Makin a general thread for OC, links, and other things that can be used to shitpost against Zig Forums

Makin a general thread for OC, links, and other things that can be used to shitpost against Zig Forums.

Share what you got.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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That second one is pretty funny.

Attached: evolution of a polack.jpg (634x700 85.78 KB, 125.96K)

You belong you are a fucking idiot.
The first one is ok, but in the second you justify the weimar republic which is retarded and caused nazism and also killed communists.
The third one you justify the actions of americans and the bombing of dresden, again if killing nazi civilians is ok why should I care about American civilians?
Fourth one is tumblr tier.
Go the fuck back to reddit.

This is already stupid, but I'll post anyway

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Looks like it works.

Yes, I don't like seeing redliberals on here.

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The master race in all their glory

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He's right, the forth one is pure idpol, the second is defending the Wiemar Republic, and the third is pure Zig Forums-tier speculation and revisionism.

It doesn't have to be true, that's not the point.

Attached: peterson (1)

What is the point then? Most people are posting actual debunking images or images of actual Zig Forumsyps or parodies of Zig Forums memes.

Faggots like you are the same that support neo liberal pawns like antifa. Fuck you stupid fake communist, if you are worth your salt you'd never support liberalism and things like the weimar republic

"hot" take: life was better for workers in the Weimar Republic than it was under the Kaiserreich or Nazi Germany. It's true it was a bourgeois republic that persecuted communists but it was also the most democratic country in capitalist Europe–part of the reason the ruling classes supported the Nazis was because they (especially the aristocracy) hated the Republic that gave their slaves even a modicum of choice GDR best Deutschland waifu

Ans people say the left aren't fun.

Holy fuck that last image, it cannot contain any more grease.

I dont like seeing red conservatives either

"Conservatives" are liberals


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Anybody have those images that show how the Germans intentionally doctored photos showing soviet fake “war crimes” and gives the side-by-side?

Sure. Not being an idpol, not supporting anglo atrocities and not supporting the weimar republic is peak conservativism

And they said the Left couldn't meme.

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90% of this thread is conflating 8/pol/ with every other autistic brand of centre right movements that cropped up from teenagers getting into politics during the election. The majority of this board doesn't seem to have any clue what 8/pol/ represents or believes in the slightest. This is reinforced by people posting shit like kekistan and Jordan "free speech for me but not for thee" Peterson as if they aren't completely mocked by all of 8/pol/.

In fact the majority of this thread is mocking the exact same people that are constantly made fun of on Zig Forums as well. You guys seem to be incredibly disconnected from imageboard culture outside of shit like cuckchan and jewtube.

Except trying to criticize trump on 8/pol/ can and will land you a ban for "shilling".

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I think they represent getting assblasted about niggers and kikes, and they believe that the reason they're not a winner is because of a global conspiracy about a non-existent Nazi masturbation fantasy.

Evidence: all the threads about hating niggers and kikes and their role in a global conspiracy about a non-existent Nazi masturbation fantasy

Yeah, just… look at that vibrant brain trust. It's like a field of onions, just layers upon layers.

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Porkies are eveywhere. Any of us could be one, had we been born under other circunstances. Hitlerists are more like cockroaches, indeed.

jesus sam hyde is gross

I know right? I'd smash like no tomorrow.