I really don't know where you get the idea of "Chads" not being reactionary from. Traditionally, they have always been of a conservative and reactionary variety, especially in this climate of hypertrophied political interest among common people, I've seen the chauvinist "Chads" browsing /r/The_Donald (Not Alt-Righters, just milquetoast republicans).
Masculinity is in itself a universal truth, an attribute which MUST be shared by both sexes, no matter what alt-righters say.
The truth is that if a “soyboy” were bullied, they would be walked all over, if someone wanted to fight them, they would be absolutely brutalized. Their response is of liberal pacifism, they know they are too weak to win in a fight, so they don't fight, instead they seek other methods of retaliation (practically wielding their impotent slave morality as a weapon and expecting to win because of it)
However, such as all broad political regions and conceptions, it results in a person fanatically clinging to profound truths, their attachment to these truths comes from visceral inward thoughts and feelings molded by material conditions. This can lead to a person absolutely obsessing over it so much that it becomes telling of who they are and how they feel on the inside, and it is easy to see that the alt-right feels increasingly emasculated by liberal media and encouraged to sit down, not take up any space, and not try to achieve anything in their entire life in order for systematically oppressed peoples (in a collective sense, not oppression of an indivual) to stand up, take up as much space as possible and are encouraged to go forth and be dogged cavaliers in gaining what they want.
This archetype of a young man is the perfect prey for the alt-right, they exploit their misery and indignity at the liberal capitalist world by redirecting that indignity and anger elsewhere, where it doesn't need to be, blaming it on the Jews and the blacks instead of blaming it on who is truly responsible:
Capitalism. That which inevitably gives way to the exact sort of chauvinism (schoolyard bullies, hierarchical anti-egalitarianism in school systems) that battered and berated them into this extreme obsession with masculinity and self defense in the first place.
True egalitarianism is NOT merely protecting those too weak to defend themselves. No, that is only the mask of the reactionary used to uphold a hierarchical system based on an innate superiority of stronger peoples. In such a relationship between the reactionary “protector” and the “victim”, it is key to understand that the reactionary is attracted to such a virtue because it emphasizes the victim, the inferior, and the protector, the superior.
Nor is true egalitarianism pacifism, a conception of which lends itself from liberalism and individualism. If a victim is physically weak, the victim MUST attain equality by brutalizing the chauvinist and pummeling them into submission. That is how they become equal, that is how they become empowered. Two people CANNOT be equal if one is physically weaker than the other, to simply state they are without any reason is evidence of liberal thought.
Thus it is the DUTY of a stronger person to not only protect the weak and defenseless BUT to help the weak and defenseless to become the greatest beings they can possibly be through regimentation and encouragement.
Advocates of the liberal, individualist conception of egalitarianism want to force superior people to accept the weakness of others, to accept their illness and to tolerate it. That will not do, the only way to bring equality is to MAKE them equal, not to simply insist they are equal and always have been even in all their weak, pitiful being. The weak must not be babysat.
This conception of egalitarianism seems, to me, inherently maternal, feminine. After all, what is the traditional conception of motherhood without the notion of someone depending on you for absolutely every possible thing (Oh, you poor, poor, (pitiful, pathetic) thing, I'll take care of you, because you're simply too weak to do anything on your own) ? The nature of femininity is itself not safe from the corruption of anti-egalitarianism.
Collective egalitarianism means the ascension of all the people to the greatest status of being that they can possibly reach, this MUST be done by exhortation and regimentation by a higher personality, the spiritual entity of the state.
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