Leftypol in 1940

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Not all of this board is ☭TANKIE☭s…


If I was alive in WW2 I would have rooted for everyone but the Soviets to get destroyed

I think leftypol would side with the USSR.
This is leftypol in 1940 and also russia is still tsarist.

At this point in the war most people saw the Nazis and Soviets as being on the same side. The Allies even had plans to bomb Russian oilfields to cut off supplies to Hitler and to deploy troops to Finland to fight the Russians. Modern twitter ☭TANKIE☭s absolutely would have critically supported the Nazis prior to Barbarossa. They would also have supported the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity sphere, saying that Japanese Imperialism is the lesser evil compared to British Imperialism, and that the collapse of the British Empire would make socialism more viable even if it means Japan gets some clay.

is this 2002

literally no one saw it that way

yeah cuz the 1930-1940s ussr is just nazi germany sans the jew gassing

You never actually presented an argument for why it's bad to support Germany against the bloodiest and most brutal empire in history at the time.

It's funny because our modern context is much, much closer to, say, the dumb Socialists who refused to oppose things like the Fascist invasion of Ethiopia because the Ethiopian leader was also an evil dictator or the american socialists who supported Israel against Arab countries because they were reactionary - which is exactly the sort of dumb position you arrive at when you place political superstructure above wider geopolitical circumstances - but OP's grasp of history, acquired from documentaries and half-read wikipedia articles, is limited to WW2 as a frame of reference.

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British Intelligence clearly did, which is why they planned to fight the Soviets in Finland.


imagine being this liberal

ITT: mad amerilard is mad

Kurds and Assad are chemical weapons gang!


reminder that "US soldiers were fighting fascism" is pushed by a stunning amount of pseudo-antifa Marvel/Harry Potter libtards right now

But at the same time…

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You're genuinely stupid if you dont see the value in mobilizing aspects of a country's history towards socialist/anti-fascist ends.

From the outside it looked quite a bit like Germany and the USSR were on the same team. The Soviets were providing them with war materials like oil, had helped them partition Poland, and had signed a non-aggression pact with them.

fam come on nop's were signed by most major countries with nazi germany this is literally one of the worst memes about this shindig

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No, Zig Forums is the one rotting in a ditch after a show trial in 1937

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Ironically, according to Yezhov's testimony, he was an anarcho-syndicalist, the kind of person who would post on Zig Forums. He organized unjustified repressions of innocent people to "prove" how "authoritarianism" always fails.

Source: Grover Furr

It's no surprise, as the "anti authoritarians" amongst the left are the most sectarian and hateful towards anyone they perceive as "authoritarian".

CIA wasnt founded until after the war. No death camps in 1940. Germany wasnt at war with the US.

OP cant even read.

CIA didnt exis back then.
not in 1940 retard
the gas thing wasnt in the news in 40
that was completely legit up until 41. fuck anglos and zionists.
reported for supporting alqaeda

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the actual communist parties of europe/us at the time supported nazis when they were friendly with the soviets

I bet the KPD didnt.

Yeah i doubt that, could you post the text of the book?

In retrospect that was a mistak, a large one at that