Anyone here a member or is part of any Far-Left organization? If so, how is it like to recruit people? I want to be more active with my beliefs and recruit members myself. Tell some stories about your experiences, is it harder to recruit? Is it easy?
Anyone here have Experience Recruiting People?
Woah, neat lowkey Xavier references going on in that pic.
Who makes these memes?
Wobbly here, its pretty fucking hard because people are willing to change their nominal beliefs but are very unwilling to change their lifestyles or put real effort into their so-called beliefs. The best bet is too look out for someone with a great deal of enthusiasm and energy, they're usually the kind of people that will make great and useful comrades.
Have converted dozens of people over to Communism but not a single one has joined the IWW.
Be prepared for a great deal of lip service and excuses.
Recruit them for what exactly?
I had similar idea, I'm not going to join the party, but I would love to be in some leftist /litfit/ "club". The problem I realized is that I'm browsing Zig Forums because I'm autist with too strong political opinions which normies do not want to recognize. I came to conclusion that the best thing I can do is handing over books to random people in the street like a fucking trot.
I have, but mostly with student politics and college organizations, which was in general a very disappointing experience for me.
The place I go to is notoriously left-wing, but soon you'll realize how little that counts in terms of how few people are willing to 1. Develop those views past vague notion 2. Organize with others that are similar-minded and 3. Put in the time and effort in that organization.
There was a time where we were organizing study groups and although some people joined, they'd never read shit and they'd only show up every now and then. With time we started being more selective, our focus shifted towards social media. That would be where I'd start if I were you, really. Keep some type of social media shit presence and stay aware of your surroundings. If someone with similar views shows up on your radar, hit them up. Also, be conscious of your image. People are social beings and don't want to associate with groups that seem too odd.
I have & tbh it's kind of like picking up girls You're going to fail most of the time and the most important thing is to just keep trying If they're not 'feeling it' they're not going to be very active. I've always felt it's more important to focus on doing things that feel worthwhile and maintaining activity on social media. Let people come to you & not the other way around
Maybe they can simply dump money to your organization and you just have professional payed staff do all the work.
Would having a lot of Charisma, like a cult leader, help? (Though most people don't have this)
I feel like I was a lot better at it when i was a left-liberal
Was this the original "virgin/chad" meme? I'm guessing so because of the reversed legs
Bump, I want more stories.
This is the original virgin/chad meme
* Poster a bunch (consider stickers, wheatpaste, graffiti)
* Join any other lefty / left-leaning orgs and try to recruit from them
* Wait for any kind of national movement and run a local chapter (jump on the train)
* Make a FB group with a catchy URL and share that
In a liberal group with 20 members, 5 may be willing to join an actual Leftist movement. Oh and for every 5 people who come to your first meeting, maybe 2 or 3 will come to the next.
Reading groups and community service events are two easy ways to recruit too. Reading groups are nice because people who are too dumb or lazy to read don't show up. Community service events attract "doers" and also give your org a positive image
Hope you're looking forward to doing lots of thankless work and paying for all the supplies / treats out of pocket :)
Actually the "Virgin walk" was a guy mocking specific people and some other dude added Chad to show just how ridiculous doing the exact opposite of what the Virgin does would be, that's why Chad has a pink shirt and green pants, although after that the meme devolved into people strawmanning arguments.
I need to work on my conversion tactics. I don't talk politics with people much offline but the few times I have have been borderline shouting matches. I get passionate
I assume that didn't work so well.
It's probably not the best way to do it, but if you do it right it can at least make them think. I just try to stay away from ad hominems as much as possible though. Granted my only major arguments are against low-infos, I'd probably get BTFO if someone really knew their stuff
Caution: high feels content and a lot of pathos induced positive* statements
*positive in the academic/scientific/dialectic/fist-fucking sense
So esteemed anons, let me paint you a (probably) all too familiar picture. It's important to recognise the Labour you as a member of an org are able to perform and also to leverage with the different personalities and blocs/groups/cliques that form your org. Also, if you know 100% what org this is, please don't tell the Webphobes.
I'm a fucking councilcom , but for some reason we always end up being the in betweens for the hardline anarchists and tanks to actually manage their way through being in the same room together when it's not at an action (unless of course, you have the esteemed privilege of having a militant revabolitionist anarchotank outfit in your area, but I assume its not always the case and is usually particular to sites that have solid foundations in indigenous struggle, but I digress.)
Back to the point, alot of people find their part to play pretty well if you can get them to stay and provide them with the organisatinal capacity to get activity going.
