Look, it's that easy

Why haven't you been able to blow them tf out yet? Are you completely void of ideas?

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Other urls found in this thread:


everyone here know that Zig Forums "thought" is retarded what do you want

you cannot expect to reason somone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into

we're not antifa

read the Anti-Semite & Jew comrade it's good

Do you have brain damage? You honestly think you are the first one to come up with this? And you do not know that this kind of mental dissonance is a core part of reactionairy beliefs?

Jews, commies, blacks, anything. Its a staple of being a righttard, to simultanious hold the belief of being superiour in every sense, yet still somehow being oppressed by a conspiracy by the inferiour.

Read Daniel “the Holocaust didn’t go far enough” DeLeon for the answers


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We have been saying that for years. But rightists HATE facts. So they just call us Jews and run back to right eing echo-chambers to feel safe.

Honestly go to Zig Forums and post that. They will call you a Jew and discredit you. Count how many posts it takes them.

Looks like mah niggas need to brush up on their Umberto Eco


The Jews rule everything because they are white, and it basically proves white supremacy was built into capitalism.

Been there, done that. They just switch to saying the Jews don't rule the world, and sometimes even deny saying they ever ruled the world.
Arguing with Zig Forumsyps is like playing chess with a pigeon.


Everyone acknowledges that jews are smart. They are a tribal people that won't let other people be tribal. Ethnostate for me but not for thee. This stupid "Guess you aren't the master race after all" critique is so fucking outdated because no one is even arguing this position.

Like "Porky"?

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No one thinks the bourgeoisie are in any way "inferior"; many (though not all) of them are actually quite clever and have skills which could be put to use in a way beneficial to humanity.

R u ok retard
baby r u ok

8. The followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies. When I was a boy I was taught to think of Englishmen as the five-meal people. They ate more frequently than the poor but sober Italians. Jews are rich and help each other through a secret web of mutual assistance. However, the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are constitutionally incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy.

Yeah, same with jews. They are quite smart and we don't have to be enemies with them but they just don't want to leave white people alone for some reason.

Jews are the Master Race confirmed

Anti-Semitism is distinct from other forms of racism because it posits that Jews are in control of everything. It's more akin to a conspiracy theory, which is why conspiracy theorists who believe in reptiles from outer space or the Illuminati almost invariably become anti-Semites at some point.

I'd add, this is why anti-Semitism can get into a kind of "liftoff" mode very rapidly. Where other forms of racism are about putting the lower orders back into the place, anti-Semitism wants nothing less than the destruction of the conspiracy and the "liberation" of the world from the Jews, which means the destruction of the Jews.

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Quoting myself.

I heard Mike Enoch or some other neo-Nazi talking like that. He said "I don't hate black people. I just think they're dumb, really, and kind of annoying." But Jews? He really had it out for them, which is ironic since his ex-wife was Jewish who left him after he was doxxed like woah.

Anyways this is where you get the real eliminationist anti-Semitism. The radical anti-Semite wants a "revolution" against the Jews, and in that pseudo-revolutionary fervor is where you get the real hardcore murderousness of the whole thing.

How'd they do it?

If the pit is bottomless, then how is the sign supported? checkmate atheists.

What is the objective standard for inferiority? Intellectual? Nobody on Zig Forums denies that Jews are smart. Physical? They are, but that's not how power is wielded.

Jews are an out-group that works towards their own interests while passing as one of the white in-group. This makes them problematic, as doing so has historically led to conditions that whites find undesirable. Economic collapse, social/moral decay, political persecution for perceived slights against the "chosen people."

Maybe you'd understand a little better if you read what antisemites have actually written instead of relying on what Jews have claimed about them in movies.

>jews are inferior greedy unscrupulous amoral dastardly

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I'd just like to point out that there are plenty of stormfags over at stormfront that don't really believe that. Some are more separatists than supremacists (thinking all the jews should just go back and stay in israel) and some think that the modern western lifestyle has bred a weaker white race and would be fine with most of them being wiped out leaving only the stronger ones (like the black plague). Some of them don't even really give a shit about jews and just want to be left alone on their fjords.

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Maed meh thonk

We already know this is what you think, Zig Forums

Can you reply in English por favor?

Stormfront has always been slightly more sophisticated than Zig Forums though. Mostly because thats where everything really started. I personally think we’ve been wasting our time countering Zig Forumsyp narratives, when that’s where the nexus of the online right really lies.

