go to leftyshit
kek, wtf is wrong with him? she's underage
No, it's not ethical, but leave his strange role play alone.
E-celebs are faggots;you are a faggot. Sage this thread.
Get the gun, Batitsky.
No problem here. Legal age is 16.
Go to bed Aidan
Muke, Roo, Finnbol…
Yes but, the problem is so many people are hating finbol relentlessly for simplying e dating and erping with a 16 year old girl. His whole channel and every thing he's worked towards forging is completely fucked now.
Cause you said so?
I think I'll go sub to him actually.
This only leaves room for new ones to take their place
I hope Comrade Hakim and other smaller ML's and general socialists become relevant, tbh.
what proof is there of this teenage girl existing, and did he know she was supposedly teenaged?
also, he's a dumbass for ERPing, this kind of shit is going to ruin a lot of communists who don't have a basic sense of how much people are striving to discredit them.
I'm not talking about my opinion, I actually think this whole thing was taken out of proportion and is unfair for finbol but it seems the general populace is not with me on this one.
The screenshots. Finbol said himself
lmao these male allies are going to have their day too.
24 year old guys should not get involved with 16 year old girls, but getting hysterical about it is American puritanism, particularly when "it" is online message chats.
Finbol sure is into some kinky shit
So how old is this girl? I'm hearing 12, 15, and 16. Which is correct?
All i can hope for is that finbol doesnt lose credibility completely and doesn't lose much of his community to this shit.
16 seems like.
I'm pretty sure 16
Gonna post this here I guess, this looks like a shitpost more than an ERP, it's about Kulaks, for christ's sake.
The whole FinnBol thing makes me really glad I got perma-banned off Twitter and decided to stay off. The level of discourse is just absurd.
For instance, shit like:
just makes me wonder if these people have ever had real friends. During a particularly late at night Skype call I remember, clear as day, a friend of mine and I making up an entire mythos involving the Crips being owned by Pepsi-Cola and chain calling Wallmarts in the area if they had "Criptal Pepsi" in stock and if not if the Bloods had stolen it for about three hours entirely because I misspoke the words "Crystal Pepsi" as the aforementioned "Criptal Pepsi"
It was a fun night.
Anecdotes aside, my point is essentially that the interactions between close friends are generally incredibly weird without context.
He's done, and his inability to conduct himself like a serious communist in his private life SHOULD disqualify him from, for instance, party membership at least until he straightens his shit out. Communists need to be mentally disciplined. People who act the way he did are hazards to party organization. Not that he's in a party afaik. The correct response to this kind of thing would be a year or so suspension imo if communists had their shit together, and he'd be required to show he was in a better mental condition or something to get back in.
That said, people shouldn't hysterically shield their eyes from his videos. If the vids are good they're good. Sadly they are not usable as propaganda any more.
kindly fuck off
If she's 16 she's legal age in Finland.
Do you even read what I'm posting? I am not personally offended at all.
Don't kid yourself, he's a youtuber with no video editing skills. We don't need "voices," we need people to go ahead and fucking read the source material and the basics of Marxism and Marxist history themselves. If we don't have such people, we need to start training ourselves to do it.
Yes, inb4 "hahahaah you are an ancap because you care about the age of consent." Still, it is a bit weird for older guys to even say lewd shit to 18 year olds. Like, they are really not mature people at 16 or 18 in much of modern society.
Not sure. I lost my virginity at 20 to a guy who was 33.
He was a Chomskytard though.
If only there was a well read history channel with decent presentation that made dialogues about these topics to garner interest… :thinking:
yeah, there was a 16 year old who is into me one time. Shit was weird. I had to tell her to find someone else and it made her cry. She's much happier now though, because she has a boyfriend that's her same age and they probably have more in common.
legal age where i live is also 16 btw
Yes and that's fine and all, but internet-addled teenagers are just as likely to say "welp watched a video" and click away without ever picking up a book. The youtube medium itself is a major problem, in fact YT is not likely to even be usable to communists soon, with Google purging dissident accounts. All I'm saying is that "voices" are dispensable and clinging to them like a life raft only shows how pathetic we are.
Let this be a reminder for all leftists to never use discord or publicly make your name known (even your handle) on chats. If you are to do some weird roleplay, make sure its in private and understand that as a "well known leftist" anything you do online can be used against you. Honestly, was this really necessary for him to do? Could he not be in a separate private chat? And that's not even counting the fact that he really shouldn't be getting involved with a 16-year old, legal in his country or otherwise, given his age and him and hers alleged mental state. Also, communists should be disciplined regardless if people are watching or not. Such a fantasy should be treated as something to deal with as a personal problem or to talk with a spouse in private about, not something to indulge in within a discord chat.
idk, the gap between 20 and 33 is smaller than 18 and 24 in terms of maturity imo.
Autistically purity testing someone out of the movement for a shitpost is equally if not more pathetic.
Not really. This guy manipulated the fuck out of me. 33 is grown adult, 20-year olds still have the mentality of teens.
Honestly this is just more far left political division.
ERPing fifty shades of gray has not harmed anyone. Especially not any old Chinese men in panties. This storm is ruining my tea. I wish to hear no more about it.
it's not autistic to recognize that people with conduct issues will be used against us by the police and the media.
maybe so, I'm not in my 30s yet so idk. it's possible you could have been manipulated by someone closer-aged too.
