Seems like war will now begin. Is this actually a US attack? Probably. Do you guys think another air raid will cause Russia to declare war on us? I really am unsure.
And So It Begins
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They won't start WWIII over syria. This is just another 5 years of proxy war
I'm no expert, but I'm expecting a slightly larger strike than the one from last year, given the fact that it is the second time (allegedly) that this has happened and the higher (allegedly) death toll. I don't think it will be an out and out war, at least I hope not. We'll have to see, I can't keep up with how fast stuff is changing right now. One minute it was planes flying over Lebanon now it's an airbase attack
Oh boy
it's gonna be fucking nothing
This is the nail in the coffin for the Amerikan Empire.
I want Drumpf to actually invade Syria and to possibly get tangled up with Russia and Iran. Let it all blow up already.
Nothing. Screencap this.
It's nothing. America confirmed it's not theirs. It's probably Israel
Israel is trying to distract from the massacres of Palestinian protesters and keep the pressure on Assad as the civil war winds down.
The Western establishment bet big in Syria and lost. The way they see it the best alternative is to go all in to try to get back what they’ve lost
The Jews will finally go extinct. Praise Allah. All kikes are going to the ovens
I don't know…It feels to me like WWIII has been hyped up at least once a year every year for the past decade or so. It feels like nothing but monkeys throwing rocks and then running away- giving off some libidinal energy. I don't think people in power have hyped themselves up enough to begin WWIII. There hasn't been enough propaganda, like 9/11 tier propaganda. Once Assad 'gases an American football stadium with record attendance' then I'll be convinced we're headed to WWIII. A little gas attack (that's only alleged with ambiguous origins at this point) seems only enough to rationalize an air-field attack and nothing more. And Russia doesn't seem ready imo- then again I know little about where Russia stands. I think it's nothing.
Mcain know's what it's all about, not letting that brain tumor slow him down one bit:
I wish this old fart would hurry up & die already.
Israel is the culprit.
It's just Israel again, nothing new
Prove me wrong. protip: you can’t
I just think its funny how everyone still thinks we have to declare we are at war ever again. Our entire civilization is in turmoil. This is a tumultuous war of who's going to make the "right" decision and who it will affect. That makes it right for different groups of people. So yes, WW3 begun a long time ago. Warfare is now >psychological. No longer do they need death in the center of human populace. They have brain death.
Soldiers lost to the will of "HOO FKN RA MY COUNTRY 'MERICA"
Loss of will except turning as a cog-self in a ZOG Occupied Government Machine.
Fuck that.
Everyone's a soldier now.
Just get cointelpro'ed on bro.
No, it anything Russia will back down allowing Trump to do the no-fly zone Clinton wanted. Assad will then have his regime crushed, and will likely seek asylum in Russia as a joint US-Israeli force invades Syria. Israel will operate Syria as an occupied state like the former Palestine (which will be fully annexed in the coming years), it's citizens who refuse Israeli citizenship being deported to Turkey, Lebanon or Jordan. Kurds will of course be exempt and America will drop bombs on Iraq to create Kurdistan, which will create problems with Turkey. This brings us to about 2025, when Pence assumes office.
The real player here is Turkey, obviously. In ten years they will have a US-backed secessionist force raping them, and Erdogan knows this. He's going to lock down his power and make good friends with Putin, expect Turkey to quit NATO and tell America to remove the US airbases in their country. Erdogan then opens up to Putin, who gains Anatolia as an ally. This will create strategic problems for America in Ukraine.
By the way, if/when Kurdistan exists it would become extremely easy for a Kurdish-Iranian war to happen in which case America and Israel can declare war on Iran. Just so you know.
Those who are saying this is nothing are wrong. This is just another part of an escalation towards an Iranian Israeli megaproxywar. With the US pulling out Israel is going to take more drastic action: the next front Assad must fight is the south on the border with the Golan heights.
Israel's been bombing syria for more than a decade now though. They bombed them just back in Feburary. They got one of their jets shot down too.
No no-fly zone though. That's a thing which would break Assad.
You can't set up a no fly zone against enemies that have advancex anti air capabilities. Did you read what I wrote about the Israeli jet getting shot down?
This isn't just a routine bombing, in one month's time the deadline for lifting sanctions on Iran comes. If the US refuses to do so the Iran deal is forfeit. If that occurs Iran will start developing nukes again. Israel will go all out to attack Iran wherever possible, including both Syria and Lebanon. Hezbollah, mostly having dome its job is returning to Lebanon and preparing for this fight with Israel. A transnational proxy war between Iran and Israel is about to start and it will get bloody. The worst part is Bolton will throw guns at Israel to fight it, and Putin at Assad and Khemeni. These strikes are different because Israel itself is saying it is going to act more, Bibi needs a war to destract frommissues at home, Iran is about to get a line from the medd to Tabriz if it is lucky and the two WANT to butt heads. Shit is about to get really bad an noone notices it.
Yes, an ISAF F-16. Notably the ISAF hasn't lost any F-35s to the SAA, the one the SAA nearly shot down wasn't damaged beyond repair (or flightworthiness). This was one of the reasons Bibi used to justify airstrikes against Assad and buying more F-35s.
That said most of Syria's air power comes from Russia, because Russia is able to quickly escalate things beyond what Israel is capable of fighting, one of the reasons why Israel wants direct US involvement. I doubt Russia would actually fight America directly over Syria, but that's not to say America wouldn't pay for blowing up Assad. As I mentioned here there's a broader regional game being played, one which Putin has a stronger hand even if he looses Syria.
Are they even airworthy yet, the F-35I's? Do the Israelis have their own software suite that's actually finished?
Sorry had to stop at Pence 2025. Ill try resdimg the rest as like a screenplsy pitch or something. I cant even remember hearinf that faggot utter a wkrd before. Bitch is like the perfect child seen but never heard.
The F-35I has been flying for a least two years now and the attempted shoot down is proof that the ISAF is already using them in combat.
Any updates on the situation?
Things like Putin wanting to "bring the USSR" back are obviously blatant propaganda. What's the underlying rationality for the whole conflict to begin with? Is it simply the case that American capital needs new or rather better investment outlets or is there more nuance to the whole thing? Please be patient with me, i'm new to this whole matter.
Coalition building attempt stumbled
strikes probably won't happen until friday, major deescalation is ongoing right now
probably end up being another meme strike and ultimately blow to US prestige