what is the actual gameplan for the far left today?
are you guys content with a bernie sanders type or do you want someone more hardline?
what is the actual gameplan for the far left today?
are you guys content with a bernie sanders type or do you want someone more hardline?
hijack rightwing parties and turn them nazbol
Accelerationism until we have global nuclear war to destabilize the capitalist machine, giving the interstellar vanguard time to uplift us into what lies beyond what we know as communism
Bernie is alright I guess, though I'd prefer Corbyn over him any day.
be even more irrelevant than the far right while neoliberalism continues
Obviously most people here aren't content with succdems, however that being said though, with the world closer and closer to WW3, this might push some people over the edge and embrace socialism.
Sanders, no. Corbyn, yes: get to the point where the booj fear them and they are worth it. Anti-imperialism is required, along with a major marxist subordinate or collegue. With that you have the basis of good shit.
Conditions are only going to get worse for people as time goes on, spreading our presence to show people an alternative to the madness going on into the future
I'll just copy paste it
if we're talking about WW3, then
Nuke the USA
Organize Corbyn's army to take over Angloland and kill the tories
Organize Melénchon's army to kill Macron's catholic terrorists
And kill some germans, I guess.
If we're talking about a more peaceful resolution: Yes, Bernie would have been 100 times better than anything burgerland ever had. But we don't really want to stop there. We want worldwide communism.
total eradication of all spooks
Black people?
read stirner you fucking nerd
Global capitalism is collapsing now, though it may take quite a while for whatever comes next to clear away its blighted corpse, assuming that there's enough time left for humanity to do that - which is a pretty big assumption.
Basically, as the resource wars, mass migrations, and famines begin in earnest, a collectivist mindset will be required if we're going to even attempt to get through these times without devolving to feudalism (and I say this about the first world countries - the third world has been kept under the boot of the first world for a long time, and while that isn't likely to change outright we'll probably see the middle eastern conflict zones becoming bigger, and we'll likely see them accelerate in Africa as well). Many people will realize this at about the same time. That's our material means for revolution. If humanity wants to attempt survival it will have to work together on a much smaller scale than it does now. That's where we might see new communes form, and hopefully spread.
so the TL;DR is
wait for doomsday and vote demsoc?
No vote demsoc to accelerate doomsday. Corbyn is posadist gang.
vote for nazis?
i think it's less about being content with a particular candidate, then it is about making do with what we have and picking the least batshit insane candidate, at least until the revolution
Wow, it's almost like you guys are incapable of seriously articulating what you want and what strategy you think will achieve it.
You know that quote about how a community pretending to be idiots will eventually attract literal idiots? This board completely validates it. A few years ago leftists started thinking that memes and irony were the best approach to make leftists ideas popular, I was in the minority saying that this will only attract the lowest of the low, and now here we are, with a leftist board with a handful of serious posters and hundreds of retards who have never and will never read any literature parroting their Nazbol and Chapo memes, the only patterns of thought they're capable of.
welcome to Zig Forums
We have a FAQ dumbass, maybe you should read a fucking book.
read a book, kiddo
If you want to know more about the far left, it's goals and strategies to achieve them you go read the books of actual theorists and people who have devoted their lives to study these issues, don't go to an imageboard expecting us to make some amazing gameplan that will bring global communism in 20 years.
If you just want to get an introduction go read wikipedia or the faq like most of us did.
It's just an imageboard, dude. The only thing we take seriously here is making sure you have the correct party line on middle eastern geopolitics. The rest is just for fun, really.
None of you have read more than 5 books last year.
Pardon me, I should have written something more serious. I know. I have no idea what would be a property strategy.
keep pseudo-intellectuals busy indoctrinating the youth, turning them into useful narcissists
keep pushing communistic cultural programming thru media and arts
keep convincing the masses that we are not just a means to get into power and won't kill a lot of people once we get in
We aren't just a means to get in power though, but we would kill a lot of people. After all, there are lots of right wingers out there.
-Backstab, ridicule and shame anyone that tries to offer a solution or suggests doing anything whatsoever (literally anyone that dares call themselves leftist or socialist these days)
-Obsess endlessly over ideological purity instead of accomplishing one platform at a time (Yes, even if it's just minimum wage reform)
-Refuse to do absolutely anything, if anyone tries anyway denounce them as COINTELPRO/Imperialists/Neolibs/Opportunists (see 2)
It's basically like the alt-right/neofash, except it's even more impotent and inconsequential.
I think you underestimate just how much longer capitalism can continue. Capitalism requires the reproduction of capital, not people.