Israel is not an ethnostate. In fact, it is even less of an ethnostate than the US. Jews are a smaller share of Israel's population than whites are of America's.

Fuck it I'll stoop to your meme lingo:
How is Judaism in and of itself not a spook, go!
Calling me out for believing in spooks while he came here to start a thread to defend the spookiest belief system on the planet.

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When did I say it was an ethnicity?

You can't convert to an ethnicity.

Think about this for a moment

Alright now what?

you're retarded and you have no idea what you're talking about

Can we get you to use whole sentences? Is that too big boy for you?

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Thanks for confirming you don’t know what a spooks is. Have fun chasing phantoms.

You got it all figured out don't you bud.

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Apparently, because you’re having a struggle coming up with an argument.

Only that's exactly why Jews are good and The Eternal Teuton isn't.

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What argument have you presented thus far. Spooks is not an argument, sorry to inform you? Is that what you do in your homework. Just call everything a spook and declared victory. Answer my question with a real answer.

How is The JEWISH FAITH (don't be a little solipsistic cunt here) not a spook by your understanding of the term?

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When food can be made through sheistery then I'm all aboard Shlomi.

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It can. Just pay dumb goyim less than their labour is worth to farm food for you to sell for profit and pocket the surplus value.

Silly goyim fall for it every time.

That Zig Forums likes spooks and thinks jews are inferior because they think they have the better spooks.

Never said it was in and of itself.

Who said it couldn't be?
Why are you trying to find arguments I never made?
It's like you're a child chasing specters out of your closet where there are none, still.

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So what are you saying then? How bout this deal? I put forward what I believe in a straight forward manner. You put forward what you believe in a straight forward manner and we work from there. For one I don't represent Zig Forums hardly post there, mostly to fuck with them. Second let's drop the Nazi angle as I am no expert have read nothing by them. I have read bits and pieces and have bits and pieces of the collection of human excrement that is known as Judaism. To me believing in Judaism is no different from believing in Nazism and if every person who subscribed to those belief systems wiped each other off the face of the planet it would be no loss to humanity. Now, if you are OP what was the point of this thread? Trying trying to get some Pro-Bono JIDF work out of the lefties? How frugal of you Mr. Rabbi.

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Not that user but… I don't believe anyone here would disagree that Judaism just like any other religion is "a spook"…?

So fuck them. Why should I care if one supremacist group goes at it with another supremacist group? They should all get fucked.

It's worked so far…

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the Zig Forums belief is that jews are an ethnic cabal that even non-religious jews can be a part of. if you want to talk about religious judaism you are welcome to do so but it's not what the thread is about

What a load of bullshit. The former is a religious faith, the latter is a political ideology. They are different social phenomenons, though of course they can arguably overlap.
Let's use your own logic: Is believing in Christianity no different from believing in Fascism?

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That sounds like the kind of bullshit Orthodox Jews would pull to get their Secular Jews to 'come home' as they say and therefore I am highly suspect of the source of any agenda pushed on an image board. Before you respond look up Jewish Synagogue bombings in case you're not aware before replying.

Observant Jews are not supremacist by default (though many on the Israeli Right are). Nazis on the other is an ideology built upon violent, aggressive supremacy — and not only over Jews.

I'm not a Christian either so I don't know what your facetious argument was supposed to have. In this regard we're talking about Nazism in the narrow and shallow form it exists in the west to day and on anonymous shitposting forums. So just examining Nazism from the narrow ideology of Whites=Smart,Pure,Holy,Righteous,etc. Non-Whites=Dumb,animals,etc.
I think it's a fair comparison to the ideology that's existed for centuries based around the belief:
Jews/Israelites/Chosen People=Smart,Pure,Holy,Righteous,etc. Goyim=Dumb,animals,etc.

My bad accidentally hit reply before I was done. (cont'd)
So from that angle I think it's a fair comparison. If you want to lay out what parallels you're seeing between Christianity and Fascism I'll try to give you real reply if you're not just trying to be facetious.

The Bible is full of supremacist stories of The Chosen people genocide and raping the unclean because there Yahweh said it was gravy. And they still preach these stories as morality tales to this very day whereas Nazism is considered completely taboo and virtually extinct.

I just did. I said "Zig Forums likes spooks and thinks jews are inferior because they think they have the better spooks". Do you want me to explain what spooks are according to Stirner, or what isn't clear to you?

