In your world:
Where's the future we were promised?
Other urls found in this thread:
In my world:
Now ask yourself this; what the fuck is holding our species back?
Literally nothing in OP is relateable to me at all, and in his second post he describes a horrifying dystopia where humanity is fucking gone
additionally the VR headset he asked for already exists you just cant telecommute to work with it and work isnt as good as he wants
wtf who let this meme in
Wtf this sounds lit. Please post some related reading material.
Though I do agree with this slightly - the VR stuff seems beyond far-fetched, but am particularly interested in the automated heavy vehicles and combines.
your future is shit
Now tell me, what is the point of your thread, OP?
Tbh, I'd prefer a bunch of soaps and conditioners and fragrances and stuff to a forcefield, and honestly trust the aluminium phosulphate or whatever that goes into the current shit more than I would a forcefield that literally selects and dematerializes living organisms from your body. Ultrasonic shaver sounds cool, though.
Tbh, I'm not crazy about the lack of human labor, either. I mean, I assume somewhere along the lines there would be humans trained to work on the machines, but I genuinely believe that even in a society with fully-automated (I assume) production that humans would still feel a need to labor. A life without any regular forms of manual work and cooperation could, I suspect, be very unhealthy.
Mandatory post
Nice ketofaggotry OP.
Hard to digest is a good thing you moron, it's called bulk fiber. Modern carbohydrate sources are the exact opposite of hard to digest. They're easy to digest, which is why they are easy to eat in abundance for the feeble.
Also I'm sick of hearing bullshit about fortification from isolated brats who never seen pellegra in a third world country. Basic cereals are some of the least processed foodstuffs on the shelf, can you not find something real to bitch about like the bucketloads of salt that goes into your TV dinner and kills more each year than all synthetic additives combined. No, you wouldn't because it contradicts your pie in the sky vision of nature like the rest of the crystal worshippers that render the left a mockery.
You can buy a press pot for that you monkey. Poor people pay $4 for the used Mr Coffee at the thrift store. You and the rest of the bloggers are so out of touch with what real working class goes through it's surreal.
Gee, that's nice. Meanwhile, in the real world, my father has Celiac Disease and his feet have gone numb from neuropathy due to an immune reaction to the gluten in his diet. Some of us need to get our fiber in other ways.
What the fuck is that even?
I don't think you are working class, bitch.
Just LOL
Spoiled brat.
daily reminder that transhumanists are irreversibly cucked death cultists
Me and my father have a combined gross income of over $200k a year, so no, I don't think I am working class. I am, however, very much blue-collar, being a unionized merchant mariner who works on ferries and does stuff like opening up and cleaning out sewage pumps packed with rich people's tampons, tampon wrappers, sanitary pads, diapers, and in one case, a fuckin' foley catheter some dipshit flushed down a toilet. I don't even have a high school diploma. Fuck's sake, people should go to a fuckin' trade school and get a job like mine if they're so hard up for money that they can't even buy a fuckin' Mr. Coffee without resorting to the Goodwill or Craigslist. Jesus. What the hell's it to you that I'm not flat fucking broke? I hate the yuppie neoliberal crowd just as much as any commiebro should.
Seriously. Go to Training Resources Limited in San Diego. Pay $4k in tuition or whatever they're charging now. Get a goddamn MMC from the US Coast Guard and a TWIC from the TSA. Then ship the fuck out and leave mankind to rot on the shore. Entry-level positions in the marine industry make $80k a year, with opportunities to quickly promote into positions making over six figures, and you don't even need a fucking degree, just more than two brain cells in your fucking head.
Obviously, you're missing the part where people freely collaborate instead of being chained by the neck to their jobs, or where they have massively more free time for self-actualization, engaging in the veritable explosion of culture and information that would result in freeing the lower classes from the burden of menial labor.
But that's okay. Let's stay the course. Let's see what happens when the average daytime equatorial temperature on Earth hits 180F a couple centuries from now, and humanity hasn't yet left our flesh behind for sacred steel.
Joke: capitalist transhumanism
Woke: socialist cybernetistry.
But showers are comfy. Also, what about oils and grease?
humanity should be gone.
^ your edge
I, for one, am curious why this thread has attracted so many people who think 'working class' refers to an income bracket. I thought leftypol cleared this up with everyone on the spot.
bumping this thread for later
if we get nuked, at least we're not losing anything worthwhile
Nice spooks kid.
Enjoy making no gains bitch
It's time to end this meme.
Nice try boyo. Have fun with your spooks.
Both look dystopian tbh
This is so true.
i kinda like transhumanism but this thread makes it look stupid.
Anyway, short, answer, the forces holding back progress are those of the market.
Also, is the cost of life so high in the U.S.? I make about 25.000 euros/year without taxes, and i consider myself fortunated, since young people usually does much worse. How someone who makes 100k dollars per month is not considered high class? I've seen some pretty crazy infographs about houses prices in united states so maybe the thing is that life is more expensive
in my world:
wake up
have breakfast
select ur social labor for the day
get labor certificates
get invited to party after work
arrive at party
its a communist party
go to bed
the end