but the part of capitalism that is actually good is cultural globalization. We should undo the tower of babel and make a one world state where language and culture are globally homogenized and race too, all the races will merge into one . Not a pol bait, i genuinely think this the progressive and good aspect of capitalism and why would we maintain separate nations after the world goes communist?
Other urls found in this thread:
who else is pro-cultural homogenization gang?
you are retarded, read Stalin
its a different time now, what stalin said in 1903 no longer applies although it may have been correct for its time and place
yeah, i guess you're right
there are no more imperialist nations subjugating people under foreign influence
kautsky was right…
in other words
you are retarded, read Stalin
the hegelian dialectic of race and ethnic conflict by being sublated into the final resolution, the ABOLSUTE IDEA or Monorace of the future. Racism will end when race ends.
wtf i'm a communist now
You understand the sentiment of homogenized race and culture being good is in of itself a backwards idea as it posits that such things cannot share an existence as conflict between such things is "inevitable" and completely ignores material arguments in favor of "culture" based ones, right? Your playing Zig Forums politics because your reducing everything to ethnic and racial conflict and you don't even realize it.
Also, the idea of "all races will merge as one" is so fucking stupid because it doesn't understand how genetics and phenotypes works, you don't just fuck a lot and get the same looking "race". And even if you did just clone the same person a billion times and keep doing it to replace, how would you "objectively" decide on this person? What would this even do and why would such a thing matter if material needs have already been met and so scarcity based conflict has also ended? What does "homogenized" culture do at all in this respect as well other then being a complete pipe-dream devoid of knowing how cultures develop? Hell, are you going to just enforce every internet culture out there to be the same because you don't like that they disagree?
Again, this whole thing depends on the idea that racial conflict is innate thing and ignores the material conditions that "racial conflict" is used as a cover for. Its completely reactionary and wholly un-marxist. People who think this is "De-spooking" are spooked retards themselves.
actually english speaking internet culture will displace all local cultures as the world is more developed
"Despookers" are just misanthropic tards who have never talked to anyone but their parents. Ignore them.
The worst possible dystopia
t. spooked
Call me a spooked fashie or whatever, but the destruction of these things is the whole reason we need communism to prevent it in the first place.
Americans can't understand
lol, nationality is LITERALLY a spook though you cant deny it
There is too much Zig Forums influence here for this to get support. You can see it in Pro Assad threads too.
How predictable
Once the world is communist and there are no longer states, nations too will fade with time. However this will not be a homogenisation of culture into an all encompassing cosmopolitanism, but rather the fracturing of the artificially forced national cultures into organic local city-state cultures based on the authentic customs developed by each autonomous locality. One way i do think the sort of homogeneous cosmopolitan culture can exist in communism is through the internet and social media, assuming they exist or exist in the same/similar form in communism to which i am ambivalent.
Not sure if one language is unavoidable or not. 'Races', ethnicities and cultural groups will not intermingle in communism since migration will no longer exist except as a minor phenomenon.
Fuck you