I can’t believe this shit. Reactionaries are the scum of the earth. They will defend their orange king until his death. You can check Zig Forums and the desperate mental gymnastics they do to justify this border on insanity. Do you Americans have any steam left in the anti-war movement back from Bush?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus christ

Obama killed the anti-war movement.

Doing the world another favor soon

This would have happened no matter which figurehead was put into office. This is par for the course US militarism. If this is the hill Zig Forums wants to die on, let them. So much for "America first", it's better to spread bourgeois democracy with the barrel of a gun


This makes my blood fucking boil. A Hillary presidency would illuminate the nature of this policy and with populism playing so well with right wingers there could have been serious resistance to something like this. Now? Well Trump is a retard, all the horrible things we do we can lay at his lap. Fuck Zizek and fuck you mongoloids that voted for Trump to “inspire” the left.

God damn it. One of my main arguments against Hillary, was that at least Trump wasn’t planning to put a no fly zone over Syria. Now this shit happens….

The goal was never to "inspire the left" but to murder the neoliberal left with a rusty fucking dagger. It has largely worked.

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Zig Forums will defend this

Read Marx.

Hey, it took a year and a half in this case. Wonder what happened.

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might as well read fantasy.

lmao shut up

It's depressing ain't it. Remember this: the liberals are the ones attacking Trump from the right on "defense"; the opposition is demanding more military action from a weak president, and he's like to give it to them! Liberals are the problem just as much as any reactionary - even more so!

True question is if there would have been resistance on the left.

Not at all. The democrats could put up basically anyone and promise not to grab guns. Or they will impeach him after the midterms.

So, after how many months or years of "kurds! chemical weapons! dictator!" do you think americans will realize they were lied to this time?

sorry we're not all getting on board with your genius plans

None at all, being a woman president by itself would've washed the blood she would've spilled all over the middle east.

and won’t that be just prefect for them

The average normalfag doesn't give a shit that their government flattens other countries and topples their governments for not toeing the US-drawn line. Military is worshiped here

no need to read, you're already writing plenty of it

Americans don't even control their country, some dudes in D.C. do. There are plenty of people regardless of whats going on that don't want war at all, or they have sane rational views that run contrary to our countries current actions and policies. The media and who gives the public information is an echo chamber for these decisions, offering people no depth but shallow rhetoric, opposing thoughts, or any sort of academic discussion. Instead, the majority of our idiots lick up any drop of sensationalist media and entertainment they can in a sad attempt to fulfill their lives or "take their mind off the daily grind a bit."
Sadly most Americans are demoralized from doing anything but being a debt-slave, and can't even stand up for themselves against opposing thoughts. Discourse has been reduced to paragraph tweets and social media jerking, there isn't room for educational discussion.

Nobody gives a fuck, or feels like they can even give one, truly a sad, misery ridden people who do have it good, but are too dulled and inundated by the system to do anything but go along with it.

I am pessimistic that Americans give a shit until they start being rattled a bit in their own lives. Maybe once Americans are forced off the couches and keyboards, then something can happen, but until then I say our people just don't need anti-war movements.

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You really don’t think if Hillary started wars there wouldn’t be a lot of pushback from the both the left and the right? There is zero pushback to this.

This is probably the best and most accurate post in this thread.

Bottom line: its not as profitable, anti war isnt needed because we dont feel compelled enough, and our lives aren't affected by the war at all.

No. They just will curl up in the fetal position and tune out what is happening over seas with a 6 pack and the 80th season of American idol.

Zig Forumstards deserve death

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Yes, there would be zero pushback if Hilary did this. The right didn't push back when Obama destroyed Libya, or his involvement in Yemen and Syria. They had before already destroyed Iraq, and not significantly pushed back when Clinton bombed Serbia.

Bannon and the paleocons do not actually have a caucus anymore, there is only Tom Cotton Thought coursing through the Repub veins.

