We all gonna die

It was nice knowing you guys, Zig Forums. But it looks like this is it. It's been a blast. I learned so much from you, and laughed harder than I laughed at anything else. Hope to see some of you in the afterlife.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think you meant to say in the mothership.


4D chess

Epic rap battles of history

I am ready

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"See you in hell or in communism"
Fuck sake Žižek stop being right.

The funny thing is Zig Forums will stay claim that he's playing 4D chess and that this the Jews subverting him.

Liberals will still claim he's in bed with Russia.

Well, I've lived a short life. Not the best, but not the worst either. I made some nice friends. I learnt some cool stuff. Hopefully I've accrued good karma. Plus I got laid. That was nice.

It was nice knowing you guys. The internet was a beautiful thing.

From the twitter thread. Fucking liberals are still pushing the Russiagate narrative on the eve of WW3. I just wish I could see the faces of these people as the nuclear explosion inches closer and closer and closer.

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Press F to pay respects to humanity.

In 100 years they will talk about these people as they would talk about Hitler.

Humanity more like, == SHIT ==


Dunno what business you have on this board.

it was some mega low tier bait

Who will take our place after we're gone? Eventually some mammal will probably evolve to use tools, develop language, etc.

and im banned from 4/pol/ during this major happening so i cant even shitpost about it except with fellow /left/friends

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This isn't fucking real

Press S to spit on the grave you chose.

You joke but figure that New Start expires in 2021, the same year the first B-21 delivery is expected. If liberals (who in theory should be the loudest voice for peace and disarmament) are still screaming about Russia then New Start will expire and US-Russian nuclear policy will fall back to 1967. Also in 2021 the USAF is expected to attempt a new C-17/C-5 procurement while also starting the Minuteman replacement program. 2021 is also when the *first* round of US nuclear weapons modernization begun by Obama in 2011 ends.

All this whining about Russia will absolutely have consequences. Just like Republicans are seeing their whining about China (used as a boogeyman to justify austerity over the past decade) are having consequences with trade policy. It'll take about ten years, but it'll be very real.

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i only give a shit in it insofar as i like to shitpost on it during major happenings, particularly to bait by larping as a retarded american

w-wait are we safe?

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Literally what the fuck

John bolton is gonna be pretty pissed about this

He's pretending to be nice so when Russia obviously tells him to fuck off he can claim he tried peace. This is a classic tactic and one Bush used before we invaded Iraq. Obviously we aren't going to invade Russia but you get the idea of how this can be used.

our lord and savior John bolton better be sending those missles right fucking now

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aren't squids theorized to be a very likely candidate for evolving to our level?

It was a pleasure to post here with you comrades, good luck and if you want to avoid this feel free to come to South America, refugees welcome

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One tweet was from the elections you retard commie niggers. Polticians condtridict themselved all the time

Good thing is that in the UK the public is against this: twitter.com/SebastianEPayne/status/983084979155595265?s=19 The FT push for war, almost all the comments are against it.
Have some cold war music with that.

Missiles are just for show. The CIA has had spec ops in there for a while now, alongside the occasional Israeli airstrike. Trump is doing what he is doing because the CIA exhausted all of their subversion attempts, so now they must go in full throttle like they wanted to in 2013 (which didn't happen because Obama turned out to be a huge pussy and let Congress vote on the matter, who said No due to budget concerns).

uhhh no

look for yourself

fuck no my parents spent their entire lives evading ICE, I'm not going back

It's gonna be a blast alright.

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>bait by larping as an retarded average american

Yeah boi

I live in the blast radius of a missile if it hit trident, how fucked am I?

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No voy a volver. Todavía me buscan en México por golpear a mi papá cuando me golpeó después de que salí como gay.

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How do I make sure the aliens don't leave me behind? pls respond

American logic.

with nooks either it's an atmospheric explosion that just obliterates everything for miles or something that actually blows up within the facility as a bunker-buster, sparing physical damage but spewing loads of fallout into the air

Should anything happen, I just want you all to know that it's been an honour shitposting with you, comrades.

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Man, the only women I've fucked are hookers. I'm going to be turned to cinders without even having kissed a girl.

I live right next to the biggest port in the US. Am I just a walking corpse, or is there still a chance to save myself and my family?

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least you got with a girl. You can one up Zig Forums on that front.

Go live in the woods

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Despite the memes, I think Posadas will soon be shown to be right.

grab a van or something and move to Montana or Wyoming, nobody's gonna nuke those.


