Is Primitivism reactionary? Isn't it the peak of reactionary socialism since it tries to bring society to a state before even slavery (primitive communism) So it's anti-dialectical? Can someone answer my questions thanks :)
Is Primitivism reactionary...
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It's anti-modernity and anti-technology, that alone is enough for me to condemn it as reactionary trash. Muh spiritual spooky connection to fellow humans and the forest can go fuck itself.
Reactionary is kind of a bloated term for just knee-jerk emotional reactions. Yes, I suppose it is. But so is Christian socialism, so is turd position nationalism, hell so is Marxist-Leninism.
Reactionary doesn't mean bad, it means flawed. Primitivism is severely flawed. It doesn't take into consideration how we got where we are, how we could escape, if we COULD escape, or what would prevent it all from just happening again.
Is it bad? Hell no. Pretty hard to have moderators with people living in TPs and chasing squirrels with sharp sticks for entertainment. It's certainly less of a gamble than romanticizing science that can get very dystopian very quickly. But at the same time, who wants a life expectancy of 30?
Reactionary is a state of mind, not a set of political ideas that are blasphemous to some Holy decree. That thought process is in itself reactionary.
Shikamaru is NAZBOL
you don't seem to understand what reaction means
I kind of wish man… lots of cutey patootie left-fashy bitchees who wanna ride my cock carousal and give birth to what they think is white babies. (Protip: It's not.)
But not only do I NOT want to deal with all their baggage of going against daddy's wishes, uber religious background thinking any of that shit makes sense, or believing somehow whites, or blacks, or any particular race is inherently better culturally. (I will say though some are just all around bad. Lot of whites and orientals more specifically.) But at the end of the day I just can't get over the fact they live under these delusions that nationalism will be synopsis with human rights.
But they're definitely some of the upper tier play-lists of socialist rhetoric. Like if you told me I had to choose between some loony troons wearing a Mao hat or nazbol slut, I'd go with the latter. She probably hasn't slept with a bajillion dudes, she probably isn't COMPLETELY a backstabbing whore, and really self-determination is kind of necessary in the short term for better economic growth for underprivileged countries and would hurt moderators. But in reality you could just be some hard nosed conservative with a confederate flag for that. Regulate the fuck out of websites on a state level and have a God damn Amish family.
Not for me though. I just want to smoke hookah, live in a van, run over moderators with said van, and call the van the pussy wagon. Pussy wagon > Jason's elitist mobile. It's been confirmed in the Mario kart meta
Eco-Stalinism > Primitivism.
Eco-Stalinism isn't a thing.
I mean if it was a thing it'd basically just be Elon Musk. Which is pretty woke but Stalinism itself isn't even a thing. Stalinism is literally just Marxist-Leninism with more tanks because America was being a dick.
Why would anyone want to avatar-fag naruto?
Yes, it's a deeper and more radical desire for a return to pre-modern civ then Fascism, and would require the genocide of 10 times more people to achieve. In a weird way it's kind of like reaction for Leftists.
You have no fucking idea what you're taking about.
Just realized that the dude of the right is effectively wearing panties on his head lmao
Had a thread on this
this has to be an elaborate joke
What the fuck am I reading
t. elon musk
It's a thought experiment that a lot of pasty academic guys ended up taking way too far. It's not an actual ideology and is not communist.
Oh no, as a fa/tg/uy I definitely know Profit. And I'm more then happy to point out his infinite retardedness as well .
Just send them to Siberia, Kamchatka or Sakalin Island when the revolution is finished
Wrong again.
… Are you fucking kidding?
Who could even be this stupid?
You just said Stalinism wasn't a thing.
I think all that anime you've been watching has eroded your critical thinking abilities.
u wot m8
Reaction means hostility to modernity and the Enlightenment's legacy, and a subsequent support for "going back" to a golden age of traditional values. Monarchism, theocracy and indeed primitivism would qualify.
it's time to stop posting
If you read the writings of the unabomber he talks about it.
He basically says that anything obsessed with the past and nature cant be left wing.
And that technology is inherit to progress and appeals to the left wing authoritarians sense of wanting to control people
Yes but like
Said it isn't bad in the right hands.
Hell let's be honest here, communism was reactionary.
This, but unironically.
the hottest take of all time
more Primitivist/3pos bashing from anarkiddies. nothing new to see here.
dude's a hero. it figures most of you would hate him.
lol, like genocide even exists.
