The Right and Lying

Why are right-wingers so often pathological liars? No matter where you're looking, there always seems to be a gang of reactionaries or fascists cooking up unashamed libel out of malice, ignorance or a mix of both.

When they're not sharing sensationalist fake news about world events, they're peddling pseudo-scientific quack about vaccines. When they're not elaborating conspiracy theories about the boogeyman of the day, they're forwarding fear-mongering urban legends about foreigners. When they're not posting unsourced meme infographics about issues they know nothing about, they're purely and simply pulling things out of their own ass as a hobby.

Liberals are politically inane but at least they tend to stick to logic and facts for the most part — right-wingers on the other hand take no issue with the most outrageous of lies as long as they're told with a bold face. And when they're caught with the hand in the cookie jar, they shrug and leave by screaming low-effort excuses only to come back a few hours later as cheeky as ever.

This is not a recent development. When it became undeniable that Dreyfus had been slandered and that the documents used against him were a fabrication, Maurras claimed the counterfeiter was a hero for producing a "patriotic forgery". When it was proved beyond any doubt that the Protocols had been created and circulated by the Czarist secret police to demonize Jews, Evola was unimpressed and insisted that the content of the pamphlet was still true nonetheless.

Is it the inevitable product of a political culture focused on denouncing external enemies? Or is it simply because their worldview cannot firmly stand on anything else than confused feelings?

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Is it the inevitable product of a political culture focused on denouncing external enemies? Or is it simply because their worldview cannot firmly stand on anything else than confused feelings?

Sorry, post fucked up.

Long story short, right wingers operate on the basis of emotion and romanticised ideals. They will even go as far to state that their behaviour is only done for "irony's sake".

What evola said about the protocols is that it doesnt matter if its fake because its basically true. And he categorized the story as mythological

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literally feels > reals
They go by what they feel rather than facts. That's not restricted to right wingers it applies to everyone but its especially emphasized in the far right because they don't read or use logical thinking. You're in some cases literally trying to reason with a teenager that got all their ideas from memes and error ridden jpgs with bullshit statistics and half truths, and they think they know everything and are so fucking 'red pilled'. No information can penetrate the dome (except the smarter ones, who will eventually move on anyway).


How fucking delusional can you shitposters pretend to be? The right may have its fair share of liars but I've never seen a liberal tell the truth if it at all interfered with their feelings in the slightest.
It wasn't, it's still not known who it was created by and in recent years I've seen it claimed to be anyone from Ford to Goebbels himself. Why do you lie so much? It's because you can't deal with the inadequacies that your faulty mind built on a foundation of bullshit bring you.

You don't have to be right-wing to know the Jews are to blame for most of the world's troubles but compiling yourself and others into categories based on what you disagree with and then assigning those groups specific traits to be inherent only to them because they partake in it is causation equaling causality, which is a mental fallacy born from minds usually capable of double-think. You're a clinical retard.

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Can someone explain why a person would operate on this principle?

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Liberals are right-wing, btw.

every time

It provides easy answers to complicated questions

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Not that user, but I'll actually agree on liberals somewhat, but only because I view Fascism and the like as liberal capitalism being put into crisis and revealing the true self that was hidden behind the illusion of choice and spectacle.
The thing is there isn't any actual proof for it being true either and regardless of user being correct or not regarding its origin, its unverifiability means by Occam's razor that it can't be taken as truth.
Most people on this board are opposed to Zionists and Israel and agree that there are many bourgeoisie Jews, but I believe where most people and myself stop the train is when it starts being accused that ALL Jews, even minor proletarian ones, are to blame. Everyone agrees for example that Soros is a bourgeoisie of the highest caliber who's anti-communist actions in Eastern Europe put him a extreme odds with socialists in general, but where we disagree is when the Rosenberg or Goldstein down the street who makes minimum is put on the same pedestal. Even on a non-socialist point of view, it waters down the actions of those who do commit wrong doings extremely.

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First image is a 2006-atheist-tier take on the inane horseshoe theory. You should be embarrassed, really. Second image doesn't even have anything to do with the subject, it's just a collage of (unsourced) news headlines related to cases of organ trafficking involving Israeli nationals. Which raises the question: if the mass media is Jewish-owned, then why do they report such cases in the first place?
Of course it happens. But it's much less prevalent than among right-wingers, who are pathological liars — their worldview doesn't hold without resorting to conspiracy theories and baseless rumors all the fucking time.
Actually, yes, you do. This is my point, and your attitude illustrates my argument perfectly. Thank you for passing by.
I almost forgot: immunity to irony is also a common trait among right-wingers. You've just done exactly what you described regarding Jews in the very same sentence. You're projecting, hard.

