Holocaust on Film

I know this isn't directly related to leftism proper, but it's not like I would get decent answers from Zig Forums.
What are some good documentaries or films about Nazi Germany and the Holocaust? Most of those I've seen were mediocre TV flicks like Hitler: The Rise of Evil or outrageously spectacular blockbusters like Schindler's List.
Stuff similar to pics related would be appreciated.

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Other urls found in this thread:

libcom.org/files/Nazi Privatisation.pdf

Defiance is about a group of yiddish partisans who are helped by the soviets, gud film.

The Pianist is honestly pretty great too. Its scope is limited to occupied Warsaw, but it doesn't pull any punches regarding its subject matter.

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Read a book motherfucker

I did some research, apparently polish historians got triggered that the soviets are portrayed positively in the film and claimed the brothers ars "jewish-communist bandits". Watch it comrades.

why should i do this tho? why should i care about it? seems like a very personal thing for a very specific group of people, why the fuck should i give a shit about it?
there are no good fucking documentaries because in capitalism every documentary is rating baiting bullshit
if you want a 'good documentary' just read a mein kampf and im not even joking, doesnt get any more primary source than that
hitler thought weimar had too many jewish judges, bankers, media people etc etc, basically what marx said but with jews instead of capitalists, so he got rid of all of them and nationalized stuff and economy boomed
basically its racist and that's it, hitler believed in socialism and german people's superiority over other people

Literally no one except shoa which is a good documentation but nothing else.
Imho beside the usual suspects (alienation ecc.) on of the reason why fascims and nazis are becoming more socially acceptable is because the liberal establishment won't teach anything about these ideology beside
I'm deeply convinced that the jewish victims during the holocaust are overrated and overblown, the true victism were eastern european, russians and communists

Literally die you ignorant piece of shit. Nazism isn't socialism because it was hyper capitalist not because it was racist

This. I know jews suffered a lot, but the fact that the entire goal of WWII was the annihilation of the Soviet Union and socialism in general is blatantly downplayed by the west

nice job retard, bet you put hitler on the "centrist authoritarian" axis on those dumb political compass grid memes

how was nazism capitalism when hitler did a complete anti-market stuff like nationalizing certain industries and also made a total ban on all speculative everything???
capitalism is basically defined today by speculative and investment funds, which hitler completely banned, not even to mention that ~90% of all money is exactly in these
not even to mention volkswagen (people's car), autobahns, welfare, and all other stuff a capitalist would never do because there is no private profit in it

basically if hitler banned 90% of the capitalism, and completed so many public projects, how can he be a capitalist?
you are blinded by your ideology, facts point out to hitler being a socialist sorry i guess

made by centrist gang

My man, are you daft? Regulated capitalism is still capitalism no matter how you cut it. What you consider socialism is really just the window dressing to an economy dominated by corporatism, particularly among the military-industrial complex, which seems to have first been implemented in its current form in Nazi Germany.

Okay, yes, *neoliberal* capitalism is a different sort than the capitalism that existed back then, irrelevant. Under Nazi Germany industries were sold off INTO private hands in such a fast way that the term "privatization" was coined to explain the ocurrence.
Sides refer to , keynesianism isnt socialist, its capitalism with bollocks missing.
uhhhh you better read some more wiki pages fam

heyyyyy who brought the day-1 Zig Forums convert here?

communism is capitalism because central planners put everything in their own private hands then

hitler put the industry in the hands of a few weimar corporations because he needed stuff for war, you know, he needed the panzers, u boats, stuka fliegers, sturmgewhers, panzerfausts and whatnot, not because of his ideology

i bet you are some sort of idiots who'd go out in a real world, in an armed conflict against a banker with.. das kapital and he'd just shoot you in the face or something
or in a war you'd seize enemy equipment and decide not to use it because its 'fascist grenade' as if a grenade is not just a grenade when it comes to realpolitik

using companies to produce stuff you desparately need > more theorizing and more planning in a world of rapid rearmament of both the allies and the soviets

Almost none of the shit you wrote is even true. Pic related, profits went through the roof under Nazi rule and the Nazis financed everything with government debt that was sold to capitalists as high-interest bonds–exactly like how shit has been funded by capitalist governments since 1700s.