It's worse. There's no platform, and there are no leaders. Every initiative will get beaten into the ground if it doesn't pander to someone's autistic definition of "socialism". And make no mistake, they're totally willing to ally with the darkest and most reactionary forces to make sure no gets to do anything. There's also the idea (copied from liberals no less) that screeching on the internet amounts to activism. They could've won on numerous fronts if they could just have gotten over their spite and pettiness.
The "Left" has been completely neutered.
Christian Accelerationism
I think you overestimate just how much longer industrial civilization at scale can continue.
Are you accusing us of being useless leftcoms?
But that's impossible
I have actually
Abolishing marine diesel and jet engine travel might hold this off. Sailing on the seas and using airships might be really comfy. Not to mention more environmentally friendly. Also trains instead of cars. The solutions of undoing the climate change are technological but for this technology to be employed, a global socialism is required.
I was thinking of joining the environmental organization only to be a hardline socialist, claiming that only global socialism can save the environment. Because it is in the material interests of the 99% to continue living, and the only way to achieve that is to have them have the power to control their destiny. A direct democracy is the method. And now we are just skirting into the Juche territory regarding the masses.
Didn't Cockshott shoot this idea down?
Yes. Whether it's MLs, anarchists, etc. It really appears to be same thing everywhere. R*java was unironically one of the bright spots of the last few years.
Not only was it able to unite anarchists, MLs and other groups in opposition to ISIS, but there was a real possibility that both R*java and Ba'ath government would be able to overcome their differences and unite in a common anti-imperialist front.
Of course, that didn't materialize. Instead they're back to eating themselves again. All while NATO is bombing Syria, and the Turks are invading from the north. Sad but predictable.
I'm not denying there will be widespread devastation. Up to and including mass death on an unprecedented scale.
However, as your map points out, there will still remain habitable areas. Worst yet: Every time capitalism has been hit with global calamity (see WW2) it acted as an impetus that restored the rate of profit. As gross as it sounds, capitalism can survive half the third world dying from famine and war.
If everyone waits to do something until after that happens, it will be too late.
They're more cringey, but they've actually managed to move the overton window slightly. Meanwhile neolibs and neofash are running amok, and there's been a clear reactionary current over the past years.
Instead of autisticly debating about whether or not the Soviet Union was socialist. It would help to reach out to your local community and start from there. Find people in need, and help them.
Hell, I look at my own community and I wonder where all these "revolutionaries" are. I've volunteered for social work, and I've yet to come across a single socialist.
If I was an actual a socialist, I'd know what to do: Reach out.
Perhaps help your local food bank distribute food, teach children from poor backgrounds, help the elderly. Etc.
You'll build up a network, and actions speak louder than words. Even if you're a NEET with little money to spend, there's plenty you can do.
Of course, that's not most people's (read: narcissistic would-be commissars) idea of a "glorious revolution", and so nothing get's done whatsoever.
It's more about opportunism than anything else.
We'll likely hit 4C of warming well before the end of the century, possibly at the outer edges of 50 years or so, but it's not like the climate gets that much hotter and then simply stops warming. Indeed the warming accelerates even more quickly the hotter it gets. When the IPCC calculated feedback loops into their warming predictions they were seeing 10C+ of warming as possible by the end of the century. It will probably only take half of that to eliminate most of humanity. I encourage everyone to look into how the IPCC does these calculations. You'll find that they intentionally leave out a lot of warming factors and ALWAYS include what is currently fictional carbon capture technology. Remember, without a miracle development of technology that would allow humanity to pull gigatons of carbon out of the air every year while simultaneously dropping human CO2 emissions to 0% (which in itself would basically end global capitalism and result in billions of people starving to death by essentially giving the planet negative CO2 emission levels for decades), that humanity has no future.
This is true enough, though remember that capitalism is a relatively new construct and that in the past there has always been more cheap energy available to make this happen. Additionally, the world's habitat has never been more unstable and that isn't going to suddenly reverse itself - those 200 species that go extinct every day aren't going to magically come back, the coral won't regrow, the ocean won't simply decide to cool off a bit. A mixture of less available energy, less available resources, combined with the ways that agriculture (and fishing) will have to change to fit the new climate (which, spoiler alert, won't be enough to feed billions of people), combined with there being a global lack for things as simple and necessary as clean water makes the situation, indeed the world, that we are heading into unprecedented in many ways, some of which we are likely not expecting in the slightest. I don't know how much we can look to the past for modeling a future where the variables are so radically different.
Definitely true to a point, though in places where half the population dies and the other half has nothing to hope for but a merciful and quick death you may end up seeing a change in the social order of things. It will be hard to get people in this situation to buy luxuries, for example. Not a guarantee of change, just a chance.
