Nee nee did you know? If communism would really happen you would be working 10 hours a day and all your property seized and redisturbed to less fortunate population. Did you also know communists arrested anyone who refused to work?
Nee nee did you know...
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Like the capitalists? Good!
I am the less fortunate population
But i dont see people arrested becasue they refuse to work
If you are writing this then belive me you are not.
Fortunately I'm not a bourgeois fuck to be gulaged, so that won't happen :^)
Jokes on you, I'd be getting property out of this deal, and I already work 10 hour days.
Fuck yeah, take my landlords to jail. They've been getting fat off my labor for far too long.
westerners deserve to be put against the wall
fuck im a capitalist now
thats mighty fucking heretical
If you really think that the burgeoies are the one who are going into the gulag then you are gravely mistaken
You would be working all kinds of work not just behind computer. Pig farm, mines or perhaps gass pipes.
But westerners inveted communism Trotsky is literally white
The goal of communism is to abolish alienated labor entirely. Reducing working hours is good praxis and it's likely the dictatorship of the proletariat would result in a considerably shorted workweek.
Good. It's not like I owned any mean of production. We're not "redistributing" anything though, we're socializing property — that's different.
Let's say they do. "Arrested" as opposed to what? Being harassed by cops as a hobo, which you inevitably become if you remain a jobless prole for too long under capitalism?
People worked 8 hours a day in the soviet union, and 10 hours a day is still less time then I work right now
Goals =/= it just werks
If you have house with garden then be prepared to accomodate more people
Let's say you are going to do dangerous work and you refuse it
Well… I don't. And neither does anybody here, safe maybe for a few exceptional cases.
Jokes on you I'm black so I'll get all whiteys money.
You'll be working at least 11 in a gulag.
first of all you own yourself, you can labor
second of all you seem to own a computer of some sort
im sure there is more
But you wont you will work or go to prison
Still thinking im the one going into gulag?
Ad hominem
Thats labor power which on its own cannot produce anything. read a book faggot
Well if you're going to rebut my point by saying "it doesn't work", we aren't going to get far — are we?
I don't. Besides, a house is not a mean of production so it's irrelevant to the conversation.
Then do something else…? Dangerous work is increasingly rare thanks to modern technology anyway.
Instead of arguing against the policy we have presented and showing how this will lead to the le ebil gulag XD you simply sort of assume it will without justification. This makes you seem VERY INTELLIGENT because you really aren't saying in anything that can be argued against.
Kek. This is the same avatarfagging shitposter from halfchan that got banned a while back. I see you're back again with your weak bait.
you can dig a hole in a useful spot,hunt and pick berries like a fucking caveman ect, your retarded
a body is a means of production
it sounds like real life in a succdem like the US
nigga i'm gonna steal you're house if its too big
Your labor power is not a "mean of production".
Consumer goods used for your own personal purposes are not a "mean of production".
No, there isn't.
Which you need nature to do. You need materials, these materials are the means of production. We are arguing 2 different definitions so we need to agree on what "means of production" is so that we can actually say anything instead of talking semantics.
im not even memeing about an difference or lack their of, simply saying those are means of production
a computer can type, connect to the internet, perform calculations ect, you can produce with it
a body can do all kinds of things on its own, you can produce with it
you and him are using means of production to mean two different things.
What do you mean by communism and why do you think it applies to us?
yes, you can produce with it, it is a means towards producing
bad Loli! you get time out for not doing your school work!
Catch up in time out or I'm cutting off your snack supply!
That's not what a "mean of production" is. Means of production implies social (and not private) labor. If you have some guy work some tools you own to extract a profit from his labor, then that's a mean of production.
All your property belongs to state and it's people
What if everyone refuse to do this dangerous work will country stop mining coal or what?
literally what the fuck
My aunt and uncle do pig farming in addition to grains, this is actually what my family did for generations - it isn't bad living. Honestly there's a lot of days that I'd rather be working the farm rather than doing this computer crap. That's actually sort of my goal right now, get out of town and have enough land to get a subsistence farming operation running. If communist overlords gave me farmland to live on I'd gladly work the fuck out of it. Hell there was a time long ago when the US gov. would give people farmland to work. Those days are over - that land is corporate farmland now.
Funny story, two jobs ago I was making hydraulic hoses and pipes for industry shit (mostly like pic related). That was a pretty shitty job and the pay wasn't even enough for meager rent. My wife was making a bit more at the time so we were able to barely afford an apartment.
You keep talking about communism like it wouldn't be an improvement for most people, but I suspect that this is because you don't know how most people actually live. (Though really, I think everyone here knows you're trolling by this point, or if you really don't understand what 'the means of production' refers to then you can't really claim to understand social-economic relationships inherent to capitalism and communism).
If being homeless wasn't bad enough on its own, most places have made it essentially illegal to be homeless by banning practices that help you survive and any charitable act towards you (that isn't some paternalistic de facto prison), so, yes, you do get arrested for not working, but under the ideological guise of cleaning up/reforming the degenerates.
these levels of economic illiteracy are reserved only for
>>>Zig Forums
so i suggest you go back
Sure you can do things with your body but that's not what communists talk about when they're talking about seizing the means of production. You're not going to share your toothbrush with the rest of the neighborhood under communism you brainlet.
fucking fake commies get off my board
No, it doesn't.
Then we will have to find a way to make it safer. Coal mining is almost entirely automated today, by the way.
what state? I thought we were talking about communism user?
No, the means of production belong to the state and it's people
Until that can be complacently automated which is drawing nearer and nearer by the day, only a minimal amount of labor will be required in order to fulfill societies needs, since we will no longer be producing in order to create surplus.
communism cant exist without a state, with no state it would be anarchy
ayncraps get off my board
communism is classless, moneyless and stateless society, you imbecile
Homeless people chose to be homeless due to drugs and other substance abuse. State provides you with works you can do and if you are really desperate there is monthly financial support.
yes it does
Until that can be complacently automated which is drawing nearer and nearer by the day, only a minimal amount of labor will be required in order to fulfill societies needs, since we will no longer be producing in order to create surplus.
So oil rigs will have to stop for unidentified time. How will cars work?
Read a book for at least one in your life.
the anarkiddies here dont use cars becuase they are cityfags its not their problem
someone better tell marx and lenin, someone just btfo'd them epic style
do you even know how to link comments?
or are you a complete springbrakefag?
So no more arguments leftylol? Ill take my leave then. Sayonara!~
Absolutely disgusting.
Not when employment is scarce like today, no.
Why the fuck would they be rough-sleeping if that were the case?
no, I was just making an observation, but if you want to flee all but hurt, then that's on you
You click on the post number.
This guy is probably convinced he "got" us after a worthless 10-minute back-and-forth which revealed his ignorance for all to see and wasted everyone's time.
Go back to halfchan & stay on there you avatarfag.
so every state has this? and it works flawlessly in providing enough money to (along with helping them out of their habit) allow them to afford a decent life style?
cause that aint my burgerstan
Bahahaha! Gabriel-chan has left the thread and now it's my show time the Satania-sama!
I will take you on foolish mortals kneel before me and lick my foot if you want to know more about your retarded ideology!
Beh i dont care stania-baka even you can argue with those fools
that was just uncalled for user
Why is no one replying to me you are all baka!
This is not what's meant by "means of production" in Marxism. Means of production are, get this, the means of producing things. Factories are a good example. It includes the machines used to produce, the land it's produced on, and the resources used to create commodities.