Hey did you know that rich people are more responsible and smarter and that poor people are poor only because they're...


Hey did you know that rich people are more responsible and smarter and that poor people are poor only because they're bad with money? Well now you do…

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Saving money is for cucks anyway. Read Marx.

t. Oscar Wilde

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The thing is though, the rich who control industry want those who are poor to buy overpriced luxury commodities and will pay heavily to utilize media outlets and global marketing to control the culture industry to both influence the collective consciousness and popular culture of the time to sell those products. The name of the game is to sell people cheaply manufactured things they don't need for a profit, so that you can die old and socially alone buy surrounded by equally unneeded cheaply manufactured things that someone else sold to you for a profit.

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Really makes me think

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πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€”πŸ€”

Attached: What Really Separates the Rich From the Poor.mp4 (1280x720, 1.51M)

Virgin Prole vs Chad Porky

Can you please give a brainlet translation of this to help reach the massses/laymen. The average person is going to either not understand what the fuck this means (thus rendering it ineffective), or because the way it’s worded will give JRE-tier libertarians the ability to dismiss it as pseudo-intellectual bullshit if you are unable to adequately explain it to them.

He's basically saying that everything afforded to the worker beyond the bare minimum required for survival is looked down on by capitalists as some superfluous luxury

Wow OP, I sure have learned my lesson, from now on I'll spend one cent on my clothes and just starve to death, you sure helped me out.
Retard. I pray to god you're some spoiled petit bourgeoisie cracker I'll be able to skull fuck to death when the revolution comes.

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Or to put it another way, many capitalists have the mindset of "It's not enough to succeed, others must fail" with regards to the working class

get a job loser

"exchange his time for money"

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Ah yes, that's why the world is ruled by turbo rich elite psychopaths: because some people are irresponsible with their money.

Really opened up my eyes XD

This is beyond retarded.

really takes my noggin for a joggin

Walmart and Salvation Army my dude.

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I really like writers like Oscar Wilde that aren't ivory tower, top hat wearing 19th century ass-hats who obfuscate their writings with flowery bullshit language.

direct yet poignant.

the trick is to actually wear expensive clothes,
And not expensive because they have a Gucci label on them but because of the materials they use