No prison time for man who had ‘nearly 200’ child porn images, videos

When he was arrested last November, Steven Craig Payne faced more than three decades of prison time.

Instead, he won’t spend a day behind bars.

Payne faced 11 felony counts after the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department discovered hundreds of sexually explicit images and videos of young girls on two thumb drives in his backpack.

In March, He pleaded guilty to just one of them: A Level 5 count of possession of child pornography with an aggravating factor, meaning the nature of the image was exploitative, The Indianapolis Star reported.

All 11 counts would have been punishable by up to 31 years in prison, but the terms his plea deal allowed the other 10 to be dropped.

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Here's what's ironic, Timothy:

I'm married….
I get as much pussy as I want…..

And I NEVER think about porn……..

you're transparent….


I wonder why the (((judicial system))) is so easy on (((pedophiles.)))

Possession of CP should be a misdemeanor, at worst. It's only production of CP that should be a felony. Because that is all that truly harms children.

your wife is a delusion jhonny.

Its not always about putting people in jail, its about the numbers. Treat the legal system like sports for example. The lawyers and DA's are like players that have stats. They want the convictions(numbers) at all costs, so most of the time they'll take plea agreements because its a sure victory and doesn't cost them precious time and the courts money to go to trial… The dumb asses that fight back with not guilty pleas when they know full well that they are hella guilty get the book thrown at them. This dude played it smart and took his loss like a man… I don't agree with what he did to put himself in that position to begin with, but it is what it is.

No one should be in prison for simple possession of CP, or possession of drugs, for that matter. Our society is so fucking stupid about possession. Acting like that's as bad as selling or production of illegal things. It's god damn idiotic feel good shit that does nothing but waste tax payer money.

good, possessing porn shouldn’t be a criminal offence

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Sure, but demand creates some of the supply. Punishing possession harshly in theory reduces demand there by reducing the production.

I hope they give him a talking parrot that only knows how to squak CHILD PORN. TEENAGERS.

Court mandated take care of this endangered bird or you go to jail forever. It's needy and needs it's wings clipped so you have to carry it around with you.


Why would you not do this as community service

You'd think hed like the fucking parrot

Like we can't get the CHILD PORN! CHILD FUCKER! FLAT CHESTED! PEDO! version of this going.

1:10 is the sweet point

I could see it now. Guy gets girl to come over despite being on the news for having 200 videos of child porn.

Bird starts screaming child porn child porn fucking children fucking their ass fuck children.

How is this NOT a good idea?

The guy either goes oh geeze how'd that happen or trys to strangle the bird. Oooh yes, sorry, the court is forcing me to take care of this endangered bird.

I would do this to someone.

Ohhh I would.

It would be apart of the plea bargaining process to avoid 30 years in prison. If it dies or he doesn't take care of it… He goes in.


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It would be like training and attack dog. Think of it that way.

You could charge ankle monitoring charges for having the bird. Just shrug when he complains about the way the birds cursing

You pretty much keep a dog in a cage and abuse it to attack people and it gets it. The birds saying random shit and thinks it's normal. It's not going to be upset some officer spent 10 hours yelling PISS ON BABIES. FUCK CHILDREN. A day feeding it crackers.

The birds going to look cross eyed as usual and like that it's getting crackers.

What you're doing to that bird is perfectly natural.

If you could feed it a cracker every time it yells IM A PEDOPHILE we might get an angry cussing bird whenever he doesn't give him the fucking cracker for calling it out

This is my evidence.

it's spelled SQUAWK*

not 'squak'

But these things are mostly traded for free. If downloading content without paying is supposed to be bad for the movie industry and video game industry, why is it also not bad for the cee pee industry?

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Probably would have faced a lighter sentence if he'd actually fucked a kid.

It's by design to protect the jewish mafia distributing child abuse material and drugs into the nations. The "war on drugs" means that law enforcement are protecting jewish criminals, while combating the side-effects of their crimes. In other words…organized jewish crime is creating the crime economy in which law enforcement is running in a hamster wheel, while the jews are profiteering from every angle. This racket is in place for every organized crime their is.

Well over 90% of US court cases are settled by plea deals. It's nothing particular to child porn.

In many European countries there wouldn't have been a thread of ridiculous charges of 30 years in an US-like prison. Also his name and photo wouldn't be public and no registration as sex offender. A mother renting out her child may be charged with 30 years in some countries.

Key word here is "traded". It doesn't need to be currency. It needs to be payed for with something of value. In this case child porn.

Not for long, user. And it will be on you to get these sadistic practices into law. How? By complaining about invaders not getting the "justice" they deserve, which will be answered by a revised sentencing system, which will then be used to throw European dissidents into lifelong imprisonment. And just like as in the US, the amounts of niggers and shitskins going behind bars makes no difference to the jewish criminals, who only aim to destroy the lives of as many European whites as possible.

