What do we do if left wing idpolers try to start a revolution of their own? Such as trying to violently genocide all the whites or men or white cis men?
What do we do if left wing idpolers try to start a revolution of their own...
The same we do if we get invaded by flying pigs.
Ha you cant separate them from you guys. You fucking statists deserve it anyway. Its not like you faggots could start a revolution anyway because all your plans end in dictatorships.
So what?
They are too faggots for violence. Only working men can bring real revolution.
Imagine believing this
Jewish porky want us to kill all porky? Why? Are they suicidal?
SJWs and redlibs are too busy capitulating to capitalism to entertain the idea of communism outside of the occasional "all I want for christmas is full communism LOL XD"
I promise you, if you think there is even a hint of revolutionary potential in these useful idiots, you're wrong. What's worse is they're not even useful.
wait it out
i think it's based on the retarded misconception that communism believes industrial bourgeoisie to be the only kind of bourgeoisie. i think.
I think it just means we hate rich hwite people.
SJWs are pussies. There will be no SJW revolution
They already get their way a lot as is by complainly as loudly as possible.
SJWs already have a lot of influence in society as is. All they have to do is call you a racist, misogynist, homophobe, etc. and the other party is automatically on the defensive. Because people are afraid of being perceived as a racist, misogynist, homophobe, etc. or else they will lose their jobs and be unable to even earn their own bread. SJWs are bullies. That's why I can't wait for a neo-nazi with nothing to lose to just snap and take a run at SJWs at some rally. Once there is a SJW body count, they are going to cower away like little bitches.
It's true that modern pop-nazis are a reaction to liberalism and thus a reaction against SJW, but don't act like they are not pussies themself. The ideal would be if these two groups slaughter each other
A lot of alt-right cucks are pussies themselves. But there is a certain percentage of them that are truly unhinged and willing to kill. And some of them already have. I just find it interesting that none of them have specifically targetted an antifa/liberal/etc. rally.
There was that one guy who ran over those liberals with a car. And one liberal landwhale died because she had a heart attack after that event. Because her health is garbage and anything can startle her little heart even though she was only in her early 30s. She didn't even die from the actual impact of getting run over.
I'm pretty sure that a lot of liberals were re-thinking their activism after they saw some of their own get run over by a car.
…did this post get posted from before Charlottesville?
Based. It's just one guy, though.
Literally nazi propaganda. Source me up or shut the fuck up you Zig Forumsyp filth.
No, he's right. Heather Heyer died of a heart attack, caused by the collision. She wasn't a liberal, though.
Yeah, true but the randomness of their attack proves that they are alienated as fuck. Also they are still pussy, how they call antifa violent when they even kind of killed people?
Charlottesville was child's play compared to what could happen. Look at all the crazy shooters in America. Many of them are right-wing. Even half-Asian Elliot Rodger was practically a Zig Forumsack.
Source me up you lying faggot. Hearsay from Zig Forums is not good enough when the medical report says "died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest"
For what purpose do we require baboons though? Baboons are not required, they may return to the zoo.
No more bananas!
Sure, doesn't take much to see the US is sliding towards balkanization so political unrest can only continue to get more intense.
I'm not worried about them personally, but comrades will fall and the boot will press down ever harder.
Yes, what do you think caused the heart attack? Did people already forget how Princess Diana died?
It was ridiculous how Daily Stormer basically got banned from the entire internet (except for the deepweb) because they made fun of the victim. As if that was the worst thing that neo-nazis ever did in history. Didn't one neo-nazi shoot up a black church 3 years ago? Savage.
why isn't there an old timey soviet movie about this man?
What fucking heart attack you fucking imbecile?
Dylann Roof, yeah. That's some fucked up shit right there.
I can't imagine opening fire on church-going black people. Breivik killing liberals is something I can understand. Because liberals were actively destroying Norway with multi-culturalism. Elliot Rodger killing sorority girls, it makes sense because he was a sexually frustrated autistic incel virgin who was lashing out at the women that he wanted to sleep with but didn't want to sleep with him.
The one reported by the paramedic on scene and retold by her mother? Why did I walk in on some big conspiracy?
What's the matter man? Tank guy said that the heart attack was caused by impact. Why you need to insult him? What's wrong with her dying this way?
He killed babies tho
He killed 3 asian nerds, two ugly girls and a guy
Nazis are insisting the heart attack was due to her being fat.
I understand that, but you are not a nazi and he's insulting you. It's just strange tbh.
I'm guessing this was from the building he bombed? When he was on that island on foot, he shot at liberal teenagers and young adults. As well as adult staff.
Going after teenagers is pretty savage in of itself because many of these kids are idealistic and their political views change as adults. Once they grow up and actually get a job for once, they might realize that paying taxes to support Abdul the Syrian refugee isn't so great. These were kids of prominent MPs of Norway's social democratic party I believe.
It's not necessarily common knowledge that injury to nerves in the chest can cause fibrillations or even cardiac arrest, bit in reality, assholes gonna asshole
After all the news surrounding Princess Diana's death, you'd think people would be aware.