Leftwingers are sexual deviants.
I have a tumbler just for porn and its always funny when you see some tumbelr sjw use their profile to like some fucked up porn like rapeplay .
Im going to give a protip to everyone.
1. never use your public profile for porn
2. have two profiles, the good boy profile and the naughty boy profile
3. never use your real name, location, or any other private info on your naughty boy profile.
4. have multiple email accounts
5. never use the same profile name twice
I feel bad for finbol because even though its his fault for not being careful with this type of shit, hes basically fucked now because of this and will probably be forever hated in the leftist community
that account looks fishy af
so roo knew about this. go figure.
A human adult is a product of his environment (economic system, culture, etc).
We all live in this fucked up system. And frankly, to be a radical - especially in the west, at this point in time, you need to be a little fucked up or crazy. There are very few leftists in the west who aren't mentally ill to some degree. Hell, there are very few ordinary human beings in the capitalist world who aren't mentally ill, period.
Remember that the PRIMARY method for the state & reactionaries in bringing down male leftist leaders/figures - whether online or offline, is in smearing them with sexual/gender based controversies. Sometimes the accusations are fake, and sometimes there is some basis in reality. This is the most common, and most powerful way of discrediting/bringing down revolutionary figures for the state, precisely because the bourgeois state realizes people in our system are mentally fucked up, and MOST are prone to fun like this (even if they don't speak about it.)
Marx, Lenin, MLK, Hugh P Newton, Che Guevara, Julian Assange, Fidel Castro, Jose Maria Sison, Mao, and a fuckton of other leftist/quasi-leftist leaders had similar rumors spread about them - some fake, but many based in reality.
The left is, and will always be totally fucked in the west if we continue to play into this game of artificial/manufactured outrage every time a male leftist does, or allegedly does something sexually degenerate (but consensual) according to bourgeois/reactionary agents.
Honestly, its something I'm sad to say sometimes escapes political orientation completely. I remember being invited to Zig Forums discords when I browsed there and finding dedicated trap and loli channels. Maybe its the sexual frustration inherent in a lot of imageboards or the fact that most people involved in radical politics today are barely out of high school? Idk, but its something I see way too often.
Bringing down a leftwinger has nothing to do with sex or gender.
Its virtue.
The left and liberals frame themselves as morally superior because of their virtue. They love to virtue signal.
So, how to take down a left person?
Find them to be un virtuous.
Its that easy. And with the left free basing identity politics straight into their veins its even easier
You push the left further and further into purist insanity, make them eat each other alive. You hold them up to their own moral system.
Liberal, yes. Leftist, no.
Your saying this on an anti-idpol board
Not saying this isn't always a problem though you should always make an effort to purge liberal opportunists but the right has and is currently doing this non-stop, and when they aren't they end up getting embarrassed later by being huge hypocrites to their ideology. I would prefer we get this done with now then have to deal with the consequences later like Zig Forums has to every other month.
Can someone explain for me the Beria meme regarding FinnBol?
Do you really not know about Beria?
Unless real pics were exchanged people are way overreacting
Alt-right self destructs.
But the left's most profilic anti-idoplers i.e. Roo and FinnBol also got busted.
We need to unite with Zig Forums to destroy this antifa liberal menaces.
Wew lad.
It is our only hope against the liberals.
You could only just barely call antifa leftist. Its position of general "anti-fascism" and not strict socialism allows for far too much collaboration between liberals and stands as a popular front rather then the preferred united one
Not saying to ally with fascists however just to make that clear, just clarifying the idea of antifascism as strictly leftist by itself.
Simply, the claims that Beria was a rapist are even less substantiated than Finn's
Even Stalin kept his daughter away from him and celebrated when he learned of a list that Beria's bodyguard kept that would incriminate Beria.
Yeah, there are better personalities to represent ML's.
Yo, I know it's been a while but I can confirm Chayagate is real guys. This shit goes deeper than you anarcucks realize. If you've noticed as of late, even the FBI and republicans are quoting me per verbatim about moderators. A lot lot of reddit admins are NOT HAPPY, LIKE AT ALL about these turn of events. You see there is a culture war for the future of the internet and like I've always said, I don't care what pill you take but you gotta accept either people are non-persons online and thereby the dark web IS the web and all the damages done online are mod's fault and only they can be prosecuted, or we are liable for our own actions, but we'd all be owed so much in backlogs and reparations for defacement, assault, discrimination, etc it would cripple the web because you can't be banning people. You just can't.
TL;DR: Chayagate is real and is just a symptom of mods sperging out because Jim Profit was right. Jim Profit is always right.
Zig Forums here, so are you guys redpilled on jews yet?
Considering one jew can fuck up your e-celeb so bad.
Backstabber, always.
Profit, I know this is fucking you. Get out.
There is nothing on gods green earth that could ever make me be "redpilled" on anything your embarrassing memeing piece of prepubescent internet garbage
Any proof?
lol, see pic
Yeah yeah, men will be men. He has a libido. Go to hell, Aidan
That is why we need Mexie.
OP (not aidan) here, just to clarify I am on finbols side, I'm just saying the general public doesn't seem to be.