We have one super ML from South America who's antisocial in alot of weird ways along with pumping out some pretty Sexists bullshit now and then but can sell a mag and do general trot stuff like fucking anyone. Of course it's a disaffiliated trot orgs, so it's already pretty established in the activities.
There are oldfags that are jaded and have professional jobs, but can smash out talking points, history and weird court battles in the movement that you've never heard of like theyve said it a thousand times. Because more often than not, they have.
The parent/s (if you think yours doesn't have them, then you're "The parent/s")
We have a fucking ghost member, but hes not half bad at design and is a foreign student he has to work his ass off just to survive and likes doing other shit so that's fine, he did posters almost exclusively.
There's a bunch of us (like in every small org ever) that showpony and larp it up who want to do shit on the ground so it's belligerent unapologetic postering, pickets, showing up to everything just to legitimate the org and radicalise the new kids by being "the edgy militant coolkids who smoke and invite us around to squat parties with cool prole stories we can project onto" and if you think that fresh unikids don't eat that shit up like the brunch their bourgie family makes them go to on a Sunday after a night of yelling about illegalism over banging tunes and huffing nangs you're fucking wrong.
Absolutely necessary to any small org is transtheory motherâ„¢ not only will they keep the lines rank and file tight by not tolerating announce of bullshit, but will be smarter than you and has read more than you forever.
We get liberals who are half in all the time, but that's okay, suddenly when shit hits the fan Politically (nationally or on campus) like right wing sympathetic groups starting up, or your networks come under attack, suddenly you get groundswell when you need it. I feel like party bloc didn't develop when we did get alot of them, because there was definitely potential to absorb them, but whatever shits hitting the fan regardless.
An org requires alot of social labour to maintain and grow itself before the feedback loops (clout) start kicking in at whatever critical mass is supposed to fucking be and that's the biggest fucking challenge in there comrades.
There needs to be an outlet for people to provide their input for the org. People really do need to feel like they're a part of something. After being a family, an org should feel like being in a second society.
Some would be stoked to peel potatoes, be able to learn and conduct standard food safety measures, as much as there are hotheads who would want to dumpster dive for the food that the org would sort for internal or external. distribution. There's going to be someone who would like to learn first aid, if to be a street medic as much as wanting to feel a little bit more in control in their life should they find themselves in a medical emergency.
Not entirely applicable in my country, but I'd imagine that most would be getting down with learning gun safety and becoming a genuine crackshot.
And I'm sure someone wouldn't object to learning a little civil law and jurisprudence, if to serve in mediation as only being in a group of tight-knit group of humans entails, also to be able to apply their org experience in their wider social life and when the above hand-picked examples work its great, because its at that point the two worlds start to blur and one can't separate their life as a wage slave from being an empowered conscious commie prole and its also the point at which someone sees the cause as their life and family so much that they would literally lay their life down for it.
My own org falls short in so many places in its infant steps. Our social media page is squeaky, yellow and remarkably trotskyist. Yes officer, this organisation does nothing that would considered illegal or directly offensive to the state or its owners.
The left in my country and its various single issue movements are quite atomised, or even worse have been neoliberalised and Inducted into Charity Inc. We are small, but even then there are so many ways in which members talents could be utilised that just isn't which also causes new members to kind of flake out when they see that they'd have nothing going on apart from coming to weekly meetings. The two things are directly correlated. If no one is really reaching out to co-ordinate, it's no fucking surprise that activism, direct action and single issue orgs have little militancy, there is literally fucking no one to back them up or even witness and advocate them if the state decides to Bring down the hammer. hard. Of course people would be afraid to rock the boat.
it needs to feel and very much to operate like a second family, Its a fucking social organisation ffs. Your time and attention is already encroached upon enough in the cycles of commodity production, yes your academic success or failure is still treated as a commodity without feeling like "the cause" is draining you. Bottom line. It fucking shouldn't.
That's the level of commitment that is needed in the "vanguard". Because a vanguard isn't a "vanguard". It's the most developed part of a "grass roots" movement that has skilled and dedicated revolutionaries that have networks of other leftists if not in tow, at least in awe of what's been created. Honestly I've barely even been able to touch on what the fuck is supposed to happen should you have to coordinate across regions with other chapters/cells or even figure out what the hell it's supposed to look like when it is a mass movement.
But dear anons, I hope this helps. If anything I hope you can learn from our situations and failures and avoid some of the pitfalls we're trying to dig ourselves out of and get the good work done. People want security, not safety. They'll want the operational guarantee that they aren't going to be sidelined, left out or put their energy into some grey, dead ARG of a dead horse for the society they're creating and they want you to prove that. Happy revolution fellas.
Dude, what the fuck.
If you don't think ML attracts butthurt autistic kids you're wrong.