It almost seems like people who grew up middle-class were set up to fail in the neoliberal order – nobody told me that getting a job would be impossible if I didn't take unpaid internships or learn another language (in fact, learning another language was discouraged because it was "useless" if I "didn't want to emigrate"). The tinfoiler in me is convinced that the downward mobility of the middle-class was engineered to create a fascist movement. I know it is absolutely irrational, and I know it's not the immigrants' fault, but I can't help but feel anger that I was never taught another language. I'm angry that not learning Spanish makes me unemployable. On the flip side, how the fuck am I supposed to get a job if I literally couldn't afford the experience?
Could the downward mobility of the white middle-class be an engineered effort to brew resentment against PoC (let's face it – white people in my country are so goddamn classcucked that they'll never get mad at porky's failson who interned at The New Yorker).
Middle-class downward mobility
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I can confirm.
Boom's middle class was designed to fuck up their sons.
Getting a job nowadays is such a spectacle, its just there to keep the illusion that you can still apply for jobs. Most employers don't even look at your resume and even if you get to the interview process they'll just reject you for one reason or another. Only way I know for sure how to get a job is that if you know somebody in the organization you're applying for.
Sorry for the blogpost but I was applying for jobs and sending out resumes earlier today and felt like it was all pointless.
You've identified the right motif of downward movement but you're wrong on why it occurs. Impacts like these are never baked into the system, shit doesn't go that deep. What is happening is that there is a large labour pool, something baked into neoliberalism, and the only way to do well is to get work experience. In the past this actually favoured the "middle class" since they could afford to have their kids go off and do work experience, however we have now reached the era when working class kids work alongside school and university is required for any job yet everyone goes to it. As such, in terms of "real world experience" you better work during school, come out of it with shit grades but hey there is a job opening at MacDonalds. However university jobs afterwards are getting tight: even for STEM subjects now. This isn't neoliberal capitalism pushing itself towards self-preservation, it is capitalism yet again being destructive. You see this drives what is considered "middle class" in normie terms towards what they are: proletarians. You see the petty-booj don't get hit by this: they can get jobs at daddy or mummy's company. Who this hits is middle-income proletarians, and with this they realise their position as proletarians. With this, they gain class consciousness.
The impacts of this are starting to be seen in the UK and the US of all places: in both teachers' and lecturers' strikes are rising and growing, the UK has had 14 days of walk-out, the longest in at-least 50 years, a month back. In the US across Rethuglican states teachers are organising state-wide strikes. This will spread across a lot of skill profession as the spectre of neoliberalism marches on. Yet again capitalism consumes itself, the next revolution will be socialist because fascism no longer can appeal to middle-income proletarians, it has played itself immensely.
Can confirm. I have a college degree and I spent a year looking for a job, even a shity one, and the only way I got one was my gf knew the boss at where I work now. I had to resubmit my application after my interview because their system had automatically tossed. My aunt is a manager at this particular chain in another state and she helped coach me through the 100+ questions on the application.
Getting a job in America in 2017 is just way too much fucking work. I'd almost rather stay at what I'm doing now which I hate then get back on the job hunt, its almost as if the whole process is designed to be extremely frustrating.
*2018, fuck me
The process is designed to break you: try to keep you in one place to limit labour mobility. There is a reason jobcentres in my country (the UK) keep getting funding cuts.
Bourdieu talks about social capital as one of the elements of he reproduction of classes. Seems like what you are referring to.
I can't help since I've only read resumes of his work, but his work on taste should be a nice read that fits on what you are seeking.
This. I think I only got half the jobs I've held because of applying online. The other half I got was because I have 2 Fortune 500 companies on my resume.
I may have no “future” ahead of me, but a part of me is glad that that’s the case. Having to wake up at 5 AM to work 12 hours of manual labor ever day waiting until I die isn’t “living”. I watched my parents sell their fucking souls to a department/hardware store just to live paycheck-to-paycheck as renters in a shitty apartment. I refuse to follow. I don’t give a shit if I have to live out of a backpack, and hitchhike across my state, and live on BLM land, at least I’ll have obtained a type of “freedom” my parents never had. It’s freedom FROM wageslavery, not freedom TO wageslave.
You can always become a fascist, as your type normally do.