Viewing needs to be legal to catch more producers. The more that are able to view the more likely ness that someone will recognize someone in the content and report them.

This is a great video

It's not a trade of value in this case, though. It's having the receiver provide proof of their investment in the secrecy of the scene. Kind of like the Korean paper model community. They want to keep filthy white devil out, so the trade is primarily a show of how deep you are in the scene.

Don't Parrots live for decades? When the bird falls over after 25 years, give the guy ONE night of quiet uninterrupted sleep to give him a taste of hope… Then drop a spanking new cockatoo in his lap.

See you in 20 fucko!

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The tech exists to do this ankle-bracelet style.
Our phones, radios, tvs, fridges, computers, cars, and dildos talk to us. Why not a ankle cuff?

Combine the gps geofencing function with NFC, bluetooth, and a good loud speaker. Not only would this cuff do its normal duties, such as contacting LEO and self-locating if the subject breaks cordon. But if the device also "outs" the subject by repeating "AVOID -SEXUAL PREDATOR- AVOID" or similar warnings. Bluetooth with a public safety pairing authority would make that warning appear / be announced from any nearby devices.

Now add NFC. How many schools age kids have phones, laptops or other e-devices? If subject approaches or stays in close proximity to any person or location proscribed by their probation or release terms, the devices warns, logs, calls leo and self-locates while listening in to the subject and surroundings. Shock function optional.

No. I could support higher penalties for people which were registered as asylum seeker before. Also, I see no reason to this for owning some pictures downloaded from the internet.

thats never worked for the drug war. so why would it work with anything else?

Because child porn being legalized within the current system will only encourage it's mass proliferation the same why marijuana became more popular after it was legalized. After it's mass proliferation the sexualizing of children will normalize, and then child rape will be normalized. The parallels between this and drug legalization become even more striking when you notice that young girls are often pushed into prostitution in poor neighborhoods, the same poor neighborhoods that had black markets for marijuana, before it was legal.
The human psyche is complex and can be explained by material means, so we require freudo-marxist, or some other psychologist, maybe jungo-marxist, solutions to this mass psychosexual problem.

Or we could go full nick land and just turn everyone into asexual robots, that'll get rid of the pedos i guess lol.

Demand creates supply? Shit dude, I guess anything stressful should be illegal, since doing stressful things causes people to do drugs which are illegal. Finally, we'll be free of all drugs. Hell, stress causes people to commit crimes too. Make stress illegal, make our world safe, finally!

God I hope so
Cant come soon enough. Im already in my mid 30s and just waiting for the pendulum to swing back to the good ole days (i.e. better days) when sex for all ages was widely accepted and known. When you could go to your local porn shop and purchase or rent a video of the neighborhood Sally getting her mouth stuffed by her Father's big schlong while the wife was teaching their young son Jimmy how to eat at the Y

what the heck is your problem…

get gassed boomer scum

sack of shit go back to reddit

Convert to Islam and your dream will come true

hellooo I'm the nostalgia pedo

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Kill yourself pedo.

Lead is the cheapest solution to this problem.


Parrots can live longer than humans. There are parrots with recorded ages over 100, and frequently parrots that live to 80+.

Day care has pretty much insured your kids are getting whatever fag 2.0 virus is going around anyways so who cares what disease they get

The economy has been so capitalized that everyone's forced to use it every a while and everyone's like ooooooh don't worry about it.

Bam new fungus that keeps telling them they're the opposite sex. No one knows what the fuck is going on so no one can tell the kid they got a fungus that's bossing their brain around.

The biggest reason you're not prostituting kids put is because they don't need another disease that turns them into a fucking robot that sits at home all day staring at their phone

Unfortunately, like I said, the economy has demanded a lifestyle with maximum exposure.

Maybe if you were homeschooled and keeping home.youd have a chance.

Oh well.

Your gender roles have become an important part to stopping this stupid AI. Mom stays at home. Dad goes to work.

The only other option is having 3-4 people in one house and increasing it as the market capitalizes on your average housing income.

Idk if you noticed but data collection allows people to figure out how much they can get away with charging you for things you need.

That means you have to partner up as fast as possible leading to more dysfunctional homes.

If child sex gets proliferated now then it's only purpose is for mind controling the next generation before anyone can figure out what's going on so all those happy voices in their head telling them to act irrationally to support the 'next evolutionary step in AI intelligence' seems like normal life.


It's been proven that parrots dont know what they're saying they're just repeating patterns they learned. Good idea tho

Seems like a good thing to me, if pedos saw that they'll get 3 decades of prison time for fapping to porn as an alternative to fucking kids then why would they bother just fapping to porn?
All the criminalization of any other victimless alternative does is drive them to create new victims instead, but of course its not really about protecting potential victims its all about burning the witch at the stake for the sadistic pleasure of the viewers so when someone lets the witch go like in this case the mob is outraged.

‘’’Every single one of you child fuckers needs their dicks cut off and fed to each other.’’’