Anarchism, Stalinism , Etc , which one ?
I just want to be able to live happily with my family, love my wife and assure that my children live a happy life.
Which branch of marxism can really help the common worker?
Anarchism, Stalinism , Etc , which one ?
I just want to be able to live happily with my family, love my wife and assure that my children live a happy life.
Which branch of marxism can really help the common worker?
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Anarchism isnt a branch of marxism, but basically any branch of leftism that isnt North Korea, Khmer Rouge or primitivism helps the workers.
Why you have to shit on north korea?
Please don't fight in here I just want an honest response, I just want to be able to know what is the right choice
Define "right choice".
Because its an anti-communist monarchy who, just like current day china, continues to destroy the reputation of communism more and more.
Oh right BO will probably ban me for this.
Whichever one ends up being the one which coincides with the final crisis of capitalism and seizes the opportunity by having the ultimately correct theory and effective praxis at that particular point. I doubt there's any one tendency with a universal applicability and 100% chance of success.
The closest answer is probably the real historical movement.
It is what I described in the OP, a calm life alongside my family while I enjoy doing what I love (my job for example if it was not for the exploitation )
No proofs. Just American and puppet SK propaganda.
They removed communism from their constitution, openly claim that their party line is juche, not marxism, they say they have up on communism and that they produce commodities. Furthermore, their means of production are not collectively owned, there is no democracy and the ruling member of their country is a hereditary position.
Just repeating the propaganda does not constitute any kind of proof.
Read Kropotkin and Lenin. Decide which one you like the most.
sounds like you're looking to join the Vargbol Primitivist Gang, friend
For you, as a single working individual? See flag
the only true answer
a meme ideology that requires eliminating most of Earth's population to be feasible? Sign me up for le gang
Woke answer: subconscious racism and Orientalism.
Claiming that it is in any way leftist and just shouting "if you disagree with me youre american" also isnt proof of any sort. You claim its socialist, you have to prove it.
There's a whole thread full of primary sources, go read it.
Varg doesn't advocate for any sort of ethnic cleansing, as far as I know
he does however claim that there will be an upcoming ice age, and for some reason that only nords will survive because they're adapted to cold climates
it's a meme ideology but Varg could easily become gommunist if he could be despooked
time to put away the porn, bros
Claims put out by a government are not primary sources, they are propaganda.
Why on earth would they even bother to try and convince a powerless Western far-left of their socialist credentials? You don't propagandize people you can never hope to gain anything from. If anything, true propaganda from the gangster regime of your imagination would de-emphazize the socialist character, to attract foreign capital.
I don't know anything about Varg, but I meant that dismantling industrial societies to recreate a "primitive" society would inherently destroy, for example, world food production and thus lead to mass starvation, wouldn't it?
Sure, if enough people were to do what he suggests and basically go live on a farm by themselves. More or less people just dropping out of modern society.
If enough people were to do it it'd really fuck over city dwellers, and although I don't subscribe to varg's ideology for anything but memes, thinking of rural folk and farmers screwing over urbanites like that does give me a boner.
Why on earth would the western media try to disassociate north korea from communism? Having such a shit nation clinging to the term is great for their propaganda. And why would north korea cling to it, why would china cling to it?
Then that depends on what you're trying to go for.
There is no way that revolutionary politics lines up with a comfortable, calm life.
Hell if it meant that throught a revolution I could achieve that no matter the pain then I wouldn't mind .
They don't, and constantly refer to it as a stalinist state. Like all bigotry, that of the West against the DPRK is entirely inconsistent, and varies depending on the audience. To left liberals, it is portrayed as a quasi-fascist monarchy, to boomers, as insect like commie asians, and so on.
Honest conviction.
Ooooh sure but any information that it is not communist, it is not leftist, it is not socialist and it is not democratic is still western propaganda?
Give me a fucking break. I personally went there and fucking hell, denmark is more socialist than china is right now. How is that for a fucking "primary source". But I know what you are going to do, you are just going to accuse me of either making it up or being part of the massive conspiracy that simultaneously portrays it as socialist and communist, while at the same time also portraying it at not socialist and communist, just like you do with all sources that go against your retarded worldview.
