Charlottesville Nazi has a cute gf confirmed

Charlottesville Nazi has a cute gf confirmed.
The host of this podcast does an interview with her, after she finds her at conservacon or whatever the fuck. She says she found him on twitter and got in his DMS and now they're banging. She has a cute voice too.
Interview starts at like 11:30

Meanwhile you're volcel

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Not surprising. Also

I'd rather die a virgin than date a Nazi. Nazis, male or female fuck your idpol, deserve the bullet regardless.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

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You can tell she's cute by her voice?

I'm gay so … meh.

Kinda gross tbh

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Beggars can't be choosers.

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i dont get it
what is he going for here

he killed lincoln and bangged michael jackson

The fact that "A single Nazi finally gets a cute gf" is treated like big news is the saddest thing about this. Is this an argument even? Are we supposed to post cute slavic communist couples to counter this?

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Fucking lmao

where are the pictures you dumbshit

i'd rather fuck a low Autism Level progressive than die a virgin tbhqfamalam

=I love niggers=

= I love niggers =


= niggers =