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Are you referring to the Protocols? Because the document undeniably is a forgery. Even a batshit antisemitic loon such as Julius Evola was hesitant in describing it as authentic, which is why he came up with the mental gymnastics required to insist it was somehow still worthy of use.
We know for a fact that the Protocols originated in Russia around the turn of the century and that the document was most likely created by the Okhrana. We even have a prime suspect: Mathieu Golovinski, French-Russian aristocrat and operative of the Czar's secret police. Moreover, the Protocols were first published in Russian in a Petersburg-based antisemitic rag associated with the fanatically pro-Czarist Black Hundreds. All evidence points to the Russian government.
I've never read any book or article claiming the Protocols were written by Ford or Goebbels — those two figures enthusiastically promoted the pamphlet for sure but I know of no serious scholar who today claims the Protocols originated in the Dearborn Independent or the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda.
You're projecting again. Right-wingers aren't just pathological liars; they need to constantly reflect the accusation to avoid suffering a mental breakdown. "I'm not lying, Jews are!" "We didn't initiate war, Jews did!" "We never supported genocide, Jews do!" What a fucking farce you people are.

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right wingers don't cook up nefarious ruses; they're just literally dumb enough to believe 100% of the shit they say

They want a consistent world view, they arent afraid to reshape the world to fit their beliefs. To them its not lying because its true within their ideological lens, the lesser "facts" simply havent caught up yet. To them if facts dont seem right its because the measuring tool needs adjusting. Someone smarter than me could use the word essence a lot here.

Yeah but that "most part" is only when its easy and convenient and doesn't come in to conflict with their world view. Critique capitalism or mention that democrats are still corporatists sell-outs even if they don't hate gay people anymore and they'll shift to Zig Forums-tier tactics.

"Even if the protocols is forged it is still profoundly true"
even though I made it up, Its true because it says the right thing, for the right reason
muh feels

It's like forging evidence for a crime you're sure occurred, because you're convinced the real evidence was destroyed. But why bother with evidence at that point?

They make fun of Holocaust survivors with the "It was real in my mind" meme and yet they pull the same shit. Hilarious.

I can't think of an accusation antisemites levy against the Jews of which they were or are not guilty themselves — insular ethnocentrism, war-mongering, genocide; you name it.

If you unironically say or type "fake news" you deserve to lose your tongue and fingers.

… Why? What do you call a news item whose content is blatantly untrue and/or manipulative? Epistemically-challenged information?

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It is because they are very conscious of the Overton window and want to pursue their goals through electoral politics. That often means it is useful to disguise their real views and goals.
It's actually good praxis for them.

In the short term. In the long term the material consequences and results speak for themselves. In an age of mass information, you can rely on lies to get you along the short term run

but in the longer term run, everybody knew you were lying the whole time.

So it's not really a useful long term idea for any individual to be a pathological liar on the internet

What if they kind of know but don't really care?
I wish you were right.

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You didn't describe a pathological liar, you described a regular liar
Pathological liars lie without personal gain in mind and they don't have much control over it

OP here. I meant "pathology" as in "abnormally incessant need".

I am. It never pays off. It can go on for a year, or three years. But it really never pays off with material results

in the US the anti-vax movement seems to be mostly a hippie liberal phenomenon, although there is some crossover

Not important. See the libertarian -> Alt-Lite -> Alt Right pipeline.
People don't really care if they were originally deceived as long as in the current moment they can articulate why they believe what they do.

So far I've seen it suffer losses in momentum the whole year.

Yeah, then reality begins to set in when they feel material consquences for their actions and speech. And what their peers do and act like when they double down.

I just said it works, however, the popular sentiment gained is never kept forever. Losses after lies are inevitable.

Why does the dishonest left keep on projecting?

This is mostly an apolitical new age phenomenon with some significant overlap with right-wingers motivated by religious nuttery and/or conspiracy theories. The "liberal hippie" types are marginal and "proper liberals" are strongly critical of them.

nod an argumend

Says the dude promoting economic rent and saying it's productive and fair.

Show me where the lies are

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why can't you just ignore them instead of spamming the same pictures every fucking thread
YOU are the problem

Thanks for the clarification, comrade

Everything that doesn't make you feel positivve is all lies Zig Forums, it's ok


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Why can't you ignore my photographic anthropology collection, my good bitch

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Because you do it in every fucking thread that they show up in, further derailing any previous discussion.
I understand you have good intentions, but this ruins threads.

Can't stop. Won't stop.

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every time

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You should be more worried about your health in America than your own murder. It's more likely you'll fucking die from health complications.

If you didn't become so arrogant about how frail the human body actually is in an enviornment as unhealthy as the United States, maybe I would respect you more.

But as it stands it's likely they will replace you not through deciding to have a family, but because you're so oblivious you'll probably die of a heart attack like the millions of Americans that do everyday

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Am I nazbol now?

