People are incredibly classcucked. If you think I'm classcucked, talk to the average working person on the street. I am one of the most class conscious people I know. The system is absolutely fucking absurd. I should know because all I do is buy and sell assets while the wage cuck who makes my pizza is making shit. It does me no good to defend the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie spend millions, even billions, to lobby for their interests. They don't need working class people or petty-bourgs to do that for them.
But if someone personally attacks me for being petty-bourg, then I'm gonna bite their head off. You can't fault me for acting within my own rational self-interest within the capitalist framework. And I'm not rich. I'm doing what I do to secure my retirement. I don't wake up in the morning thinking "how am I gonna fuck the working class today?"
As I stand now, my profit from crypto trading is less than $80,000 USD. My profits used to be more than double that.
So if people want to hate on someone who is basically a middle-income person just because they are "petty bourg", meanwhile you have people making billions and millions of dollars who have the actual real power in society, knock yourself out.
There are people who earn a lot less money than me on r/The_Donald and r/mgtow who think I am a raging socialist. They thought I was a raging socialist when I was making nearly $200k.
There isn't going to be a revolution. People are too afraid to rock the boat. The wage cucks believe in their mind that they should be grateful for what we have. I won't start feeling grateful until I have $2-3 million. Why should I feel grateful when there is a handful of people who never have to work because they are rich while the vast majority of us are slaves?
Most people have accepted their slavery. I don't accept my slavery. That is why I'm trying to get rich. Waiting around for revolution isn't gonna do me any good. Wage cucks are deluded. These people are slaves and they defend the right for the bourgeoisie to enslave them. They have what is called slave morality.
I have that Emperor Palpatine type of mentality. He worked within the system but he was an opportunist snake in the grass who was looking for the right opportunity to betray his master. Emperor Palpatine has no loyalty to anyone but himself. I have no loyalty to the bourgeois kikes who run society. If I see the opportunity to slit a rich kike's throat, I'll do it. I'm a Black Piller. Not a right-winger. Anarcho-Tyroneism. lmao.
Until revolution has a serious chance, the only logical move right now would be to try to do capitalism to the best of my ability. You would need serious levels of accelerationism for the wage cucks to even have a chance of waking up. In the Russian/Cuban/Chinese Revolution, the proles lived way worse than we do now. The wage cucks are not uncomfortable enough to do revolution. The wage cucks have shown a willingness to trade freedom for a minimal amount of security.