If you live in a rural area you can be seriously fucked these days the number of jobs is severely limited and the only skilled jobs that I can find would need me to move to the city and pay a huge increase in rent.
I swear it used to be easier to find work out in the country but the increasing movement towards urban areas means everything where I live is dead and with it any chance of getting work.
get into IT/tech. ITs pretty simple to get some Certs and you dont need to learn a second language (except a programming language maybe)
Get CCNA n RHCSA , iirc those are in demand
fuck off we're full
No thanks.
When you are ready to come back to reality and be a Human Being, remember that digital apathy is not a substitute for a tangible contribution to the world, and it doesn’t impress the jocks you went to high school with–the jocks you “friended” hoping that they’d see your status updates about going backpacking in Spain or moving to Portland or the semi-decent car you are leasing. Nobody expects you to man-up enough to actually put the Xbox controller down and scrape together some dignity, but the least you could do is take your greasy, Cheeto-dust covered hands off the Samsung Galaxy Tab, and fall back with the “I’m-the-next-Stephen-Colbert-look-at-this-highly-charged-weapon-of-mass-laffs-I-just-unleashed” commentary, at least while people are camping in a freezing, shitty, New-York-shit-hole park, petitioning (partially on your behalf) the powers-that-be to exercise a modicum of compassion as they are reaming us all in the ass with a serrated Rambo knife. If you’re morally OK with Big Tech and The Life of 27 Tortures, you’re a cuckold to porky; if you don’t believe that it’s happening to you Right Now, you’re slow; if you don’t care, or if you pretend to not care because your dipshit kounter-kulture friends made you socially afraid of honest expression, then the enemy has succeeded in making it all look like a pile of meaningless and impossible-to-untangle abstractions that don’t affect you, and you’re more of an idiot child than the “jocks” you still fantasize about digitally humiliating, three whole years after you graduated.
And if you think the right thing to do is sit on the sidelines and fire off smarmy witticisms from a safe, comfortable distance, you are a disgusting person on a level that is not even linguistically feasible. You deserve no pity, and it is a waking tragedy that you are still allowed to broadcast your cute little jibes and sneers through any electronic medium, before you start to take a hard look at the wreck of an adult male in the mirror and seriously rethink your “life”.
Guys, this means no more labor aristocracy, that's something to be celebrated.
And what type would that be, exactly?
Whoa, nice mental breakdown my man.
I mean, CCNA and RHCSA just give you the entry aspects into IT
Right now even IT is being shat up tbqh, the most flexible choice would be mathematics tbh, which gives you a base to do multiple stem subjects or even stuff like economics.
I mean, to prove my point, many of the engineers/technical experts/stemlords/mathematicians of the USSR ended up with some pretty cushy jobs
Ah, merely pretending.
Also, infosec diploma in training and due for internship here, ama
not even that guy ==GOTTEM==
holy fuck this manga is so black pilled. what's it called? does it have more of this kind of commentary or is this just one particularly good part?
RHCSA is hard af, it’s not something even experienced Linux admins pass the first time.
It all depends where you're applying, and I mean the "where" literally. Corporations run out of large cities or cosmopolitan areas will naturally get access to more candidates than available positions, this allows them to demand all candidates to be bi/tri lingual and complete at least 2-3 years of internships before an entry level job is given. People tolerate it because they can't see a way out. That "way out" is taking jobs inside smaller, less important cities and areas where there isn't as much labor supply. In these places companies will take what they can get. The fact that the company required you to get on a plane and fly somewhere else for an interview should be a huge red flag.
Also, most of this is avoidable anyway through "extracurricular" work. With humanities this is usually some sort of activism, with STEM it's usually DIY projects. Employers want to see experience on a resume, and being able to link to a huge back catalog of some sort of hobby is a plus. Though I don't really think this applies here because if a company is going to force candidates to get on a plane and fly across the country just for an interview, they clearly don't give a shit about the welfare of who they hire.
A lot of it is computerized now, just throw in fancy words into your resume. It's Search Engine Optimization but with whatever machine the resume/cover letter is fed into. Which itself speaks to how self-destructive capitalism is, companies today focus so hard on "finding talent" because the electronic nature of resume submission means they get hundreds of applicants per job. One of the reasons why companies who are better at this require candidates to call by phone or mail their resume in.
