This is a personal anecdote and it doesn't mean shit in reality, but anyway: I was brought up without nationalism, and without racial love (or knowledge about the existance of race for that matter), yet I still turned out the way I did.
It was demonstrated all over the animal kingdom, including mouses and humans.
funny stuff
Is your house personal property? By what standard do you measure what is and what is not?
What caused it then? Sometimes correlation does imply causation, and you are just pretending to be smart.
Why doesn't it spike now, in the darkest of times?
It can, but not all identities are equal. Most peoples ethnic/national identity is stronger, as far as the world shows.
A tribe is a group of distinct people, dependent on their land for their livelihood, who are largely self-sufficient, and not integrated into the national society.
According to the definition of a tribe, it kinda is. Also, when I say nation, I mean a country in which people share common ethnicity/blood.
It's called monetary help
are you okay?
in the 1940es and the pre-war period there were more women women working than in America, UK and France. in 1941/2, in some regions it reached 70%. Source: Wages of Destruction.
Official historical numbers retard. Countless sources. WoD is just one of them.
Whenever men rebel against the iron logic of nature, they are, in essence, fighting against the principles that gave rise to them. Therefore, such a fight can only lead to the downfall of man.