are a unified body?
ITT: baseless speculation
I think it’s pretty ridiculous to suggest that France is acting as an American proxy in this situation, since France is easily large/influential enough to pursue its own ends independently of the US. Also saying that the Kurds are acting as a NATO proxy in the face of NATO breaking down doesn’t make any sense.
There are very few countries in the world that have the balls to pursue actions that go against the US every NATO country do not have those balls.
Lmao even Argentina had no problems attacking one of NATO’s most powerful militaries in the Falklands. Real life isn’t a game of HOI where puppets can’t act independently, not that France could even be called a puppet of the US.
I believe it would be in our interests to support a mutual destruction of these two sides, so that they will cancel each other out in power as to have nobody the victor. From this, communist revolutions will very readily rise and take the world.