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Drive into the woods, and eat corn out the can.

wait shit nevermind then. Soth dakota looks clear though. Or, you know, just leave the US alltogether

I got you covered fam

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Fucking same. The worst part is, I just recently met an amazing lefty girl. I feel in love, for real, for the first time in my life. We were supposed to get coffee later this week :( Sometimes I feel like this reality is just a cruel joke to amuse whatever twisted mind created it


again, why does florida have some much to target? The rest of america hates us, why do they have to also have so many targets there? Also it seems they hate new jersey as much as everyone else does too

ports. All of the floridan coastline is made up of perfect natural harbours. Also, the russians probably want some mutated crocks the raid the rest of the US

Ports. Same reason Washington gets shit on.

If you seriously take all this doomtardery for granted you don't deserve a relationship lol. This shit is nothing compared to all the nuclear close calls that happened in the past (which this fucking isn't). Zig Forums and the rest of the world has a massive pessimist bias from alienation.

Should I do this literally immediately? Fuck. How much time do you think I have at least to prepare before the nukes start flying?

Did you at least buy an SKS?

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These are always some of my favorite threads. Nothing gets me excited like the threat of total nuclear annihilation even through the small chances of it actually happening.

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Don't have time for that, I will try and loot some armories or military bases for guns later. I'm sure they will be overrun by raiders though.

Pretty sure this is worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis at this point

Let's stay hopeful for now

Communists are actually people and possess humanity. Capitalists, which are in charge of both US and Russia, aren't.

Time for what? You're seriously gonna fuck up your relationship because Zig Forums is telling you that the world is going to end?

Nah this is not there yet, that was "we will nuke you if you cross this line". This is more like Checkpoint Charlie: two tanks facing down eachother, each told to fire only if the otherone does.

If we survive this, we ought to make a compilation of screenshots of Zig Forums stating what Trump would be and what Trump turned out to be. Should they unironically start shilling some other presidential nominee they should be reminded of their past failures and be shown to the rest of the world that they cannot be trusted.

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The only alternative was Hillary, and she would guarantee WW3 within months of presidency.

I suppose I failed to mention that it would make people re-consider the system that they are in. I.E see revolution as a better alternative to """""reform""""""

I'm surprised Zig Forums doesn't have that much of a nuke masturbation fantasy really.

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The tide is already turning on 4/pol/, where people aren't banned for having an opinion. My collection is slowing growing. What will be interesting is 8/pol/. God I'm getting erect imagining the mental gymnastics

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The Boomer fears the Nuke.

Isn't there some neo-nazi group called atom waffen? I don't know if they post on Zig Forums, but I'd wager they'd be there, given that it's a cesspool of nut jobs

Considering 8/pol/ bans any dissenting opinion on Trump, I'd be surprised if any normie or newfag would take any Zig Forumsyp ideology or info seriously after this. Either that, or the chaos (as we are seeing them do) will slowly die off.
Either one works fine for me.

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*the chans

Atomwaffen are the "READ SIEGE" fags and literal Satanists. They're not liked on Zig Forums very much

Let's imagine US warships strike Syria and Russia sinks those ships.

Is there any chance at all of de-escalation at this point? Could Trump afford to "back out" and withdraw, like Reagan withdrew from Lebanon? Or would this inevitably ignite a global catastrophe?

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Are you telling me that Zig Forums has standards all of a sudden?

The fuck is the annoying orange doing? Didn't he pass a psychiatrist check before assuming office?

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it's not even close. I'd even say bothing will happen, but I don't wanna jinx it. So, yeah don't build a bunker or anything like that, most likely this is just another dick measuring contest that will result in Syria turning into the next Afghanistan.

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I see what you did there


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I mean, he's flip flopped on pretty much every issue, not surprising

I doubt he will. I'd wager that he has to maintain the facade of someone that shouldn't be fucked with. You know that we're in for something special when Doomsday clock literally moves closer to midnight on the factor of Trump alone. Besides, even if he doesn't do it, the president after him will do so. The fault primarily lies in the system itself, and I bet the eternal burger is itching for a war given the recent market crashes etc.

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Russia is not going to allow the US to turn Syria into another Afghanistan though.


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sadly, they're still retarded.

You need to accept Posadas in your heart.

A comunidade que eu e meu camaradas começaremos no Brasil (ou na venezuela) estará aberta a todos dispostos a lutar!

They really aren't thought. If you see the tweet in the LP page you'll see a bunch of bloodthirsty reactionaries.

Tell her you need to see her before shit hits the fan. In the very least she'll think it's amusing and that you're really funny.

I'm sitting around in a hallway at my university and now normalfags are starting to talk about "being nervous" or "we're going to war". Shit's getting real