As a stemfag I don't see why more people in stem would'nt be into socialism, especially with how much of a focus on STEM the ussr had for example
How can we encourage more stemlords to appreciate socialism?
As a stemfag I don't see why more people in stem would'nt be into socialism, especially with how much of a focus on STEM the ussr had for example
How can we encourage more stemlords to appreciate socialism?
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Might go have a read at his stuff when my term ends
This tbh
We should take everything that cockshott and people like him do, dust it off, update the maths and make some slicker videos.
Cockshott is making incredibly videos atm but my god his on-camera presentation skills and video editing is shit. He has pauses of up to 10 seconds and speaks very softly, in a monotone manner. It has a very nice grandfatherly quality to it, don't get me wrong, and I do enjoy listing to it, but it isn't capturing like political videos of today are. Its more like a book in video format, than a video.
There's plenty of stemfags at my uni already (same city but not same uni as Cockshott is from)
They just don't display their communist autism for all to see until it is necessary. The amount of stemfags involved in recent lecturer strike for example was a nice surprise.
I am also a stemfag
You don't. This is why Stalin had designers working out of gulags. There's definitely an intrinsically reactionary core in STEM if left unchecked.
Soviet mathematicians seemed to have been relatively unmolested, and the engineers were kept under watch to ensure the items they were designing did not end up being pet projects but rather practical for their purpose etc
Carefull there pink haired humanities person, if you dont watch out you might say all white people are inherently reactionairy
What the fuck am I reading?
Not all stem. There's a distinct contrast in parts of stem depending on what they do. For example, engineers and designers tend to gravitate to reaction because they are trained to follow accepted theory and just implement it. This translates to their political beliefs: follow the leader. But if you go to other parts of stem that relies more on abstract and out-of-the-box thinking (mathematics, physics, etc.) you'll find all the radicals grouped there.
tl;dr engineers are fags
1) because they solve their problems with machines or chemicals or engines and dont need to cling to mass politics
2) because stem is THE thing to study in capitalist society, stems are some of the most profitable things out there so why would you have a problem with capitalism
3) because not all intellectual pursuits are equal, even outside of profiteering, hell almost none of the social sciences can even be called sciences because nothing they say or do or produce or publish or whatever the fuck they even do, is even scientific! as in, it can not be reliably replicated as a mathematical principle, or an electric engine can
also capitalists arent extracting surplus value of the workers,
non-stems are extracting THE value, total value, all value out of stems
our agriculture, our military and security, our economies, our diplomacy, our EVERYTHING works because and is provided by stem people
gee I wonder what lysenkoism is
is slick flashy shit really needed? I find cockshotts videos very easy to digest, even if it takes watching them a time or two over. The target audience here is well educated autists who're probably used to extremely dry, technical shit.
Based is the answer
We need to make it accesible non-autists too.
The trick is to explain it to people IRL well enough that they too become cockshott replicators. Nice videos might help but so does explaining shit in person.
Making videos makes it much easier to reach people. How many fucking commies do you people know irl that you can just say "just explain it irl lol". I know fucking ZERO.
Socialism doesn't provide you with sufficient resources for building new technology, retard. Look at the junk that the USSR produced. Their technology was primitive as fuck because the state forbids them from using idealism.
t. Right Wing stemfag
Well I think we should be explaining it to non commies as well. Convincing other commies is something to do at the politburo meetings, getting non-commies on board helps us get to the stage where we can start having politburo meetings. And I know plenty of non-commies.
Is this bait? The west had to literally play catch-up with the USSR's bionics program.
i bet you do webdev faggot
At my school, University of Alabama, all my classmates I talked to were huge Bernie people except one obnoxious aut-right fag and a Chinese guy that was obsessed with the PLA.
First in space you fucking idiot
Are you retarded?
Should add that this was the Computer Science program, but I saw that trend among other in the engineering department.
Ceras is in computer science and it is very bad, because they believe that art student and humanities are stupid and lazy and CS graduates get highest average salary after they graduate so they don't critique the economy system of production…………
It's not that hard to comprehend. People under the STEM umbrella are pursuing their rational material interests by suckling from the teat of venture capital. If you can make six figures right out of school working for some raw water guzzling libertarian retard's ponzi scheme, you would too.
It comes as a shock to nobody, but most epic science guys aren't that concerned with "facts and rationality." They just want that do$h to buy a Tesla stocked with every season of Firefly on bluray.
I think people in postgrad tend to be more leftist. That's probably just a consequence of the absolutely macabre way academia operates.