Nobody denies immigrant crime exists. It is also undeniable that garbage heaps masquerading as news sources such as Breitbart have been involved in skewing if not downright fabricating stories deliberately designed to demonize immigrants, and that such trash is enthusiastically circulated on social media by right-wingers who couldn't care less about the factual accuracy of what they relay.

There is virtually no left-wing equivalent of this, and certainly nothing as prevalent and popular as the likes of Breitbart.

you sound like sucdem

holy shit the irony of that second one. that is literally Zig Forums

Nobody said "fake news" until Trump farted it onto twitter.

Fake news was pushed by corporate media and Trump weaponized it against them

Real enlightenment is knowing that "fake" is a natural consequence of the sensationalized 24 hour news cycle.
The right term should be "junk news"

This too, 24 hour corporate media was a mistake

Historically that doesnt pan out though. In the early 20th century all of the slander was easy to disprove and the evidence against it abounded. It simply didnt katter to the plebs and so called educated classes who chose to eat up the lies anyway.

They're not liars. They know they're wrong and they know you know they're wrong. They're propagandists. Which is why its morally (not legally) OK to kill or do anything anything you want to them. They aren't ever going to change their position, they can't brought around by logic or reason, they're drones programmed to defend capitalism and white imperialism at any cost. They're not actual human beings.

I'm curious how you came to this conclusion.
Neonazis seem entirely straightforward in their convictions, regardless of how you feel about them. They're not ashamed of being called nazis, and are openly nazis in public.
Meanwhile, half the posts here are how to be "subversive", trick people into some slippery slope of accepting communism, and wouldn't dare espouse their own beliefs without hiding their face in public.

The non-stop conflating of "immigrants" and "illegal immigrants" by every single left media outlet is pretty damning, and to boot, does nothing but push everyone further right since their legitimate concerns are not only misrepresented, but demonized at the same time.

Useless post, this accusation can easily be reversed. What with the entire pathology of trying to "redpill" people and explicit underhanded propaganda attempts like "it's ok to be white".
The only out and proud nazis are klansmen and all those folks in charlottesville who walked about with 3rd Reich and Confederate flags. Even Richard Spencer rejects the label of nazi despite desiring a white ethnostate.
This seems bizarre in the first place though. What specific tactics or format of post are you referring to? The only thing I can think of is entryism but everyone despises Trots in general on this board.


Depends on what you're referring to specifically. There isn't some agreed upon "list of redpills" that they use, beyond pointing out blatant media manipulation.
Telling people that it's okay to be white is propaganda?

Yes, in the same way that banal truisms anywhere can be adopted to have polemical meanings beyond what they say on paper. Don't play dumb like an autistic retard

You have that incredibly backwards.
Corporate media ran with "fake news" first, as an excuse for why Trump win despite their narrative.
Trump only started using it after them, to accuse Corporate media of the exact thing they were blaming everyone else over.

That’s false there was already an effort to call everything that wasn’t pro-US/pro-Banderaite Ukraine “fake news” before Trump. It was coined by a group of reactionary Ukrainians working for the US

It's okay to be white.

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You're on the lefty communist idpol board, what were you honestly expecting

I don't care about your feelsy outrage. you're welcome to make an argument anytime though

White supremacists and their families deserve to be tortured and killed.

The irony kek

Do you even know why this board was made?

There is nothing wrong with being white, but then we never felt being white was ever the issue. Don't pretend the right never engaged in subversion or propaganda or that dishonest attempts to frame arguments into a dichotomy of identity was never made like your doing now. I browsed Zig Forums, I was in those threads. Even recently you had the "My Borders, My Choice" thing and before the whole "Its okay to be White" meme was made to be spread and hung up to frame the argument in that fashion. Literally go on any archive, hit Zig Forums, and type up either of those things or type or search for propaganda threads.

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Not sure about that. Some are, definitely — but they're the more marginal, unorganized lumpen elements of the movement. "High-profile" neo-Nazis however will go to absurd lengths to avoid describing themselves or getting associated with natïonal-socïalism. That's why alt-right kiddies are always whining about how "so everyone who doesn't agree with you is a Nazi!"

None of those involve lies or defamation. They're questionable tactics but they have nothing to do with junk news or Holocaust denial.

"Red pill" is an euphemism for "conspiracy theory" or "uniformed take".
It was literally designed as propaganda; the catchphrase doesn't exist outside a crude poster campaign.

You really subsist on shallow moral outrage, don't you?

Its almost like lying is a means to an end and a behavioural mode that people of all sorts engage in… no cant be… only batshit crazy basement dwelling nazis are capable of lying!

That's Zig Forums for you.

If you believe the world operates as one giant conspiracy whether controlled by George Soros, reptiles, Jews, space aliens or anything else, you're more likely to pull false flag events yourself. Possibly they're the ones most likely to actually do it. They project onto the world their own mode of thinking.

