restricts access to donors, shuts down main server, Users blame Owner's Wife

Stormfront founder and former Klansman Don Black announced on Tuesday that the white supremacist movement’s first major hate forum is temporarily restricting access to “sustaining members” — users who donate at least five dollars a month — and will be archiving and shuttering its main server on April 6 due to a “financial crisis.”

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But but but some fash told me that there's an army of millions of underground fascists just waiting to donate!

Seems like their audience isn't as large and impressive as they would like to claim

Today is April 9th. The site looks to be working fine.

Do deranged honkies ever go a day without making a scene?

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Hilarious, in the end what did stormfront in wasn't registrar fuckery but the owner's wife.

Lest this be a lesson to everyone here: when given full and total free speech nazis will successfully defeat themselves. Censorship only helps them.


As the article correctly mentions most of them have moved onto bigger and better platforms, if they aren't making them themselves. Stromfront has already succeeded in it's mission to bring nazi masturbation fantasies into the twenty first century. And as the article also mentions, the site itself is an immense archive for the past twenty if not thirty years of WN activity.

I wonder what bigger platform that dozen people needs

I know it shouldn't be a surprise that these self-hating reactionary manlets are such a constant source of comedy, but my god they just keep topping themselves.

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I thought Louis Theroux had a documentary where he went and hung out with the co-owner of Stormfront, and his autistic son at some wrestling place called the “power house” in Florida, and then they got drunk in Mexico.

Shiggy diggity diggity are you gonna celebrate when they finally shut down the dailystormer in 2035? Oh no you won't, final victory would have come by then;^)

Andy Anglin is currently in the murder capital of Asia. I'm betting sooner than 2035

You're a bunch of neocons at this point son


How's that? Every day we're calling the white House telling drumpf not to escalate the war in Syria for ZOG Occupied Government

Every day you stray further from God's light, Mammon

Every night

You're going back, Paco

Who said I wasn't white? You? Zig Forums?

That's a laugh


One of my favorite Don Black stories is when he got arrested for trying to overthrow the government of Dominica to create a white government that would rule over a population of 99 percent black slaves.

Didn't really think that one through.

He served a few years in federal prison for that.

Also it was in 1981 and him and his KKK buddies convinced some mercs that Reagan had their back. (He didn't.) Has shades of Charlottesville where all these fash thought Trump was one of them, but like Reagan he's just a senile old racist with worms in his brain.

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Why do you guys keep on trying to portray Cruz as one of us? He wasn't. Just let it go. You've been had.

Because he was.

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Most of us are Europeans, you're going to have to try better than that. According to your ideology, you should be protecting us, Burger. I don't see much protection so far, I see some petty swipes

Protect me, oh saviour of the white race, white knight

Is keeping a small web forum online really that expensive? Over $24,000 a year? Holy shit. Capitalism really is shit, only the 1% can even keep a website running.
That's actually surprising, I honestly thought it was increasing with the rise of Zig Forumstards. Or does Zig Forums just mean that nobody needs Stormfront anymore?

kek, the good old fashion traditionalists needed an old woman to be the breadwinner for them.

Zig Forums is like the chapo trap house subreddit but for conservatives. It's a place where boring suburban white kiss pretend to be Nazis but are really just lame republicans/conservatives IRL. Also they don't have a lot of money since most are 14.

I don't remember that one. It must have been a while ago if it happened because Don Black's son renounced white nationalism once he got to college.

Stormfront is kind of an old's man website and the internet at large has been drifting away from traditional forums for a while. Its decline, even in the face of rising white nationalism, makes some sense. I don't know how much organizing is still done on stormfront but even if there is any it's likely that the Zig Forums retards, kekistan weirdos, various richard spencer worshipers, etc, the younger edge of white nationalism, mostly stick to their own sites. Since Charlottesville they've become increasingly factionalized.

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To answer this question seriously, Zig Forums. Figure that when Stormfront was created in 1997 nothing like it had really existed yet, being racist online was incredibly difficult because most IRC rooms had enough mods to keep a lid on that. Forums overall were pretty new, consider that gamespot didn't exist yet.

1997-2018 is an amazing run if you think about it, especially when it's successor is Zig Forums who has influence across pretty much the entire Internet and is full of spooked retards willing to proxyshit their way through moderators on mainstream sites.


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If jews are so powerful and own the government, then how did trump become president? Wasn't hillary their candidate?

storm front is seen as boomer white nationalism by millennial right wingers.

They call it white nationalism 1.0

I think the average age might skew a bit older actually. Pol spun off from SA in the 2000s and the average age of SA goons is probably in the 30s. When pol has actually sprung off a rally it seems like a mix of younger guys and middle-aged guys.

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Strictly referring to the actual neo-Nazis now: they are spread out among several distinct but overlapping groups.

There are the new European-style groups like Identity Evropa, and then you have your harder gang-style groups. Out on the West Coast, back when they mixed with normie conservatives more often last year at these pro-Trump rallies, there were these street-gang types who'd show up, who turned out to be a group of Hammerskins (pic) and their associates.

That's actually the core of the neo-Nazi movement and where most of their numbers are. There are probably more neo-Nazi gang members in California prisons alone than there are in all your IRL groups doing activism in the state combined. Way more. And the same guys make up a lot of the actual rank and file of the activist groups, too, when you peel it back, are basically small-time gangsters.

Proud Boys still seems like the one group where they still mix. If you're in the U.S. and you look at your local Proud Boys, you'll see a mix of, like … uber-radicalized, tubby conservatives who listen to Mark Levin, and a handful of actual neo-Nazis who've cloaked themselves in it. (There's a lone Proud Boy in that photo.) My guess is the tubby conservatives are going through their mid-life crises and think it's fun to feel tough when hanging out with gangsters.

I've talked to some European friends who really think the Proud Boys are one of the stupidest groups in the bunch, because the ultra clubs over there are smart enough to mind their own business while Proud Boys try to act as obnoxiously as possible.

A lot of the street Nazis also come from broken families and have criminal records involving drugs, guns and violence. It's really no different than the Surenos or Nortenos, but when white society sees a groups of whites doing crimes together, the blame tends to fall on the individual rather than the gang as a collective.

Nah he's in Ohio.

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oh WEW he was one of the clansmen that tried to take over DOMINICA i didnt know that
what a fucking joke

actually this is interesting
for a while now when i thought about retards on the right, i mostly had these internet based autists and basement dwellers who were only a danger to themselves
before i usually had skinheads in mind, not sure when the shift in my thought came, perhaps the reason was that i just haven't seen any skinhead groups in my country/city in a very long time.
By skinhead groups i mean the larger gatherings, like the local stormfront chapter here in serbia or other forbidden organisations and not the occasional teen that bought a pair of dr. martens with white laces.
Speaking of this, what's the situation in the US and west europe, is there a rise in the number of skinheads, or are their number lower in favour of these autistic alt-right types?