Educate yourself or neck yourself
lmao you have no idea about what surplus value actually means.
well, it depends on where you live and the stem course we're talking about, admittedly more applied fields like IT and Engineering are perhaps less inclined to think of wider/more far reaching theories like socialism. as shown in:
Fucking USSR has lesser microtech development compared to the US.
USSR might attract more technican, not actual engineer or IT.
their macro developments were still pretty interesting, and STEM is more than just engineers and IT graduates
Their macro development is based on old techonology passed down by Fordian work lines, they aren't actually advanced, and no, they aren't actually interesting for chemists, IT or engineers.
Not to mention Stalin actually banned Darwinism in favor of Lysenkoism.
well, stalin isn't the entirety of the history of the USSR
but their general scientific acheivements were still impressive looking back, why would people whom hold research into high regard not like the USSR? Given research there would not entirely be based around profit etc.
Because their achievements aren't all that great compared to the western bloc.
t. someone who has never been around engineers
You might want to see a doctor because it appears you have brain damage
Who? An american doctor?
You probably can't afford an american doctor, try cuba
i think he means the ussr lagged behind in consumer electronics, which is pretty obvious since the ussr wasn't centered around consumerism
Maybe if you didn't spend all your money on American health care you could afford an argument
First we need to proletarianize STEM professions by liberalizing them (i.e. allowing non-western professionals to enter the west without restriction.)
Im not in america
m8 I am a physics student doing an engineering phd, i've literally seen both worlds
They pretty much already can. The barrier to entry for highly educated proffessionals is symbolic in almost any nation.
Is this bait or real? I can't even tell any more
Should've posted Sputnik or Yuri Gagarin. Buran was developed in reaction to the US Space Shuttle.
stupid ass comment
stemfags are incentivized by weapons manufacturers to support 'da system' with high paying jobs and good healthcare. the aerospace guys even have union representation in some states to make sure they are properly compensated building planes and shit for beoing.
in essence, engineers are bribed and they accept it. it's a set of golden handcuffs. you get a house, kids, some debt, and boom, you have no choice but to keep voting for more war and weapons to put food on the table. it becomes a case of 'us vs. them' and you choose supporting your family and going to work over ideas like 'peace' every single time.
because STEM thinks they're "elite" workers
Guise stem isn't just engineers, and not all engineers end up in the defense industry
Sure is a mystery lmao… Communism only appeals to the unskilled or artists (see: unskilled) or humanities grad students (again see: unskilled)
Because most innovations are made in big government laboratories like NASA and are then given to the private economy.
And biology. Being leftist means you are inherently unattractive
Yes, the government is a big factor of developing core technologies, I thought you right wingers hated gubment?
Once again STEM isn't entirely engineers, and you sure you want to go with attractiveness?
If stem is so rightwing how come i alwsys see Zig Forumstards complaining about the latest programmer/webdeveloper/computerscientists/gamedev being a gay cuck tranny commie soyboy?
Problem is Zig Forumstards believe anything left of 14/88 is a commie soyboy
Cool argument. STEM workers are a textbook example of people who would benefit from socialism: the managers and owners of tech businesses are mostly investors that have none of the expertise their employees have, and have no idea how any of their products or services actually work. They are dead weight, there is no reason the employees cannot run the business themselves. Extremely few people in STEM are webdev hipsters that can make a living fleecing people with startup culture.
becase those typess are often liberals.
theyre right libertarian libs, because theyre either self interested in their business or sycophantic to their current or imagined future boss who is self interested, but they're also often some flavor of hipster liberal cunt so they must be SOCIALIST COMMIE CUCKS
Military Industrial Complex is huge in the STEM field though. Reminder Facebook, Amazon, and Google are also MIC.
Oddly enough CS seems to be the only place where you can find unironic full blown nazi type reactionaries. Not sure why this is. I assume it has something to do with their steadily decreasing wages due to increased competition from foreign labor and new grads. Something similar happened in the US in the 70s but with industrial workers.
Yes, there's this ridiculously specified, overblown hatred for Indians in particular in CS.
It's not unwarranted though. Most pajeets, especially the one's that get outsource contracts has the worst coding standards and practices. It's only natural that companies do the bare minimum. They even hire interns to do all the coding for the company before they pst them off.
That's pretty much the norm in most non-union workplaces. Tech princelings are just getting a taste of the free market that so many of them claimed to love back in the 90s/2000s.
wow impressive, your anecdotal experience is much appreciated in this thread fam, keep up the good work you fucking pseud.
both worlds confined in the rigid space of academia like the indignant loser you are.