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Fuck boons



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Now is not the time boonposter.

/po/tards deserve 1000 years of scrotum mutilation.

*American jet I'm a retard I know.

no, historically they won't. the US warns the russians before they bomb a target in syria

why are you blaming orange king? don't you know what we're doing? idiot

What did he mean by this?

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'mericans still refuse to believe gulf of tonkin was a lie to this day.

Is there an image that better describes the absolute state of Zig Forums right now?

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Daily reminder that Richard Spencer was the first to publicly protest military action against Syria, and the “left” actually counter-protested siding with the statist boomers. How do people actually take anarchists serious?

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We don't.


Hey dumbass, the Assad Regime IS fascists, and allied with Russia. These people are a threat to liberal democracy, and the military needs to take action.



it was an anti-richard spencer rather than a pro-war rally, as a communist you should know it's bad to allow opportunist elements to take advantage of your talking points

There would be zero (==ZERO==) pushback if Hillary was doing this shit, retard. The fact that the anti-war movement disappeared after Bush got replaced with Obama should've fucking clued you in.

I’m starting to think this guy actually gives a shit about the state of the world.

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even if you're being ironic you should still be banned

This is the most depressingly accurate description of our country I've read in a while.

Spencer is the best thing Zig Forums could have asked for, yet they reject him as a shill. Sad

You don't go against people but against ideas


Is Aiden behind this one too?



So if your "enemies" show any form of empathy it's fake? I use Zig Forums and I'm deeply opposed to any form of US intervention


Richard Spencer gives a shit about war as much as he gives a shit about other people he manipulates for money

The fucker is an old hat neocon trying to revive his fucking image

The protest was optics bullshit

Then you're a complete retard

Never trust Spencer's lies

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If it's Richard Spencer, yes. Yes it is. And it doesn't matter at all. Who and what their goals achieve do not overlap with "anti war"


On second thought, fair point

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Could this trigger world 🌎 war 3?

No, could it start an inflamed proxy-war in the Middle East? yes.

You need to read Edward Bernays. Understand that the American public is the product of life-long conditioning by greedy, immoral, and highly intelligent people. That desultory behavior you speak of is there in large part because someone put it there. Nothing happens for nothing. What we can do is educate. Educate until you win.

meme material

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Where the fuck am I? Are you all too young to remember the 2004 election? Don't believe the hype. Bush was way more reviled in his day than Trump is at this point. Bush had thousands of dead Americans solely on his hands and he still skated in.
And if you say that bull about "we were in the middle of a unpopular war which the draft doger got us into that's why we couldn't vote for the Silver Star Purple Heart Vet," then that's even more reason why Syria escalation can only help Trump in this country.

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My man I'm 24 years old, probably older than 95% of leftypol, and I barely remember the 2004 election.


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Then I guess you're all in for a rude awakening about how the world and the system really work.
FYI Bush lost the popular vote the first time just like Trump but won it the second time by just fucking up endlessly in office.

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He’s right. I’ll be thirty next year, so I can probably remember this shit a bit better. Bush was already disliked, but “muh 9/11” I think distracted enough people from how terrible he was

But everything he did after 9/11 widely despised(until Obama got into office and did the exact same shit that is). I mean fucking Obama ran on ending torture and closing Guantanamo. I think he also said he was against Patriot Act and some shit? But words=/=deeds of course) Everyone hated the TSA. His NSA even got caught putting their ex-wives on no fly lists while they were out of the country besides all the corrupt Haliburton Cheney shit. ALL THAT is without even getting into Afghanistan, Iraq, Black sites, Abu Ghraib etc. etc. etc. The only thing I remember Bush doing that people likes was the No-Call-List.
It's way too early to tell because it's hard to discern who's going to enter the democratic primary but if it's:
Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Mark Zuckerberg, The Rock, and Oprah, I can easily see Trump finding a way to win, and maybe even the popular vote this time.

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