I barely passed and im just a diploma holder
Just buy or PDF one of those RHCSA books online:
Master this and you'll pass fine
No, tech is the worst about this because everyone and their mother does IT now so all IT jobs are overfilled with otherwise qualified candidates. So companies require more languages (usually Spanish, Mandarin and German), at least 24 months of internships, a 3.5 GPA and at least five or six references, including two or three professors. Lower tech jobs aren't so bad, but that means you're doing min wage work with IT degrees. Better markets tend to be anything involving actual engineering (not software, hardware) but as arbitrary education/internship requirements are stripped away references matter more and more because construction workers trust their own to vet outsiders.
There's really no escape, unless you're already an Eagle Scout or joined the military. That's assuming you don't have a documented hobby/extracurricular thing you can show them though.
What exactly is (your) excuse to not get a job in factory instead of neeting like horrible human trash?
Must be nice…
Get porky's cock out of your mouth you industrial-sized faggot.
Heh, bro, all you need is to just settle for an entry level job and work your way up. Life isn't fair, heh. Start small from a McDonald's cashier and work your way to management while being frugal and saving. this may sound like I'm being ironic but I am serious
Why not rob a bank?
because you'll get caught
Are you living in some third world country?
No the post-industrial west (Airstrip One).
literally liberal meme. Every western country have decent industrial base.
In high tech shit aerospace, phama ect. even then they are weirdly distributed: Scotland has most of the UK's industry.
Silly white middle class people if you want to be not poor, you need to be a Kulak in Nambia.
For real In school I spent over ten years trying to learn Spanish and was unable to. It’s almost like foreign language class in Burgeland are designed to make your frustrated because now I’ve fully given up on learning a foreign language.
Here’s a tip to getting a job. Start a co-op.
No most Industry in the west isn’t in large cities. In Burgerland for example it’s mostly in rural areas.
What's stopping you from moving into Scotland then? Or going even to some other comfy western country? Factories usually offer some kind of accomodation and food for good price - You will earn some money, you can visit some nice places and if you spend your free time learing some usefull skills, you can eventually return and find job which will entertain you more.
Among people I know people which worked in factory make very good programmers. Hard work will teach you to improve yourself.
Tankie or conservative? Who knows!
Englishmen can always move to Canada and Australia who have industry. In fact this was exactly how the British empire was/is administered.
1 pound = 2 canadian dollars
canada will also grant citizenship to anyone who can speak english and trade certificate
The "full time" is the part that matters. If you can find a manager willing to do it at a franchise then you're guaranteed minimum healthcare and 401k benefits. What fucks over new college grads is that they have all this student debt but are still expected to take free/underpaid interships (or pay themselves to get an internship) for a year or so and then accept part time work at a major company until they get lucky enough to be promoted to a full time position, assuming their job isn't outsourced.
Software/IT/webservice companies are the most notorious for this as their "employees" are the most easily replaceable. Biology/chemE grads usually have an easier time because their knowledge is so much more complicated and hands-on, meaning adherence to safety compliance measures (a thing really only testable within an internship) is a big deal. The least fucked are actual tradesmen, especially ones who return to school part time while working full time so they can get the tax benefits of both.
Canada's a complete shithole with very few job prospects. The best thing we have going for us is that when climate change hits hard we'll benefit, which isn't that great I don't think.
Don't bother moving, its not worth it
t. Leaf
What part of "i don't have the fucking money to move" don't you understand? The entire point is to get a stable manufacturing job to get money in the first place, how am I meant to move to get such a job if I don't have money in the first place?
Leftcom or liberal? Who knows!
That is not such great problem.
Most work agencies WILL cover your relocation (nothing comfy, just some old bus filled with unwashed proles). The only problem is food until your first paycheck arrives. If you live in England, you should get your paycheck every week, am I wrong? That would mean you need money only for food during first week. In other countries you need to wait first month, which is harder, but perfectly doable by anyone. Some factories will even give you food stamps when you arrive - that would mean that you don't need any capital.
Don't forget to make a list of questions and ask them during interview. You should know something about location, accomodation, food, foodstamps and so on.
Tankie or conservative? Who knows!
Physics grad in Scotland here. There are NO FUCKING JOBS HERE. Not in engineering, not in science, a select few in finance.