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das some pussy shit youre typing vro

*ahem*from libcom.org"

"Nationalization was particularly important in the early 1930s in Germany. The state took over a large industrial concern, large commercial banks, and other minor firms. In the mid-1930s, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in western capitalistic countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s. Privatization was used as a political tool to enhance support for the government and for the Nazi Party. In addition, growing financial restrictions because of the cost of the rearmament programme provided additional motivations for privatization."

heres the pdf link: libcom.org/files/Nazi Privatisation.pdf

also state ownership =/= socialism if the state is anything but a socialist state, which the nazi state was not


lol im from pol harvesting (you)s for fun i dont even believe all humans in society are equal or that equality is good or that private property is bad

it not like leftism proper even exist anywhere anymore anyway, modern left out there in the real world consists exclusively out of liberals who never read 2 tomes das kapital let alone whole thing

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K fam, go back to shilling for drumpfie or whatever you scabs do on your 24-a-day neettime

This is true tho.

since you asked whatever we do, we own more % of means of production than you leftists do

no for real, for the people who talk about means of production i find it extremely unusual none of you own any, but read theory and serve fries your whole lives
while this is pure anecdote, and while i admit i am probably wrong here, it seems to me that right wingers (right wing hobbyists really, no one cares about this shit seriously, its just for aesthetics and making friends) are the ones who buy some welding tools, learn how to repair cars, go around being electricians, start farms, and generally are just trying to privately own enough of means of production to raise a family and maybe have a vacation once a year
and guess what, most of us make it, it works fine enough for most of us, none get yachts but most have fun anyway

Yeah it's not like 80% of the world's population doesn't own any MoP, so strange

Right, im gonna have to assume youre a gringo, and then happily tell you that the living standard in the US, or really the world, has been steadily dropping since the fall of the USSR and such idyllic lifestyle that you describe is barely obtainable for people due to the fact that they mostly live in urban centres, and have to shackle themselves to extortionary practices such as rent, utilities, and debt that so easily is thrust on people

Hmm, its almost as if though righties go and make buisiness of commodifying resources in order to profit off them, rendering the buyers into a dependent state below them, incapable of moving upwards. Good observation, maybe one day youll pop outta your bubble and see how Guatemala has turned out

I don't know, because it's an incredibly important part of recent European history?
I don't know, why should you "give a shit" about the Armenians, the Tutsi, the Kurds? Do you believe the world stops at your country's borders or are you just a mall misanthropist?
Just because capitalism incentivizes cutting whatever doesn't produce value doesn't mean a dedicated team of artists and technicians can't produce a good film. The OP contains two examples of such productions.
Mein Kampf is a hot mess of a diary, it's basically a 700-page-long paranoid rant about Judaism and decadence. It tells me a lot about Hitler's state of mind at the time but very little about the rest.
You clearly have never read anything written by Marx. Marx of critical of capitalism as a mode of productions, not of capitalist as individuals.
Most of the Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust were working-class Poles.
The Nazis supported both nationalization and privatization, whatever fit their agenda the best at a given time. It "boomed" thanks to massive military spending whose designed outcome was war, and the war effort itself was sustained by slave labor and outright plunder.
No, that's not "it".
No, he didn't.

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Not communist, you mean. There's a difference between Socialism and Marxist Socialism (i.e. the doorway to Marxist Communism).

They keep making the same moves expecting a different outcome. You will be alive to watch the United States obliterate them internationally.

You're "deeply convinced" of it because that's what you want to believe, not because the evidence suggests as much.
In a genocide, every last person murdered is a "true" victim. What you're doing here is essentially pitting death tolls against each other. It's not just intellectually bankrupt, it's also profoundly repugnant.

Not, there isn't. Socialism and communism as political commitments are the same thing.

idk man i live in a urban center and i only have a highschool but i walked into a car mechanic's workshop (freight and traveler program), told him i saw a show on tv once about people who fix cars, told him i thought it was cool, told him i was willing to learn how to do such a thing if he was interested in letting me stick around and help around for basically no money
he told me he was impressed that there's any youth left who actually want to be useful and is patient to learn something, and that he was trying to find a mechanic for two years and that he was so sick and tired of it that even i would do

he has so much work that he basically lets me take 100% of what i manage to repair as my own, im in my 20ies and he is in his 60ies and is just happy someone else is keeping the traffic in his shop alive

this is the first and only job i ever had and the guy not only lets me use the tools and make more money than he does just for assisting him from time to time, he told me he has no one to leave the shop to when he is too old work it himself

idk it seems to me that life is hard and all that but basically if you are an unskilled dead end minwage shitter who has no skills or value even in the leftist world view (as in, you do 0 socially necessary labor and you cant even interact with means of production in any efficient way) you deserve poverty

Really makes you think.

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Could we please not derail the thread just because of one Zig Forumstard who thought he would own the libs but eventually retreated into irony as always? Thanks.