I would agree that they are similar if we were talking Zionist, as I think Israel is awful. The problems I have with Judaism can at least be reconciled with the ones who aren't extreme nationalist, and they are more secular Jews who don't follow everything by the letter. Nazism, on the other hand, is inherently ethnonationalist. It's kind of its thing.

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*there are more secular Jews who don't follow everything to the letter

Are you OP? I don't give a fuck about Count Chocula or Zig Forums If you're OP I'm wondering why you would start this gay thread.
What about the very book itself? Have you ever read it? I have(goyim version only admittedly) It's fucking evil dastardly garbage from cover to cover.

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Then why not claiming that ridiculous shit? Germans don't have to call themselves Nazis because their great grandaddy was a Nazi.


Using nasty shit from scriptures as an argument is stooping as low as 2006 teenage atheists who believed they "debunked" Christianity by quoting a backward verse from the Old Testament. The Bible, the Quran, the Talmud don't describe social reality. Do modern Christians actually put adulterers to death?

Just like let it go. Yahweh didn't chose you or your great-great-great-great-great…..begat-begat-begat-grandfather. It's alright. You're just a human like everyone else bruh. You don't have to keep cutting your dick. You won't lose your special Yahweh privileges. You were keeping the covenant and cutting your dick and The Holocaust still happened right?

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Who the hell ever pretended current-day Germans are Nazis because some of their grandparents were?

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Fuck Christians bruh. You're a fucking retard. You aren't currying favor with the invisible man who made the Universe. Just knock it off fag.

Then why call yourself Jewish?

u wot m8

What the fuck are you talking about? Jewishness is an ethnic grouping. You're a Jew because you descend from people of a certain ethnicity. Natiönal-socialism is a political ideology. You're a Nazi because you decide to subscribe to that ideology. How can you not tell the difference? I feel like I'm talking with a retarded 10 year-old here.

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Then why are you even attempting to argue with me?

Yes, I've also read the Koran. Most of the Abrahamic texts are violent and vile as hell.
But like most religions, they tend to get watered down as they get older. I don't really see them as an inherent threat, unless they are part of a particular sect.

I'm not even sure where you got this.

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I'm saying it like this. If you no longer subscribe to that belief system than most places you're just a White guy. Than you marry someone, and being not into that keep the fucking in the faith shit anymore, odds are that person isn't one of the chosen unless you live in Israel. Now your kids are half white guy who used to call himself one of the chosen and so on and so forth.

That's the route most faiths take over time. It's about time it happened to the Yahweh's followers too if you ask me.

No it's not. The Old Testament is 10/10.

BIDF pls go.

In what possible sense?

The Old Testament is so great because the entire point is that god is not simply good. You're not supposed to like everything he does or everything he tells the Israelites to do. You're supposed to be very afraid of him.

I actually like this interpretation. I remember a Christian explained to me once that Yahweh was thought to have meant the sound the wind makes blowing through the trees. Reading his actions as a chaotic wind God that does whatever the fuck he wants has really elucidated parts of the bible for me.

So fuck developing a conscience upping your uncontrolled schizophrenia is what this whole thing called life is all about huh?

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I mean, if you don't want to. Point of the old testament is that God is going to win either way. Under all it's moral precepts, it's kind of nihilist.

Except that’s not the Nazi narrative. They claim that Jews are inferior, among the “lower races”, and that they are the “master race”.

No? The OT isn't telling you to be like god, the OT is telling you that god is terrifying and so you better follow his laws or he will do something horrible to you as he has done to all of these people and nations in the bible.

And then people reach age 7 and realize Santa Clause can't watch them while they sleep and they probably are never getting coal for Christmas no matter what they do.

Naughty kids get proverbial coal everyday.

Yeah but the literal part is make believe and when the kids figure that one out it's liable to sew distrust and have opposite of the intended effect.

Also Yahweh is wildly inconsistent so what possible lesson could be gleamed even taking it as a metaphor?

Is it?
True, I'm not making any prescriptive statements about raising kids. I'm saying the OT is a riveting read.

No he's not, he's just infinite.
Not to mention the rules for Yahweh are different to rules for people.

GTFO Rabbi.

if Judaism isn't an ethnicity why does Israel require a DNA test to give people who claim jewish ancestry citizenship and require an absolute minimum of 10% Ashkenazim?

Because you can't spell Ashkenazi with out Nazi.

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Nobody claimed Judaism was not also an ethnicity, though we usually then call it Jewishness. Are you illiterate?

yes, let's use our telepathic internet powers to deduce the exact meaning of your malformed words.


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You're responding to the wrong person, fam.