With DeLeonist characteristics
I said I think the party has honest conviction, I didn't say they would succeed. In fact, I think it more likely that they have maneuvered themselves into a corner they cannot get out of. Opening up was always a gamble. We'll see how it shakes out.
Depending on the factum it might be true. The DPRK is not a fully built socialist society, and as far as I can tell they had to take a lot of pragmatic decisions in the 90's and beyond. But there is a difference between admitting that a market system seems to exist to some degree in the countryside, and putting the whole country away as a xenophobic monarchy with a coat of red paint.
Anecdotal =/= Primary, retard.
All primary sources are anecdotes with status. All data can be faked, all findings can be fake.
Stalinism literally lifted hundreds of millions of people out of destitute poverty and provided the material conditions for them to pursue their dreams. The biggest complaint that is laid against Stalin is that he killed or gulaged too many bourgies. Though really he didn't kill enough
le dank social conservative maymay
Official media outlets and universities have more credibility on the line than an anonymous poster in a congolese ventriloquism and puppeteering forum.
But you just consider them all just to be propaganda anyway, so it doesn't fucking matter.
And lets just look at that, I am more willing to believe a random person on the internet than capitalist media or right-wing universities when it comes to how things are in countries like that. With media and universities you know they will try to confuse everyone and lie, a random person has at least some change to speak the truth.
Oh fuck off you idiot. People wanting to be happy with people they love is not fucking "
Used to be anarchist but Cockshott turned me Marxist: I feel that his Towards a New Socialism is the single theoretical work which could unite the revolutionary left. Much of what anarchists ask for in terms of decentralization and liberty is actually basically achieved in the radical democracy of Marx's theoretical colleagues, and in TANS Cockshott simply takes a step toward codifying it and giving it a crucial place in the framework of a socialized economy. As a matter of fact, Cockshott's "Athenian" judicial/representative model and direct democracy is actually much more radical than the liberal-based electoral models that I see a lot of anarchist organizations espousing. It also avoids the potential discredit and popular discontent which the liberal electorates in Lenin's "democratic centralism" seem to create.
It's everything I could ask for: local governance, indiscriminate individual civic power, and a planned economy which combinines mass local participation and national/international coordination. Coherent, rational, responsible and humane socialism. This is what we need.
deal with it you pseudoleft miscreant
Fuck off pol pot.
Anarchists can't win a war and this have accomplished very little. ML or bust.
This is the same stupid bullshit "I want communism but I don't want to be a tranny nigger what do" Zig Forumscuck thread that gets posted all the fucking time. The veil is so thin it's practically nonexistent.
Yeah, being a "social conservative" makes you a reactionary. I'm sorry that rips your rectum, but you're a dumb fuckholster that doesn't deserve children, a significant other, or happiness anyway.
What the fuck are you on dude. There is litterally nothing actually reactionary or reactionairy about wanting to be happy, and wanting people you care about to be happy, and to change society for the better so you and everyone else can be happy.
Being a communisnt doesnt neccecitate being a non-hetrosexual anti-natalist.
Great worldfilter, "actually reactionary" is "soc14lly c0nservat1ve"
A board with moronic jizz tub that keeps posting stupid shit at me, apparently.
No one said it did you dried up ball of cock snot.
If you had as much brains as shitposts you might be able to figure that someone that wants "the right kind" of communism to live happily ever after with their non-existent waifu and imaginary children doesn't actually give a shit about communism.
Should be a big clue, semen spigot.
Honey, you are the one who started using that term, not me. I am just saying that wanting to be happy, and wanting people you care about to be happy, is not reactionary.
Oh wow. How fucking lonely and neet are you that you cannot imagine people having a spouse and children? Chans are old as fuck, we have many people over 30 posting here.
Also, what the fuck is communism to you, if not an economic system that makes everybodies life better and happier? Why the fuck do you fight for it if not because it benefits you and everybody else?
Are you the same faggot from that thread on leftpol who thinks that communism is living alone in your room and not having friends, or that the basic human emotion of "happiness" is something the evil π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§capitalistsπ¬π§π¬π§π¬π§ made up?
