Also eceleb thread.
Mods enable embedding already you fucking inbred morons.
I don't understand idpol, the video
Other urls found in this thread:
the problem with idpol is not the issues of identity, but that the people are so willing to put rectifying their identities first that they forget that this can be truely only done under a long-term socialist system, and are willing to collaborate with current powers (capitalists, corporations, ceos) if it means their identity issues will be fixed first
Yeah but it seems like a large part of the left can't grasp this basic concept.
Oh, for a moment I thought he was trying to present another retarded video, and than I realized it's actually the guy himself. Unsubbed I guess. Cancer.
There's already the /leftytrash/ cyclical, and embedding videos allows youtube to surveil everyone on the board.
This is what I wrote about IdPol in another thread.
I always found the term "IdPol" a bit shitty, because in 99% of the cases, it's not that someone's abandons class analysis in favor of identitarianism, it's that they didn't have a class analysis to begin with. They are just liberals. No reason to indulge in economism, it should be clear to any Marxist that the superstructure and the base are in a reciprocal and not a monistic relationship.
I mean, Marxist who were also advocates for the emancipation of marginalized groups, such as Marxists in the Civil Rights Movement, or Marxist Feminists have always been calling out phony liberal "leftism". In The Jewish Question Marx makes it clear that obviously we should be for the emancipation of minorities, but it doesn't stop there. Because Jews were emancipated, they also lost their priviliges, such as being moneylenders, because the oppression of minorities always functions as a whole system of privileges in the state which are interconnected with each other. Through emancipation, the state stops being a "theologist" and starts being a state of the public.
yeah what this guy said lol. capitalism can absolutely absorb 'identitarians'
Without ever solving their problems might I add.
spurdo poster condensed my thoughts essentially. :
but more explicitly they can use identitarian movements to fight each other, splintering groups that might have changed things if they unified.
to add on another condensed point:
A socialist system would not entirely focus on profit, or ensure surplus/profit would be shared fairly or put to more effective use than a capitalist one, so as long as you are willing to work with a capitalist system to gain your identity goals, only the crumbs and a spectacle will go to you, at the price of fighting and betraying the people you ought to be allied with.
I don’t like liberal identity politics either but it’s obvious that many leftists who shit on idpol do so simply to show to right-wingers and how cool they are and how they are totally not like those stupid SJWs
I didn't know there was a shortage of tranzies and autists on Zig Forums. his argument falls apart when you realize Zig Forums has more women than r/socialism.
Also, the "inclusive" Id-pol socialist groups I know of seem extremely hostile to autistic men. I don't think "Aspie" is their biggest language
also, at one point, he says the entire anarchist movement would fall apart if not for the involvement of transwomen. Does he not see there is a problem in the state of anarchism if 50% of anarchists come from 0.05% of the population?
sauce? big if true
You are selling a false bill of goods. Likely identarian struggle will continue unabated under socialism. That establish new relations of production does not automatically mean the resolution of all other struggles. They will no doubt be transformed, but you will still have things like sexual difference under socialism.
What socialism does do, is create a more comfortable material environment in which to wage these struggles. And some of them will become trivial as a result; if your livelihood is no longer liable to be tied up in a struggle, you'll likely deem it less important. But this is a transformation, not a resolution.
Well I did say rectify, I should have specified it as not complete I guess, but yes your point on socialism being a more conducive environment is what I was going for
but in socialism we all the same that mean we all get treated the same xD fugg off SJW liberal class traitor
NazBol gang gang
he makes a good point though, liberals are inclusive of minorities, even if to their ultimate detriment, but leftists seem indifferent to recruiting them and supporting their specific issues.
Even if current idpol movements are run by porkies we can still get them on our side, and why not? muh tumblr?
But hey, they can always reflect their alienation in a bottle of PRIDE labeled vodka or put their spirit in a lesbian character in a game made by BioWare.
Right wing is also idpol. So we are shitting on them as well
nah, leftists like to shit on minorities, they figure that white men already have the power to change the current system so we don't need minorities to be a part of the movement, we will just give them socialism when WE win.
lol. this is a new one
literally the definition of idpol
Your trolling is awful.
yeah im saying that idpol isn't necessarily bad.
Politics isn't just a power game, it's understanding.
I'm not a toll, just giving you uncomfortable truths.
Tell me more.
for some reason that song in the background pisses me off
Yeah, only made it halfway through that before I ragequit. Dude was acting like opposing idpol is synonymous with being a shithead who just likes to offend people. Anyone who uses the term class reductionism unironically is a fucking moron.
this assumes that opposing idpol implies that you want trans people to get beat up or whatever (like that isn't just an enforcement of a different kind of idpol in of itself) and not just making the obvious argument that identitarian squabbling within capitalism does nothing to stop or even mitigate it and so should not be important or relevant to an actual socialist/communist
It's like a gay Sargon-Unruhe mix. Disliked.
Wow gee the Liberals do really good with any form of mental issues
Wow I'm so impressed
I'm so glad I could listen to a retard talk about idpol and not mention Imperialism once. I was almost afraid that he might mention something that actually killed people not vague statements that kill trans people.
This meme needs to be brought to the wall and shot
Also, his entire argument basically amounted to "Abandon the universalist focus on class and focus instead on individual essentialized properties which not everyone may share." How is that not divisive.
Is this one of these guys who call themselves cucks ironically to trigger the alt-right?
..that's exactly what the alt-right would want them to do. what the fuck
Holy shit, he is actually afraid to us any sort of insults or slurs
This guy is one of those actual unironic "equal outcome" people isn't he.
This has to be COINTELPRO or something similar, I honestly refuse to believe people think this way.
Also, reminder pic related is Batko's new "friend".
Neoliberal capitalism only likes minorities until they grow a class consciousness and start talking about economics.
Capitalism uses identity politics to divide the proletariat and also to profit.
For instance. If a black person was aware of class,they would realize, that redneck may be racist, but he controls nothing. It is the rich white liberals who own the businesses and means of production
People like Muke or Bat'ko will ditch leftism all together in 2025 at least (probably before) and become average neolibs. I mean, with Muke it's even more accelerating considering how he's already warming up to neolibs, although I could expect Muke to have a Rebel style breakdown, become trans and start dating a Nazi or something, especially considering the amount of drugs he takes.
how does the room make money? crypto baby
Yikes. They're just asking for the alt-right to make fun of them.
that guy is anarchist and supports antifa
Also his
what neolibs is he friends with