How do we solve the MUH FREEZE PEACHES problem? Fascists and rightists NEED to be deplatformed and their ideas stamped out everywhere outside from their irrelevant containment circlejerks but liberals/centrists are always there to defend them. What are the best arguments to counter that mindset?
How do we solve the MUH FREEZE PEACHES problem...
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Is this shitpost marathon night?
The people that need to be deplatformed are liberals and pseudo leftists, more than anything. Fascists are at least uncucked socially, which is the first thing people will look at.
Ill never forgive them for what they did to pepe. I used to love that damn frog. But now he is evil.
Antifa already did
Good joke
I'm talking about the big fascist channels on youtube like BlackPigeon, Sargon, Red Ice, MrMetokur etc.
Also, TWP were our allies, but sure, let's deplatform other leftists because they aren't politically correct enough
Getting real tired of liberals using words they don't understand. Like "revolution".
THE things right-wingers talk about as being redeeming qualities of not just the right but humanity as a whole like strength, virility, violence and resilience against the opposition, the left does better. This is why I can't be a right-winger anymore, ever again. It's done for its over, shut up, go away, fucking stop. This shit has been a failure since 1789. Fucking quit it. Give up oh my god.
Free speech is a good thing though. If right-wingers can be deplatformed, what prevents left-wingers from being deplatformed as well?
Leftists doing something about it lazy queer
reddit out
Literally just constantly defeat their arguments and they will never have a platform in the first place. What's more important is defeating neoliberal arguments because those can be misconstrued as our own.
How are ethnonationalist allies? The response i got from that post is a definite sign of the state of this board.
Real Zig Forums posting hours. Slam that report button.
Whats not fun about breaking shit? the people their targeting are the most blandest bunch.
Now im from Zig Forums? What the hell
Not you. I'm telling you to report and move on. Always be aware. Leftists that aren't don't last long.
Ethnonationalism appeals more to the working class than tranny politics. Besides, they're opposed to capitalism and private property. They just happen to have conservative social views, which of course sends the liberal posers here in a tizzy
They were. If they weren't, why were the media so against them from the start? Why is there such a huge disinfo campaign against them? Why was Matthew set up to go to prison, complete with fake testimonies and evidence?
Actually no they don't. You have a very distorted view if you think anything is strictly a left or right issue rather than a meta analysis of rights, vs gains, vs stability. In many ways these "fascists" care more about individual liberty than you do faggot, and furthermore if you think for a second that mods would exist for you instead of for themselves and YOU wouldn't be deplatformed first with your anti-capitalist rhetoric you are functionally retarded.
But it really does not matter either way because in order to sustain the system government, all governments will have to choose whether shitposting is the responsibility of the website's host site or the person shitposting to begin with but in doing so the internet will change as a whole.
Even people on their side were distancing themselves from them.
You do realize there's infinitely more pics of antifa looking like cringy retards than TWP, right?
Go back to gab
Here we have ourselves a radical man with radical opinions
listen up POSERS
Critically support the TWP in its struggle against unbeaten wives and unfucked cousins
It don't matter, clowns are clowns regardless of faction.
There's infinitely more cases of antifa "deplatforming", shutting down, humiliating and beating the living fucking dog shit of right-niggers of all stripes across the globe from Germany to South America. What does this mean?
TWP are not clowns though, they are working class people
Again, all they do is deplatform fellow proles for the crime of being white. And again, TWP is not "right wing". They are turd positionist.
I don't care if you're being serious or joking. This shit is played out, boring and corny.
what is that?
I'd rather side with rich, educated leftists than with dumb, poorfag redneck rejects that are so shitty even their far-right comrades are all disavowing them.
Youd think a strong working class fascists could handle this soyboy
daily reminder that we have a stake in this game too, if they succeed in killing Zig Forums they will come for us next. The people who control these platforms won't just stop at Zig Forums, they want everything other than family-friendly propaganda banned.
They're not going to ever give up because the ethnonationalism spook is incredibly powerful, powerful enough to drive people to arm themselves and start their own Nazi masturbation fantasy. For the time this has been mostly contained to the third world, but one day it will proliferate back up into the first. Standing there will be Zig Forums, offering a helping hand to bewildered people who will have their world ripped apart by terrorism and car bombings.
Not that I'm defending it, but it's an incredibly strong message. Perhaps not now, but it will be. Zig Forums has all the time in the world to wait.
this. Deplatforming "far right" is just excuse to build legislative power for deplatforming communists.