Thank you for all your responses lads
I don't really get what you are trying to say, I mean from the small lines that I heard from some Union guys Marx and Engels in the end even said that in the end what every worker wanted is a happy family and a happy life without being exploited.
I do love the kind of work that I do but not under the eyes of people that are always looking for new ways to exploit it.
And hey what is the problem of having a family?
Ignore that retard. There are a few mentally handicapped people on here who get a rage boner the moment they read of hear "my spouse and children" because in their mind that can only mean you are an ultra reactionairy for whatever unfathomable reason.
You should just be shutting the fuck up, because you are seriously fucking stupid.
Oh wow is right, you brain damaged shit chute. I'll try and spell it out so your micromind doesn't overheat.
I'll tell you what it's not you impenetrable rock of fucking dumb.
An "economic system" can't make your life better, and it can't make you happier. Communism isn't even "an economic system," like it's some sort of economical characteristics to be checked off or a video game government policy that gives you bonuses to production. Communism is prevailing circumstances absent the bourgeois mode of ownership and production. It's not a fucking ticket to dreamland, you wriggling earwig.
I don't fight because it benefits me, like I'm going to get some material reward out of Santa Communism doling out gifts for good little commies on Marxmas Day. The point is to remove the arbitrary social forces and privileges that give other people the ability and imperative to control your life. If you're in it to get "benefits" then I've got sour news for you.
I'm the faggot that gets mad when dumb jizzdrains like you start posting about communism like it's some sort of wish fulfillment system that's designed or intended to provide, ensure, or create happiness.
So what does that have to do with communism, you imbecilic nutsiphon? Even in the most idealized communist future, there is nothing about "communism" dedicated to or interested in any of that.
And hey what is the problem of having a family?
The unfortunate result is that it leads to people like you two existing.
You obviously don't know what anecdotal evidence is so I'll make it simple for you kiddo.
In short its the breadth of evidence. Some fag on vacation, like yourself, only sees a limited section of the subject in question. A professional, like a 'reporter', is aware of this and instead specifically goes around finding a wide variety of sources to compare and get a broader and more in depth view of the subject.
It doesn't have anything to do with being fake or not. Although, a professional with a wide variety of sources would have a harder time faking it than some tard telling his personal story.
All of them
he purged communists retard.
if youre'are not Stalinist kys
Bela Kun did nothing wrong. Stop it.
According to Marxism, the state is just a tool of class domination and the gradual abolition of the state is one of the main goals of communism.
Revolutionary politics will not give you a happy life in your life time, you'd be better off shilling for reformism AKA social democracy.
Are we really 100% positively sure that there's no proof of Kim Jong-un being the son of Kim Jong-il?
You do understand Marxism is about the proletariat pursuing its own self-interest, right? Have you even read Marx?
You can't be this retarded.
finally, a person on this board who is right
Become a voluntary egoist.
you're either referring to: The execution of communist cadres who veritably did nothing wrong, primarily ordered by Nikolai Yezhov, who on MULTIPLE occasions went against the orders of the politburo.
OR you're referring to the anti-revolutionary Trotskyist and Zinovievist elements within the early USSR which were little more than coup supporters.
whichever you're referring to, I'm going to have trouble sympathizing with either position as "SOLELY THE FAULT OF STALIN!!1!"
fourth post best post
The fact that they have huge statues of their leaders that they have to adore in a god cult isn't "propaganda", is it? Are you seriously gonna claim every single travel vlog, documentary etc. about Pyongyang photoshopped those in? And how about the footage of those Koreans crying in an obviously staged and exaggerated way about the death of their Glorious Monarch For Life? Even if you will reduce the vast amount of evidence that they are one of the most totalitarian dictatorships out there to "imperialist propaganda", there are some things you literally can't get around
North Korea has a chronic siege mentality so it's not that crazy to believe that most North Koreans genuinely love their Kims. Imagine if you were taught marxism from childhood, lived in a country that most of the western neoliberal world is embargoing and feel that the external world is hostile towards you - of course you're going to root for the great leader.