Jim is pretty based honestly, the Zig Forums split would have never happened if we had only listened
I'm not a primitivist, because I think focusing on "lets go back 2 da forests" is head-in-the-sandism and not at all an actual goal for this world.
With that being said, I think primitivism brings up a lot of great points that urban-centric politics has completely lost sight of.
We ARE a part of nature, and we rely intrinsically on it for survival, and to delude ourselves otherwise is insanity ("oh it doesn't matter that we're destroying our future ability to provide for our human needs in the future, those hip(tm) young(tm) startups in those gentrified warehouse buildings will invent an app that turns smog into kale!" goes the mindset of the day.)
Besides, being around nature is a very nurturing and meditative experience that helps calm the mind and gets one's psyche back in touch with the natural rhythms of the world. I guarantee you, if you took a bunch of SJWs or Zig Forumskiddies and put them on a rural property in the middle of nature with no internet for even just a week, they'd very quickly abandon much of their angst and autism surrounding identity politics and come to appreciate life just a little more, despite how chaotic their world can seem.
Go to bed, Jim
Anprim is crypto-fash trash and they know it. They say they are pro nature, they're fucking not, they are pro a projection of eugenics onto nature. Ants build complex nets of tunnels, bees are one of the most socially complex beings in nature, beavers build dams and birds build nests, and these people act like the smartest animals in the world should be exposing themselves to the elements and to diseases they know how to cure.
They want a world where people in their 20's, on their peak of physical performance, rule, deciding who gets the food they grab. A world where the mentally ill, the handicapped and the sick either die or do their bidding.
They don't see the porkies as parasites, they see them as subhuman trash, genetically inferior to them.
They aren't anarchists, they aren't humanists, they aren't nature lovers, they are utilitarianists. They're like ancaps, but instead of saying that only the smart deserve to live, they think that only the strongest deserve to live.
google murray bookchin
REASON: If you won't comment directly on Murray Rothbard's theories, will you comment on the general idea of a capitalist society that is also an anarchist society? Suppose we had a free society whose people chose to divide their labor, specialize in producing certain goods and services, and trade among themselves?
BOOKCHIN: I'd have no quarrel with them. I would say that that is not capitalism—though there are many different definitions. One would call that, in Marxist language—and there's a sense in which Marx does contribute to the fund of human knowledge, and we can no more dismiss him than we can Hegel or Rousseau or Spinoza or Darwin; you don't have to be a Darwinian to appreciate Darwin's views, and I don't have to be a Marxist to appreciate what is valid in a number of Marx's writings-and Marx would call that a form of simple commodity production rather than capitalism. But if you want to call it capitalism, do so. I don't want to get enmeshed in any semantic issues. My feeling is that whatever people elect to do, insofar as they don't deny the rights of others, every effort should be made to defend their right to do it.
I believe in a libertarian communist society. But, I believe that any attempt on the part of a libertarian communist society to abridge the rights of a community—for example, to operate on the basis of a market economy of the kind that you describe—would be unforgivable, and I would oppose the practices of such a society as militantly as I think any reader of your publication would. I want to make that very clear. On the other hand, where an attempt is made to expropriate, as was done in so much of the world, you know, in the name of free enterprise—in the names of God, whiskey, commerce, and Western civilization, to use Kipling's language—that, of course, I would oppose.
I have no quarrel with libertarians who advance the concept of capitalism of the type that you have advanced. I believe that people will decide for themselves what they want to do. The all-important thing is that they be free to make that decision and that they do not stand in the way of communities that wish to make other decisions. I could live beautifully in a society of the kind that you have described, as well as in a collectivistic one. However, if that collectivistic one assumed any totalitarian forms, any authoritarian forms whatever, I would oppose that. And not only that: I would join your community in fighting it. Let me make it very plain that if socialism, which is what I call the authoritarian version of collectivism, were to emerge, I would join your community. I would migrate to your community and do everything I could to prevent the collectivists from abridging my right to function as I like. That should be made very clear.
As far as I'm concerned Bookshit is a fucking sham, I'm glad I read one sentence into his book and realized the man was a total fucking moron and threw it in the garbage, but had I known back then who this man truly was I would have wiped my ass with his book.
Primitivism is, by definition, reactionary. Ultimately, society should strive to be 'green', but not in a way that regresses society.
cursed image
Please shut up
This but unironically.