I have friends who are engineers, they don't live here any more because they are somewhere in England, or stay on an oil rig. Anybody with any proper mathematical skills ends up in London working for big finance. Half of the fags from my course ended up in Java programming in JP Morgan or fucked off to do an MBA with no prospects afterwards, thus fueling the emerging university masters complex further.
You think that the west is industrialised, but it's not any more. A majority of the industry jobs were outsourced to Asia making them a scarce proposition, why do you think Trump is now having a trade war about it? Porky is now realising that the proles don't have money to buy his shitty products any more and the economy is grinding to a halt.
Not true, my family's from Calgary and there's plenty of oil jobs there.
I live in a hellhole of nothing but military contracting firms and lobbyists. AKA the DC area.
You don't seem to realise how the UK works at all. During Thatcher we basically closed every single easy to get working class job. The mines were closed creating entire cities and towns of unemployed people. The factories were outsourced to our former colonies. The British government tried to move to a complete service economy meaning if you want a job you've got to have a service skill, however all of the easy to get service jobs are moved to cheaper areas. If the job isn't face to face a British company would rather hire outside of Britain.
tbh why even bother trying to get a job in the UK when even carillion and friends are going bankrupt. Your entire economy is falling apart, Brexit was the thing that finally kicked out the chair. Just enlist in the army or build guns, I guarantee you that Her Majesty's government will be needing a lot of both in the near future.
Guys, I think porky is up to something.
The military is always hurting for people, have you looked at who they will trust with guns. Anyone willing to stand and guard a truck for 18 hour shifts for free healthcare is good enough for the government.,
You know the best part? Aerospace (aka defense) is going down the shitter too and the army is at the smallest since 1913. If anyone says the UK is not ready for a revolution they are an idiot.
Wanh wanh.
I live in New Jersey. Factories haven't existed here since the 1950's.
At that point it’s better to just join a crime syndicate.
Man why does it suck so much being the class below the upper class? Nobody has it worse! Nobody! Those lower classes have it so good! It's like Upper classes, then lower classes, than middle class and that is so completely unfair. I'm tired of the lower class getting ahead.
user, I already talked about the military contractors.
This is definitely what the OP said.
As in one f those groups who offer “protection” to betty bourgs.
*petty bourgs
because they're all in tennessee and kentucky
t. nashville
user, we are talking about middle-income proletarians realise they have relations to the means of production that are the same as their fellow proletarians. Neoliberalism is literally dirving skilled workers towards socialism.
The pyramid's just grown too large at this point. Can't find enough people to vicariously exploit. The real money is in starting a pyramid.
Donde esta mi accion afirmativa? This is bullshit. Im qualified for the job and now the only companies left to apply for are the ones with shady reputation (not paid overtime, no care for patients, shitty administration). What the fuck do I do?
Move to the Northeast or Texas.
like a pottery.
you lucky motherfucker
And pudding should rain from the sky.
Which is why you will work in a gulag for the rest of your life. Remember: hard work will teach you to improve yourself!
How's sucking rothschild's cock going?
How are you doing anything more to abolish money than I am or Zig Forums or even Hymie fucking Diamond?
Third World nigger here.
Most factory/manufactory jobs I've ever seen require at least one higher education degree (we have one called "industrial engineering") and """years of experience""" in the field (AKA tons of recs)
actively recognising that post scarcity is an end goal is a good basic starting point. being a rothschild shill is -10.
Except at your cushy no-show job I'm sure.
Well is he wrong? Any grown adult should know the value of hard work, especially one who aligns themselves with pro-worker politics.
Also stop being so anti-semitic, where am I, Zig Forums?
Language barrier. Learning the language would take years and I don't have the money. Also I don't have the money to move to any of those countries. Moving costs hundreds that I don't have, renting requires connections I don't have. The majority of the EU either have lower wages or higher unemployment than the UK also, plus these countries also rely on a large service based economy which I can't take part in because I don't speak the language.
then stop being a pointless contrarian and say something useful
You know this is literally how the rest of the world views leftists.
for clarity
so basically you're just going to be petty and argumentative for the sake of being petty and argumentative.
And you're complaining for the sake of complaining. Where's the action plan Mr. Revolutionary?