Thats because of the massive flood if cheap indian labor and cultural norms being very different
pajeet's are in just about every field except pure science and maths, and those fields are already fucking oversaturated, and starved of funding. Pajeet's are the eternal scab.
That's because people that code for a living are nothing more than over glorified translators with poor grammar skills.
It's only oversaturated because of artificial forces. Not enough resources, tutors and funds to give.
tutor's aren't the problem, it's that grad students are slaves to their advisors and grant commissioners, and can't get any valuable research done during their studies. They're gonna have to wait for this old generation of profs to retire before new positions start to open up.
Why can we just make the institution larger?
Thats a load of shit. My grasp of programming language grammer is quite good. Also you don't really translate anything, unless you think that turning "I want a game with guns and cars where you can blow shit up" is just a simple translation job away form a game.
I mean it is translation, the thought process is a little different than human language translators but it is still essentially turning one form of communication into another form of communication that has different grammar/logic while preserving meaning
And this is from someone who is bilingual and (used to) code
What the fuck kind of kiddie code did you write?
Building an entire logical framework with a whole simulated world where everything fits together is not a simple fucking translation job. There is no "preserving meaning", because there is no meaning to be preserved, only a vague idea of what it should be, where the programmer has to create all the meaning himself.
And I am also bilingual, and I actually program for a living, instead of writing sciptkiddie shit, mr "i used to 'code' "
Alright calm down the butthurt bro, the process is like this:
Person has idea - can be an emotion (in the case of speech) or a vision of a first person shooter game
Idea is mapped out - for an emotion this means describing its intensity/source/context or whatever, or for translating a book attention is paid to style/prose/dialogue for each character, but for a first person shooter game this means designing the world/thinking of how everything will fit together.
Take plan and "translate" it - after analyzing the challenges (for a book, what I said above, for software, you can imagine whatever) and figuring out how they can be pieced together, then the ideas need to be "translated" into language that computers can understand. I think the OP was overstating with "poor grammar skills" but most coding is translation with the added step of engineering - which is obviously a major step, but it varies in its complexity from job to job, and its ignorant to think translators don't also have to be aware of a bigger picture.
Also, the "entire logical framework with a whole simulated world" isn't being made from scratch, it's assembled using a language that takes the form of millions of commands. That's what the OP was referring to - a coder can translate between human needs and computer commands.
Describing coding as "translation" is like saying that being paid to write a well selling book with only the instructions "it has to have elves, orcs and a theme of loss" is "just translating".
It is nothing like actually translating text, where you take an existing thing that already has all of the information and just put it in a different language, requiring almost no creativity, and certainly not requiring you to write 10k sentences extra for this one sentence.
And OP was not referring to that, he said programmers are "just glorified translators", as if writing software based on some vague ideas the client has is akin to translating documents, rather than engineering.
nofundslol, research is stagnant as I said, and grad students don't get enough exposure to research.
Hypothetically using genetics could we engineer capitalism out of humanity?
We don't need to, capitalism is not human nature.
STEM isn’t inherently reactionary, however lot’s of people in STEAM fields are reactionary not because of STEM but because there rich labor aristocrats. Prol STEMfags who have the skills to work much more advanced jobs could be pretty revolutionary.
You can do both. Make a very in depth video with good editing.
Idealism is one of the most non-sintific philosophies in existence.
The problem is engineers and little babby codemonkeys, not stemfags in general. There are plenty of leftists in the hard sciences, and I've met a guy doing a PhD in CS related to some theoretical bullshit who was pretty into socialism. I'm sure he's not the only one.
People into science, math and computer science are curious and analytical people. Of course plenty of them like socialism.
Engineers are childlike small brains. They're economics majors who can do triple integrals. Codemonkeys are economics majors who are better at coding. They all confuse the way things are with the way things have to be, and none of them are capable of differentiating between models and reality.
All mechanical engineers should be purged.
Comp sci stemfag here
It either goes with some people hiding their power level or harboring sympathies or full llolberts/neocons. No in between.
Because the USSR collapsed in 1991 due to Gorbachov. If the survived to present day they would’ve surpassed Burgerland in that field.
They can. The barrier to entry on these fields is education more than anything. Free collage and banning Gender Studies would proletarianize them much quicker
you're telling me that corporations pay their workers and make no profit?
Because either they put a shel of progressiveness around there supper pro-free market ideology. Or there Nick Landian accelerationists.