look who i found on /g/ with his pedo anime
m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k
look who i found on /g/ with his pedo anime
m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k m00k
Other urls found in this thread:
shitty desktop by the way
What anime?
Also proof?
This should surprise nobody. Puke refers to an actual, real child as a "loli" in one of his old videos. Dude is a serious fucking creep.
Nothing wrong with pedophilia.
Fuck off aiden
I already told you motherfucker.
**I was Truthseeker all along, Aiden was just another one of my false identities controlling other false identities.
Fuck I forgot the spoiler.
Classic Aiden.
*Tips pimp hat.*
Thank you ma'am.
Like fucking pottery.
well, someone there gave away that he's a youtuber
I should start a You Tube channel tbh, with Batcuck, Le Epic De Leon man, Jewitch, Anal Water, and the rest of them all getting 1k+ subs it seems like I'll be able to reach more people than if I were to write a book on Gaia theory and why South America needs to be nuked for communism to live.
Sounds really fucking boring to be honest, would not watch.
that faggot uses Linux? well at least now I have an ounce of respect for him. still he goes to GULAG though (for the purpose of educating him, since he won't fucking read otherwise)
Aiden or not, they're right :^)
forgot sage
desktop posting thread?
No, fuck off.
That's actually pretty fucked. Even in my darkest days browsing /a/ I would never have made that connection.
This is now a dektop thread.
I don't see why "people shouldn't openly flaunt their choices in pornography if we want others to take us seriously" makes you nazbol.
I mean I don't care and openly flaunt my own sexual preferences in public, I enjoy and appreciate an attractive woman wearing a crop top and daisy dukes and wish all attractive women would slut it up more often, but that's mostly because I see acceleration as the only viable strategy for the left now. Climate change is going to kill us all in 100 years so why not
Is the video still up?
Not sure, I remember seeing it a few months ago but I can't remember exactly which video it was. It was a response video for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if he preemptively took it down after he got in with the Contrapoints gang.
chaya's real name is julia and she lives in canada.
Fuck. Unruhe, Mexie, and now this bitch? Why do all the shittiest lefty ecelebs come from my country?
Because Canada is the leftist version of America, and that means everything from there is shit.
We need to sink that entire side of the planet to the ocean, there's nothing worth saving on that hemisphere, the US and SA are fascist and will never stop being fascist, and Canada is liberal capitalism embodied, they must all die.
sure smells like reddit in here
Something Awful said that too.
fuckin goons
Anti-animetards have been on imageboards for awhile now at this point unfortunately. anti pedo hysteria is retarded too
like pottery