This has been on the local news a little and it's starting to grind my gears
Officer died and ceremony
How dare you!
Every policeman is a precious angel! Beautiful and brave! That tractor trailer committed a hatecrime!
Sanitation workers have a much high job fatality rate than cops. They won't ever get a state funeral. And the Sanitation workers are actually useful.
Yeah but do they help break up strikes? I thought not.
Also dont you hate it when people, drive right up behind others and you, on the highway? Im a firm believer in keeping a safe distance to whoever is in front of you in traffic. You never know when the person will brake suddenly or how fast youll react.
The cop probably thought he was some professional driver, probably just because he took some sicc policing driving courses. Thought he was invincible, but he was wrong and got clocked.
There are see the Disney and Kentucky teachers' strikes. Not that they're very effective, due to people like the Anaheim Police Department.
Just dislike the video
Daily reminder that tractor trailers are my comrades.
Because police officers are hero’s, son, and they put their life on the line to defend your freedom. Now keep your hands up, and crawl towards me.
and he was also a muhreen ! golly gee true blue USofA. sad!
huh, learn something new every day
Cops are huge cowards and only use force against those who can't fight back unless they have backup. A fantastic example of this occurred during that school shooting in Florida where an armed police officer refused to enter a building in order to stop a man from murdering children because he was afraid of being shot at.
tbh one symptom of capitalism killed another.
Not to be that guy, but that is actually proper procedure. Running in by yourself with no backup is a sure fire way to get not only yourself but others killed in any dangerous situation. t. Firefighter
I hope don't get banned for saying that out of some weird relation for being in a civil service
Well, you aren't a cop so
You are a friend
Thx, that's a relief. Currently operating as a volunteer in my town and going for full certification. Hopefully no one is somehow watching this and finds me out.
No joke, a couple months ago two guys showed up with their necks snapped and bags over their heads in my home town. Guess what the cops called it: a suicide. A double suicide. They put bags over their heads and snapped their own necks, in separate locations at the same time apparently. Didn't even make local papers.
But every pig that died by their own incompetence deserves a fuckin citywide memorial I guess. Keep in mind that at the same time as this shit is happening states are trying to ban protest action that holds up highway traffic. The whole public clogging traffic in of their own free will to protest injustice is wrong but a police chief ordering officers to do the same for the sake of a pointless gesture is totally fine. America is a shithole.
Tbh firefighters are p brotier thanks for helping us not die and stuff. I mean, as long as you aren't being critically underfunded because you don't generate profit and contractors can't sell you guns and armored vans.
Cheap flammable furnishing makes big bucks.
We actually had a whole fire class is talking about all the new crap that's in furnishings and building materials nowadays compared to 30 years ago. There's so much carcinogens in the smoke produced now (there were back then as well, but we just didn't know) that most firefighters are dying from complications after the job (cancer, heart attack, etc.) then on it. Not only that, but its not too uncommon to hear stories about building contractors cutting corners when installing drywall and other materials and violating building codes for things which would be a few $1000 dollars to do or install. Another big thing (and not actually required in a lot of states) is fire sprinkler systems. For a few thousand dollars, building contractors could mitigate and even kill the spread of a fire in the medium to larger homes but many just decide to pocket the money and push back harshly against any legislation to make it required. A majority of lives lost in fires could be saved for a few thousand.
yo, you mind sending me a link to an article or something about that? sounds believable but I kind of want to see it for myself
hey, your job is pretty much to save lives
I don't think anyone could really have anything against you