This is why Alex Jones, for instance, flipped from making false-flag accusations to actually engaging in them. Look at how InfoWars will regularly promote totally bullshit stories because they know it will help them advance a political agenda, and you can watch them do it almost in real-time. It's what they do, so of course, they believe their enemies do it too.

I'd liken it to closet homosexuals who are also giant homophobes.

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OH one more thing. Take the Nazis. Their entire worldview is based on the central belief that Jews are in control of everything and engage in various tricks. They will talk all the time about adopting "Jewish tactics" (lies and misdirection) in order to advance their goals – they are what they fear, in other words. If something bad happens, it's because Jews wanted it to happen.

When conspiracy theories arise on the left, it's often by viewing capitalism as a conspiracy on the part of "capitalists" against unsuspecting workers. Basically, this misinterprets Marxism as the idea that political will (on the part of capitalists) rather than economic necessity (determined by capital) shapes the world. Political will is a thing but it is not the chief determinant of world events.

There are some Zero Books videos that are good on this.

Why are you trying to rationalize your abysmal behavior?

From what I've seen the modern far right does use facts but makes the wrong conclusions based on them.

For example they make opposition mass immigration a national thing when it should be a class thing. They have their heads screwed on tighter than the corporate liberals but will use the facts to make far different and reaching conclusions.

It's easy to pick at the low hanging fruit eg. facebook moms with jpg artifact images but it becomes strawmanning quickly. See this spammer:

He's So used to only picking on low hanging fruit that he would make himself look like a brainlet if he actually tried to debate someone from the far right.

I didn't claim the far-right never refers to actual facts, I claimed they relied on lies and deceit with abnormal frequency.

It's not a "low-hanging fruit" if all the fruits in the tree are hanging low.

They are all low hanging fruit

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this must have been the furer's glorious vision of the master race

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I just noticed the Dragon Ball wall scrolls in the back. Of course they are all in their Super Saiyan forms and Broly on one of them.

Right-wing represents the interests of the King and the Church estabalishment. Lying is their MO.

Rightism is a religion. It's based on feels > reals and anti-materialism. Most of the time they're not lying, they literally believe all of their shit or at least think "well it's not true but it's true in principle" (see Evola). Liberals are at least taught to respect facts, rightists take pride in willingly engaging in religious and magical thinking.

That's why arguing with rightists is quite pointless, for all their claims of being rational and scientific their beliefs are based on nothing but nostalgia and feelings, and they can endlessly just make random shit up and never be at risk of compromising their beliefs.

Not only lying but I recently seen a trend of them trying to shame me for ableism (though they don't use that word) when I mention social ineptness of people with autism if it has anything to do with Neo-Nazis and various Reactionaries.

I'm not going to engage seriously with someone who thinks liberals "stick to logic and facts" buuut…
Regarding Evola's thoughts on the Protocols, a forgery which accurately describes what's going on in the world is still, in a sense, truthful. If I wrote a short story about the government putting fluoride in bananas then it turned out they were actually doing it, you couldn't exactly blame people for thinking I'd been on to something and not just pulling it from my ass.

Because that's not actually true.

Right winger:The jewish holocaust has not happened because it's physically, logitically impossible to do so.

Left winger: It did tooooo, six million jews were teleported from their scattered homes from all over Germany, Poland more, incinerated using magic, then their remains were teleported to hammerspace immediately so the 2.2 jews per minute, or 3168 per day since each day has 1440 minutes could be met since every single minute, which would had to happen for 5 years of regime without a single minute missed not met would have meant more required dead jews to meet the 6 million in subsequent minutes.

It's totally possible. I am leftwing, I am always right and I never lie and at least I tend to stick to logic and facts for the most part AND THIS IS THE MOSTEST PART WE HAVE BECAUSE IT IS THE PILLAR OF THE MODERN SHAME CULTURE TO FEED THE INSATIABLE GULLET OF OUR MASTERS REEEEEEE FUCKING RIGHT WINGER STOP LYING


Liberals use facts only when it suits them.

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The problem with the holocaust isn't the how, it's the why. If the goal was to kill all Jews (spurious given previous policy but whatever) then why not just give execution orders when they were found? Why the camps? Why detain them for so long before killing them? Why use expensive gas not meant for use on humans instead of bullets or just starvation?

See above. Stalin's methods made sense. If I was going to orchestrate a genocide, I'd do it pretty much the way he did it.

Holodomor isn't applicable as a comparison anyway.
I know lefties express themselves through pop culture references and videogames, so I will put up a videogame example.

Holodomor = Playing hearts of iron, you encircle an area of people cutting off their supply lines until they collectively just starve.

Holocaust= You are playing minesweeper because jews were scattered all over the place and couldn't just be dealt with in broad, clean, switft strokes like the above.

What the fuck no we don't
