Who do you think is behind 11s leftypol?

after what is happening in syria im starting to have doubt of the iraq war real motives seem that all the countries that surround israel end in the same form.
then i read about francissco cossiga 2 times president of italy the one who denounce the false flag terrorist attack of nato to destroy comunist parties in italy ,seem like a legit guy
i dont want to believe it but it get more dark the more deep you go

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This but unironically.

Hey look, it's everyone's favorite ban evading liberal

Laugh at the liberal everyone, throw tomatoes at him

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Israel was probably in on it, but it was primarily the CIA and Saudis. Also, fuck off with this "tail wags dog" BS. Israel and Saudi are puppets of the USA.

saudis are slaved by the usa dollar dont count with it


The West funding Islamists allowed 9/11 to happen

Italian commie here, in Cossiga's party there were a lot of people knowing deep secrets about CIA's involving in our country's history (fascist terrorism founding, holding a secret army in case of communist party winning the elections, a lot of coup tentatives, american agents infiltrated in the Red Brigades and so on), but i think most of them were excluded from really big stuff happening in U.S.

Also that son of a bitch of Cossiga began to lose his mind growing old, so that statement is probably only caused by he becoming always more paranoid and schizoid. I'm not excluding the possibility that those things are real, but i wouldn't trust Cossiga's word.


Most conspiracy theories are fnords to detract from legitimate observations that are within plain sight.

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Al Qaeda did it, but the CIA allowed it and the Saudis were at least indirectly giving aid to Al Qaeda.

Could we please stop with the Zig Forums-tier memes? The AmericanFreePress website is a front of the Liberty Lobby.

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it appeared in the guardian and in the corriere dell sera

Then link to the Guardian, not some backwater conspiracist website operated by right-wing loons.

The guardian is just as bad as any conspiracy-site for right-wing loons–it merely promotes establishment-friendly conspiracies. The whole "I don't want to see this source" mentality of some people is a little bit moronic and does sort of reek of bourgeois respectability politics when it comes to imperialism CNN isn't any better then Alex Jones.

Use discretion when evaluating something, consider the source by all means but do not simply assume that just because something appeared in a source you don't like its untrue or you don't need to deal with it.

My favorite is what you have just done, asking that the same content get reposted on a more respectable website as if it really makes a difference.

Italoanon here.
Cossiga was president - head of state, which here is supposed to be just a figurehead - only once, 1985-1992. I remember he was also prime minister - the actual head of government - once or twice in the late 70s. Also, he didn't revealed shit about Gladio-Stay Behind. That was Andreotti in 1991 iirc. Cossiga reacted immediately telling that he was a member of Gladio and that when he joined, he had pledged to never reveal its existence even under torture.
Basically this meme is completely fucked up and factually inaccurate.
In the 70s he was known among the Italian left as Kossiga l'Amerikano. Many police state-like laws that in many cases are still effective today were pushed by him when he was Minister of the Interior. He wrecked the extraparliamentary left back then. At some point there were tens of thousands of people in jail just because of vague accusations of some flimsy kind of "complicity" with BR or other armed groups, i.e. having met with some member's cousin once in some bar… It's important to remember that the Communist Party, even though they maintained a facade of opposition, was fully in it. They were scared as fuck to lose control over the left and they have been committed to "legalitarian" ways and such stuff. Knowing that, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone how fast and easily they turned to neoliberalism in the 90s.
Getting back to L'Amerikano, he was always pro-Nato, pro-USA, I don't know if openly pro-Israel, but he wasn't surely pro-Arab as Andreotti himself or Craxi, just to name two big guns of that era. Also, he could speak English, which was quite rare even for a politician of his generation.
Starting in the last couple of years of his presidency, he got really noisy and eccentric, starting to play an active role in politics, even attacking his own party, advocating for full presidentialism, giving legitimacy to the fascists and then the Northern League. Later he manouvered in parliament to bring down Prodi and install D'Alema who was better suited to launch the bombing of Yugoslavia in '99. The current minister of the interior, Minniti, a long-time D'Alema ally, was carefully groomed by him back then.
In his last years - he died in 2010, iirc - he often made quite odd remarks. I really don't know if it was because he was senile and maybe suffering from some kind of dementia or just because he enjoyed to be a manipulator of some sort. He brought a lot of secrets in the grave, that's for sure.
I'm not into 9/11 conspiracy theories, btw, and anyway I don't see anyone knowing the truth in the upper echelons of the American deep state spilling the beans with an old crone who certainly used to be an asset in a country they needed to control, but was by then completely irrelevant.
For what it's worth, this meme could be completely made up and no interview ever occurred.

here is the link one of the most important newspaper of italy

No, it isn't. If you can't tell the difference between the mainstream liberal bias of the Guardian and the delusional antisemitic rants of the Liberty Lobby, then I'm sorry for your sense of discernment.

… Like what? In fact, the journalists at the Guardian have actually done fairly remarkable things in the past, like reveal the NSA's PRISM program.

A source that is known to make unsubstantiated, outrageous claims is not worth anyone's time. My problem with websites like American Free Press isn't that they push opinions I disapprove of, it's that their journalistic integrity is nil.

When you read unsourced drivel about gas chambers on a Holocaust denier's blog, do you give them the benefit of the doubt? No, you ask whoever is circulating that tripe to provide reputable research supporting their point or get lost. They're responsible for their own claims — not you, not me.

Yes, a website who who could actually get grilled from all directions if they were ever found to have peddled nonsense. Every last of their major fuck ups might lend them in court, and that's a good thing. Platforms like InfoWars on the other hands routinely get off scot free because they're not answerable to anybody. They can make the most extravagant of assertions about crisis actors or flu shots with virtually no consequence whatsoever. That's the difference.

I've notice a cross-current tendency within the Left to throw nuance out of the window as soon as "the establishment" is involved. And what is it if not lowkey post-modernist relativism à la "they're all equally bad"…? Even among the LeftComs with which I tend to associate, you've got that sort of reasoning with the "anti-fascism is just as bad as fascism" sort of stance.

Is the mainstream liberal press perfect? Of course not, especially if you're a socialist. Is it better than the Daily Stormer? Of course it is.

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sincerely after all that happened is hard to trust the oficial version
the problem is that nobody want to accept even if it was true how inconfortable you would feel that your own govermenent is controlled by jews that use you as catle and you have zero power to change anything
people preffer to buy the lies

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we are living in a very twisted world bffffff



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george mobiot is the best intellectual if you disagree you are Zig Forums and hate rick and morty