"far right" can not do anyway anything more than scream
Im sure Zig Forums will continue to be a twitching mass of hysteria and missinfo a aggressive racism, for as long as 4chan is online.
Who let Antifa out of their cage again, put them back in, this thread is shitposting tier but you can tell most of the statements here are serious.
Wow that brass knuckle right there, where my gun at?
Last time I asked the question on whether deplatforming was a good idea or not about a year ago, the general consensus was that it was bad praxis and actually did nothing to stop fascism because fascism is an inevitable occurance of liberal capitalism. All deplatforming does is give attention to actors who would have otherwise stayed irrelevant and gone unnoticed.
As long as the internet exists so will racism.
As long as capitalism and culture exist so will racism.
Instead of trying to abolish racism let's just kill everyone lmao, Posad gang assemble, true communism will be achieved once everyone dies equally.
Thats not what im talking about. Or whay i think.
Lol, no
It's what I'm talking about tbh
They're a bunch of virgin losers. No seriously, they're a bunch of virgin losers who can't get laid. Women literally won't bother with them unless it's to make some beta-bux off of them. lmao trad-thots is the only redeeming quality about the far-right. It's too funny lmao!
In a way, anti-fa has already been doing that and most right wingers are willing to blame external forces as opposed to themselves.
But even Anti-fa isn't the major reason as to why the alt-right is being deemed less popular, it's themselves. Surprisingly people aren't necessarily compelled to join a group who goes out in the night and shrieks "Jews will not replace us" while glorifying shooters like Dylan Roof. And even past that, it doesn't even account for their idiotic conspiracy theories of "DA CULTURAL MARXIST JOOS". Even when people like Andy Racewarski are already black listed by liberals and skeptics due to the rhetoric that the alt right spews. But it doesn't even stop there. Trump being nothing more but a neo-con marked the beginning of the end, as it compromised the alt-right being "anti-internventionist and isolationist", and if all they care about is ""triggering the libs"" then the movement itself is just seen as nothing more but a bunch of edgy redditors. They will likely be back, but certainly not in larger numbers.
tl;dr anti fa is ok, but ultimately the biggest enemy to the alt right is themselves.
What a shitty thread. Banning aut-right from social media will solve nothing. Punching a nazi will solve nothing. Majority of those shitposters are 12 y/o kids trying to be edgy anyway.
As long as liberal capitalism exist, fascist thought will return, if not in it's current form, then in much more dangerous le rationale skeptic form. If antifa was serious, they would attack all liberal politicians, or, in example of US politics, both parties.
oh wow american antifa actually did something cool?
that's good
the immortal science
Is this a meme?
Why are some black figures outlined in red?
that's a cool picture, i hope that right wing faggot got punched hard
These people are absolutely pathetic subhumanoids
Upon looking this up as it turns out the entire protest was a cluster fuck.
Everyone on the right side was a fucking fatass with a beard and everyone on the left was a skinny faggot with a beard. God we need guns back, political violence used to be awesome not shit.
If you're a """leftist""" and unironically support antifa. You're a fucking joke idc.
okay Zig Forums
kek "I have the solution to all the things!!111"
as always when you delusional cucks get power it always ends in a hill of skulls
Like when paris commune was massacred or Catalunya???
Of course it will. Communism is terror. Terror of working people against capitalist leechers.
skulls of fags like you
cumunism kill somany peopo
til us how meny pepo cumunism kill?
Make like this but with capitalist and like Pinochiot…….
its already made
Will show this to friend…………
You're afraid because deep down you know we're right.
Exactly. Fascism is the natural progression of human evolution. I'm glad even a developmentally stunted commie can recognize this. Your board is dead btw, but maybe there is hope for you.
Provide a single source for that image. I bet you can't do it.
Okay Hillary
Then why does it utterly failed every time it was tried and killed the more than 6 millions of germans?
There's a shitload of work that goes I to this. Nothing about what is being done is "controlled." Some Antifascists have been put into extremely dangerous situations do remove Nazis (literal white ethnonationalist nazis) from their areas.
Source: me, an antifascist who has nearly been shot and stabbed, numerous times.
Then when it comes to light humans aren't communist enough into the Gulags you go.
I personally dont think fascists should have the right to speak, but that'll just feed into their persecution complex. Let them speak and then punch them in the face.