You'd be surprised how few people really cared, beyond *media face X* died in a wreck.
Excuse my ignorance everyone.
Why go against ignorant proles instead of people who cause immigration and use it in the first place? Norway, which I higly doubt you can even point out on a map seen how you are probably american, and scandinavia in general accepts immigrants for cheap labour and to put pressure on wages, they don't do shit out of compassion. This cause a lot of problems both in the country they come in and the one from which they come from. You stop this cycle by stopping 1.exploitation 2. Porky powers 3. By giving control of their wages to the workers. Shooting up a bunch of idiots puts you in jail, nothing else.
Also Scandinavia isn't as fucked up as the 24 hour cycle sensationalized junk news media makes you think.
I assume you support capitalism, you are causing immigration and you are the cause of multiculturalism.
There is no such thing as cultural marxism or communist cospiracy to make mongrels, we are not interested in destroying nations or cultures. The ruling class tho is interested in making everything accessible, inoffensive and mass marketable for profits: this influence everything from media to people to food.
Whose got that confused Thomas Sankara image?
Multi-culturalism is the official religion of porky. Because porky wants to monetize EVERYONE. They don't want to alienate the third worlder cheap labourers (and their kids) that they import into the first world. Because they want these third worlders to buy their shit. They want their kids to buy their shit
This is why when SJW cucks complain about an alt-right Google employee, Google has no choice but to fire that alt-right employee. Because Google doesn't want to alienate the brownies who buy their products. And the data mining they can get from all the brownie who use their services. Which they can re-sell to other corporations for a nice tidy profit
This is why right-wingers are starting to realize that the whole "muh private property. I can do whatever i want with my business" argument is now biting them in the ass. Because corporations like Google and YouTube are demonitizing the alt-right. Because the advertisers complain that the alt-right YouTubers are alienating their customers
The alt-right or any other reactionary movement can not be sustained by an advertising-centric business model (like JewTube). It can only be sustained through a donation or pay-per-use service model.
If you are a reactionary and you want reactionary content, you're going to have to go buy something called bitcoin and then trade bitcoin for something called monero (which is untraceable, bitcoin is traceable. This is why the cucks at Coinbase are banning people for donating BTC to the Daily Stormer. Because Coinbase, being capitalist cucks, don't want to offend the brownies. Because brownies buy bitcoin too. So they ban neo-nazis from using their service). The only way you can safely and anonymously donate to far-right and alt-right causes is using Monero, a private crypto-currency. Daily Stormer has now started accepting Monero recently.
Ally with the white nationalist temporarily
Pick one
These are the same people who suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of a Dodge Charger?
Holy shit that third pic is boomer tier.
Also are you talking about this dodge charger?
Someone edit the third image and add a section that says "CHILD RAISED BY COMMUNISTS"
I cringe when I look at what passes for modern day "Neo Nazis". Neck tattoos, meth, trailer trash, inbreeding hicks and hillbillies. Hitler would Zyklon all of their trailer parks if he could see it.
But I shed tears of hatred when I see how the leftists have been hijacked by the soy consumers. It is fucking pathetic. No worse tragedy has ever befallen an ideology than the hijacking of the ideology you follow. Seeing you kicked out of your Plebbit homeland off all of the boards because you do not put identity before workers. It is pure insanity.
It makes me seriously wonder if the government intentionally infiltrated and pushed you out in a hostile takeover.
A hijacking.
A mutiny.
And you were thrown overboard because you wouldn't drink the soy estrogen BLM third wave feminism ID bull prepping koolaid.
All because you wouldn't put the pink pussy hat on and stand as a silent ally in the back of the bus.
+10 points for using all of Zig Forums's buzzwords in one post
he forgot cuck tho. really impressed by all the other buzzwords he used tho
I still use cuck as opposed to soyboy. Because soy doesn't feminize men. rofl
Theyre so laiden with idpol they believe being a porky is race-based.
We side with the revolutionary right, of course
Thats right and we shouldnt do that in the first place nor ever.
Back to your short bus, champ.
Read Left Communism: An Infantile Disorder
away to Zig Forums with ye stormnigger cause of death was blunt force trauma to the torso
So what tbh
The main source for this article is a book by Antony C. Sutton, whom no one takes seriously.
Some obscure, unsourced newspaper snippet from the '60s is not proper evidence.
hey Zig Forums watcha doing
try harder
no you retard he just couldnt get laid, he didnt browse any board, he even is leftist since he was sbubbed to Young Turks
It would end up as a power struggle, chairman Unruhe would kill Muke with a fucking icepick.
incel is not Zig Forumsack though the crossover is huge for obvious reasons
come on fam
I think the randomness of violence and easy targets that blacks themselves constantly go for is the point.
but why target church goers? Why not start a shootout in the ghetto, where presumably these supposedly predatory blacks are
Hitler was a trailer park wigger with a better mustache
C+ for effort