What was native workers' problem? Why did they keep on brutally murdering immigrants instead of uniting with them?
Labor Unions and Nativism
Were any of those carried out by unions though?
Tribalism caused by the fear of becoming unemployed or having working conditions degraded by immigration.
It's keep happening now but in a different degree, that's why we have Zig Forums.
Porky. Not even trying to be funny.
the crime rate of immigrants was probably higher
Did you know one of the first school massacres in North America was a case of 9 children being killed then mutilated by some peaceful tribesmen in Pennsylvania, Crazy right? My liberal teachers always portrayed native Americans as nature loving pacifists, that just wanted self governance. Who would of guessed they were spooked violent tribalistic cunts???
Cool story but he's not talking about indigenous peoples.
It was often the case. Unions especially in the US have a history of sometimes extreme nativism and xenophobia because they didn't care about international revolution and were content defending the well-being of "their" working class even if to the detriment of the out-group.
Porky is responsible for creating the social conditions in which these massacres happened but you can't get nativist unions and workers get off the hook. They're the one who actually got out and murdered people out of hysterical chauvinism here.
This is white-on-white violence though.
Italians weren't "white" at the time.
They were defending their material and communal interests under what they saw as a significant external threat, it wasn't "chauvinism" or whatever cute modern label you want to throw out.
Actually they were as per a 1647 Maryland General Assembly vote, it was new Sicilian arrivals to the new world in the early 20th century who were often considered an outside group.
Not just Sicilians. The masses of southern Italians immigrating with the Sicilians faced the same discrimination.
Killing settlers is good actually. Read Fanon.
it has happened atleast once.
it ends in a war against the govt.
The Coal Wars
notible quote
Well the OP said "nativist" and "xenophobic", not "racist". Though people embroiled in white-on-white violence at the time actually did often use "race" as a framework. I remember reading a fear-mongering French nativist pamphlet that assured its reader that the "French race" was being submerged by Belgians, Italians and Poles.
Defending "your" interests against another segment of the working class is the very definition of proletarian chauvinism. But I'm sure you also believe working-class Ku Klux Klan lynch mobs were just "defending their material and communal (?) interests".
Surprise surprise, people are more inclined towards others with who look and sound like themselves and share a common relatable background, I don't know why this is news to anybody here. It doesn't matter how many times you call it a spook. This has been a historical reality since the beginning of written history.
But why did Frenchmen attack Italians then? They wouldn't do that today. Could it be that the "relatability" you speak of is the result of social forces shaped my material conditions and not of some sort of inherent, insurmountable impulse?
"We shouldn't fight against xenophobia and segregation, after all it's just human natureā¦"
There's nothing wrong killing strikebreakers.
Are you showing off how edgy you are, or just blatantly ignorant? Most of the people murdered in these pogroms were not strikebreakers but random individuals who happened to be of the same nationality, religion or race as the "competing" out-group. Anyway, why do you think some of them were strikebreakers anyway? Could it be maybe that chauvinist unions refused to organize them and decided to see them as enemies from the get go? You know, the very same unions you'd expect to sow the seeds of class consciousness to unite the working class?
Their working conditions are degraded by the bourgeoisie you fucking tard.
white people are parasites and always betray others. read usa s history from sakai instead of the socdem hack howard zinn
The vast majority of historical nativist violence happened among whites, and labor-related xenophobia also exists in Africa and Asia.
"The vast majority of historical nativist violence happened among whites" lol i hadnt seen something so stupid in a long while
Of course, I should have specified : "immigration caused by the bourgeoisie".
Immigration isn't the problem you fucking reactionary tard.
kill yourself, but after going back to Zig Forums
you don't bend over for invaders
Immigration is not the problem itself, but it produces tribalism under capitalism.
Insufficiently class conscious, duh.