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The irony being this is a very “Jewish” outlook and attitude. There are multiple Zionists and Rabbis who have literally gone record as saying that intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews is “worse than the Holocaust”

Wow good for you on your good luck? I guess? I can give you some of my personal anecdotes too!

The country im in is a colony of the most powerful nation in earth an after the two recent hurricanes it opened the floodgates for more bankers, financiers and moneylenders to turn the country into Hawai'i 2.0 in which the population is stripped bare by insurmountable foreign competition and coercion that they are left becoming a servile population in wake of wealthy capitalist foreigners that take up the place that our parents used to live in. There has been austerity projects since 20 years ago, one of the best universities in the american hemisphere is on its way of becoming a privatized rich yuppie school instead of a university for the self-bettrement of the masses, and the diaspora has slashed our population by a 4th. There are barely any jobs, people still dont have electricy or water and the government is a laugh that has enough clout to keep getting reelected even though they being collaborating traitors. The property is owned by these neolibs, who then in their graciousness use the massive profits that they rip from our skins to turn us into a population of servile subjects. And here i have some wannabe boostrapper that thinks that ppl just need to grit their teeth and learn some trades hyuck because life isnt hard for him.

Heres a word of advice, get out of your little bubble and see for yourself what your golden country has done, gringo. I hate you and your kind like no cuban or vietnamese could because you have the gall to cheer the very bankers that own you roll over us and then, in your obliviousness, tell us to just get a job and be good workers. You fuckin useless scab, go out and see what these golden lambs have done to your country, the richest in the world yet having its people paradoxically live nearer and nearer the very 3rd world you triumphantly cheer as having colonized

t. American jew

t. Israeli Jew

Everything Nazis blamed on the Jews from pathological lying to haughty ethnocentrism, they were guilty of themselves. It was 100% projection.

Im glad that ill watch the usa's population devolve further into the mutts you are, pathetic fucking bootlickers. You dont know shit about life you sheltred yuppie

I'm a gentile and my paternal grandfather was a Spanish republican partisan.

Doubt. You anecdote does not absolve capitalism. You also leave out huge details like where were you living before you got the job and how much money your family has, what they own and what did your parents do. Your good fortune is not indictive of the difficulty most find to get a job that pays a living wage. I say this as someone who is finally getting somwhere too.

What's your point?

Oops, sorry, it was meant for

Maybe not directly about the holocaust but has anyone here seen the full 7 hour Our Hitler: A Film From Germany?

It seems to have a sort of extravagent theatrical Mise-en-scène which reminds me of a lot of early color film, along with a lot of experimentation regarding it's implementation of documentary aspects.

I imagine considering it's also rather talky that there's a lot directly said which might be plus for a lot of you guys

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Nice bait thread, you're clearly Zig Forums just trying to make it seem like Zig Forums is obsessed with the Holocaust as an argument to use againt them, they'll screencap the thread and use this to show "See them leftists dun luv da joos."

And before anyone says "Buut spurdo poster, ain't we allowed to talk about film?"
Yes but if OP were serious he could have asked /film/ or /tv/, the threads would be bombed by Zig Forums but They're neutral boards so he would get actual answers too. It's obvious OP is a Zig Forums tard trying to get some screencaps for his boogeyman narrative.
Report and sage.


wow rly opened my eyes thx

Why do Nazis always assume that the narrative is that all the Jews were either gassed or cremated? Literally nobody claims this. You people are always arguing against strawmen.

The absolute state of historically illiterate Zig Forumstards

OP here. You're completely paranoid. I asked Zig Forums because that's where I was the most likely not to be caught into a shitstorm of Holocaust denial — which you even acknowledge yourself.

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the greatest story never told

Hitler rarely nationalized and only did so when Cooperation from Capitalist was impossible. He engaged in large scale privatization under Hjalmar Schacht

Zig Forums leave.

Hollywood really and truly is the dream forge.

They do, that's why they don't even call them jews.

Hollywood Holocaust films are garbage, and actual Jewish thinkers and artists agree. Lanzmann, Kubrick, Kertész — they were all critical of Spielberg's Schindler's List. French Hollywood-style Holocaust film La Rafle was universally panned by critics.

Cinema is an extremely limited medium and is only good for transmitting a uniform feeling to the masses. Spielberg understands this which is why his movies always do well and are considered some of most memorable films ever made despite not being highly refined.

My only complaint about most holocaust films is that they are waaaay too focused on the jewish element. 6 million non-jews died in the camps too but I guess porky doesn't want to make people feel sorry for dead union organizers and communists.

Uh, what? What about… you know, the whole history of cinema? From Fritz Lang to Jean-Luc Godard?