How will he and his administration be remembered? If there's anyone left to remember him

How will he and his administration be remembered? If there's anyone left to remember him

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Trump is just Reagan 2.0, reluctantly acknowledged as a mistake by everyone but some cucks with daddy issues.

How's the bush administration remember? Basically everytime we hit a new low we will reconsider the last administration.

Just like Bush. I.e. We thought it was really bad, but now we know better. All the way until it crashes in some way.

This thread is now about what the new rockbottom will be after Trump. I'll start.

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Do we, though?

Honestly, for me Bush is still a pretty considerable contender. Like, Trump has actually not completely outdone him yet as far as the sheer extreme shiteness of Dubya's policy. I mean, Trump is an insanely incompetent, borderline-retarded buffoon who can't keep his house even pretend-in-order… and he supports more Bush-style authoritarian policies, yeah, and some of that's already gone through. But it'll take a lot to outdo two wars and a Patriot Act.

the worst possible timeline

Bush fucked iraq, if Trump fucks Syria, Iran or North Korea that will be the highest point of american fuckery in the 21st century

More than likely Zucc's chances of presidential run are fucked after that abhorrent senate hearing yesterday

he's definitely going to fuck both syria and iran now that bolton is running shit. he'll try to fuck north korea but whatever conflict happens with Russia will probably stop that from happening

Fuck the 21st century I think you mean the entire history of the country.

Worst timeline. Well, there's always Oprah or Hillary 2020…

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That's cool user, but what about the republican and the Libertarian party?

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Nuking Japan is pretty high up there too

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As a farcical Nixon. All of the corruption, none of the brains.

Libs will hate him forever because “muh Russian Conspiracy”, and “IT WAS HER TURN”, while the right will love him forever because he triggered the libs epic style.

Also, eventually both groups will put on rose tinted glasses, and he’ll be viewed like Reagan.

Like one of the forgettalbe late Roman emperors. A figurehead controlled by the entrenched power elite trying and failing to maintain control over a collapsing system.

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People will remember him different ways, but I'll always know him as just another neoliberal who happened to talk more then he should have.

The right has done nothing but scrutinize him and call him a fucking retard for months.

He'll be seen as another Nixon for a few more decades, but as those turn into a century or more he'll be seen more like Martin Van Buren, a cooky nutbar who kids will laugh about in history class.

Don't forget the towers.

Very good take.

Why do Americans love Reagan again while Thatcher is at least controversial to Anglos? I remember reading an article about how Reagan is now being put into the american hall of labo(u)r