oh cmon guys he made a trans-phobic joke and made a podcat with J. Peterson.
What are we waiting for? That should be like the main target rn.


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go back to /idpol/

Not your personal army.

Sage for idpol.

nobody gives a shit


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Fuck off, Zig Forums

Giving Peterson a platform is pretty bad, but not worth going after him for

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Ethan and Hila are mad Zionists. Hila even admitted to detaining Palestinians while she served in the IOF.

care to shoot for the trifecta Zig Forumsfag?


t. Zionist kikefag

Fuck off.

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Literally one of the cringiest things to have come out of youtube for gods sake. Zionist manbaby and all his youtube buddies deserve a swift kick in the shins with a brick

kys, retard

Really? That's what they're freaking out about?

Who am I kidding, these fucks have had their struggles sessions over far less. I just wish class issues triggered outrage like this.

his biggest crime is being unfunny autistic garbage for 12 year olds, but that's any youtuber. giving peterson a platform to spread misinformation to impressionable teens is again bad, but that's probably the worst thing he's done.

he's neolib scum but we have bigger fish to fry

Fuck off not your personal army

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This is actually something to be mad about, not some tranny joke.

Philosemites get the bullet too.

if this isn't bait, reevaluate life

This, that's fucked up and should be spread.

transphobic? debatable I guess. that's not what annoys me, its the fact that he had ZERO need to make this video over a fucking tweet with a couple hundred retweets while he has a fan base in the millions.
He is directly feeding into the birth of new reactionaries with this tired fucking "everyone's just a little too sensitive these days amirite?! btw check out Jordan Peterson on my podcast next week" shtick.

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Ethan is petite bourgeoisie just like Peterson. They have the same interests. This shouldn't be surprising.

People are not becoming reactionaries because people make jokes about trannies. Quite the opposite actually. English comedians make awful politically incorrect jokes since the dawn of the days and are against PC culture.
Charlie Hebdo is worst than all these combined, is that enabling reactionaries. I hate to agree with sleeper mossad agents and peterson but there is nothing wrong with edgy humour and defending it

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Man that Charlie guy is still making cartoons? I thought he was dead.

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well boo fucking hoo

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semi-related, whenever this shit comes up I cringe remembering how much I highly revered phillip defranco

I'm not surprised just annoyed tbh. Mostly because YouTube culture consumed a lot of my life so I know how south this shit can get fast. These kids (and even adults really) idolize these e-celebs and will defend them to death so when people like iDubbbz and Pewdiepie say nigger and there's huge backlash, it's really easy for people here to write it off as idpol and ignore it while these huge fanbases are off conflating sjws with the left and it leaving a bad taste in their mouth or outright turning them to the right. I don't even disagree that 90% of the time it's negligible idpol but I get worried about the future when this shit happens. I hate bringing this up but look at what gamergate birthed ffs

edgy humor has its place, it's when these huge e-celebs play faux victim over some small minority of complainers and implant these ideas in their very impressionable fan bases. And maybe this is more prevalent in american culture, idk. I'm probably doing a shit job at explaining how I feel but see above too.

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No one fucking cares.

This is almost as stupid as targeting Destiny for having JonTron on his show.

Lmao at this thread didn't know that 80% of leftypol were h3h3 fanboys

Go back to raddle.

I mean giving Peterson a platform to spread bullshit theories about "cultural marxism" to 12 year olds is not cool at all, we shouldn't excuse that.

the thing about edgy jokes is they should be jokes. those Charlie Hebdo cartoons are just disgusting, cultureless trash. I don't mean that figuratively, it's just that the art style they use is actually hard to look at, and the jokes are not even remotely funny. They're a band of mongoloid cretins and a disgrace to France

And the H3h3 joke about cutting off his dick because it touch the toilet wasn't funny it was just lame as fuck. Watching him try to be funny is embarrassing. I feel sorry for any poor sap who watches him when they could be doing anything else

as someone with gd i didn't find what he said to be particularly transphobic
it's not very funny as a joke either, but hey
what is more troublesome is that he is a flaming neoliberal that takes jordan peterson shit as gospel

This. I've been here for years & have genuinely never seen anyone picture bump their own/anyone's thread here. That's some shit I haven't seen since halfchan & why I never go there.
At least OP has been banned, finally.
Sage even though it's rightfully anchored, for good measure.

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