What does Zig Forums think about this brave new hero for our times?

What does Zig Forums think about this brave new hero for our times?
I'm surprised I haven't seen many threads around here.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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hey myself. She's some gun control advocate


you have to go back


Then to the trash this tread goes

I'm just curious… I don't know much about the topic, but regular Zig Forums is insane and foaming at the mouth over it

Zig Forumsyps are fucking retarded and frothing at the mouth like for every moral outrage flavor of the month.
They always do this shit until the next
and clickbait shit circulates on their "alternative" news websites (whatever that means)
I understand that this shit shouldn't happen, that school shootings shouldn't happen, and the main cause of this is entitlement, autism, anger, and probable social isolation and alienation. I'm half joking about the autism but I'm very tired atm.
Public shooters should get their ass beat with an extension cord and rightful consequences for whatever they did.

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a dumb beaner cunt who literally wants to give trump more power (the power to take guns through gun control)

at best she's a misguided youth who will find herself regretting all of this in ten years, at worst she's a defender of the old capitalist guard and will be gulaged with the rest of them when the day of the sickle happens

And into the trash it goes

only sinead o'connor gets away with doing sinead o'connor, i don't give a fuck how traumatized you are

Zig Forums is foaming at the mouth over literally anything. They hype every fucking thing out of proportions and forget about it in week. Look at the catalogue of Zig Forums at any given time, it's all sensational bullshit and "happenings".

She is hot

buzzcuts are cool actually

I'd shoot inside of her if you know what I mean

Shes pretty cute tbh

Also she kinda looks like a female version of me so thats weird

degenerate liberal

She's for disarming the working class and her message is being propped up by just about every neoliberal media corporation.
She is not our comrade.

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