Radical action to change fundamental aspects of human consumption and culture were required 50 years ago when we started to understand this issue (see Silent Spring, Limits to Growth, etc.). Everyone HAS waited too long to do something, and now it IS too late.
Americans will want to aim for succdem because a proper socialist movement is impossible. Elsewhere the far left needs to deal with the personality cult problem without letting the pomos in.
Considering that this and energy descent/resource depletion are both existential threats to modern human civilization, I think it would be appropriate for the Left to make them their central concern. The affects of both will be THE thing that politicizes the proletariat, sweeping away all the old bullshit that lefty-types have been peddling for decades.
Proposing a model for future human civilization that can survive climate change and resource depletion with some level of egalitarianism and classlessness, without resorting to ethnic/nationalist chauvinism and exterminist policies, should be THE project of the contemporary Left.
What about geoengineering to artificially hold temperatures down, sorta like an artificial mini-nuclear winter achieved by pumping special soot into the atmosphere to block out sunlight?
While that might have some environmental side effects, it could definitely be used by major powers to avoid a climate-warming apocalypse if shit came down to that.
I agree. The only problem is getting the modern human to-
1. Realize the extent of the problem and grasp the existential threat that it poses, which involves them accepting VERY hard truths about their own mortality and the future that they imagined for their children. Additionally, almost everyone, at least in the first world, has been raised on the hopium of happy endings and religious everlasting-life. These are hurdles for them to overcome.
2. Drastically reduce consumption. No one should be driving, much less working shit jobs making shit products for people to drive to a store and buy. The food we consume should not have to travel by combustion engine. Local farming practices need to be taught, encouraged, facilitated. The things we consume, from food to clothing, should come from our local community. There are a million things to say about this, but essentially modern culture, not just in the West but EVERYWHERE, needs to shift immediately from consumption, having, needing, wanting material things, and move toward creating a desire to have community and friends, companionship and the desire to improve the lives of those around you. How do you fundamentally change culture? I have no clue. It might happen to some degree due to reduced availability of resources, but it needs to be encouraged. Consumerism should be recognized as poisonous to humanity and rejected to the greatest extent possible. This is the exact opposite of everything that basically everyone in the world grows up with.
3. Begin to realize the extreme population overshoot humanity has created for itself through industrialization. Try to establish a reasonable maximum population for a region based on its available resources and how those resources will be depleted over time.
It’s funny because even the most baseline liberal has a more realistically attainable agenda than an ethno-nationalist. The left has the luxury of being able to sit back, whilst simultaneously gaining ground.
It doesnt suck enough in the west to warrant an armed revolution. Let accelerationism run its course, but if you want to see immediate action, look at almost any developing country with a leftist militia.
Ethno-nationalism wasn't even mentioned but keep arguing against some person in your head
I feel like the older generation or two will have to die off before this shit is feasible, just because it's so far outside their familiar context (intelectually) and would result in such a drop in their lifestyle that they would fight us to the death over it and they have most of the political power currently as well.
get some reading comprehension you stupid faggot
First world: Do nothing but also don't support first world but also cheer on every imperialist adventure
Third world: Do everything while also trying not to die
was meant to be
In the US unfortunately "the left" is associated with radlibs, so we will have to work to make people not think the left = tumblr or the left = stalin muh 100 gorillions. Uphill battle. Bernie is a start. I know he's not perfect at all, but he can make the US a somewhat livable country for the worker. This is the fucking US we are talking about here man, Bernie is a godsend compared to these corporate neolib fucks they trot out every year.
SocDem appeasement mixed with shitposting on halfchan.
i feel like once the boomers die off we will see greater revolutionary potential. younger generations aren't nearly as hostile towards socialism. the aut right kek peterson fucks are a minority and outcasts, most gen z leans left.
Get out newfag
Thanks for the rare Dugin.
Zizek has no problem with reformism
They're Non-Marxist Universal Socialists at best.
Easy peasy, anons.
I have no doubt that various geo-engineering projects will be attempted, indeed carbon capture technology is itself a form of geo-engineering, however I'm quite skeptical as to the overall efficacy that this will have, and very wary of the additional damage that it could potentially cause.
Here, check out this vid - 6:35mins of bits of lectures/talks from four different pretty well known researchers within the realm of climate science.
If you're unable to watch, here's an article by the guy who put the video together which goes over some of the main points.
Like I said, I have no doubt that geo-engineering will be attempted as the reality of this situation dawns on more people, however I think that this is, while likely well intentioned, just another way to try and keep humanity from coming face to face with the reality of its absolute need to scale down its population and consumption. We like the idea of geo-engineering because we think that it will put a band-aid on this situation and keep living the way we do now, but that's simply wishful thinking.