
What's goin on? I don't speak baguette

Does this video take place in France or a muslim country? Asking for a friend?

Attached: 1cc474f1e5343ffcab448a90f3269ef07981328cd59f50aaef097e8b05ec41bf.mp4 (673x435 3.37 MB, 31.69K)

It's french

Same thing.

Attached: download.png (225x225, 10.03K)



Not with Bonaparte Jr in power, who is a catholic.

Tbh he'll probably genocide them once WW3 starts, he's ironically worse then LePen.
When will people learn not to trust the eternal centrist?

What exactly is happening here? What's the motivation?

at least it will be a democratic process.

Attached: americans.jpg (497x500, 61.36K)

France is not a Western country.

Attached: 454254324.jpg (625x417, 29.72K)

He is clearly no centrist. He is probably more right wing than Le Pen ever dreams of being. And the error wasn't trusting him, it was the french classcuck sons of bitches not choosing the commie candidate.

True. Fascism btfo (even though fascism can work with democracy.)

No idea what that was about the only thing heard in the video are insults

He literally said he would be a new Roman emperor, he fanboyed over Drumpf, he'll probably use the war as an excuse for imperialism.


I'll translate

Screaming guy :AAAAAAAAA

Car :*pouet*

Cameraman : Holy cow

Female passerby : Fuck what's happening

Cameraman :They're fighting (Or they were fighting before, can't tell)

Female passerby : He should leave, should'nt he?

Screaming guy : ASSHOLE

Someone : Stop it!


Cameraman : Holy cow

Screaming guy : GUYS I SEE YOU THROUGH (??? unintelligible)

Screaming guy : (???) TOWARDS SHALOM

Cameraman : Awesome

*Car leaves*

Cameraman : He's not going to go very far

Male passerby : That guy is insane

"Screaming guy" might be multiple persons. I have no idea of what's going on. Good thing I gave up becoming a translator.
captcha: abdul

what's the context though, why are they attacking the car

I don't know, this is a real shitfest. Guys outside looks like bikers and we can see motorcycles and the guys inside looks arab.

My best guess would be that the guy in the car hit a motorcycle and the bikers/skinheads are reacting violently.

After reverse researching op's pic, the guy in the car was pissed off because bikers in Aix-en-provence blocked the road to protest the lowering of some roads to 80km/h. The bikers started getting violent and he swinged a knife, hurting two of them. I have no idea why OP posted this pic.

france is a Muslim country.

Everyone know America is in decline.

Attached: AmericanObeasityIncrese.jpg (970x1200, 187.22K)

Open borders for Israel

Attached: FB_IMG_1522691923920.jpg (450x450, 16.36K)

If Israel had open boarders million of Burger conservatives would immigrate there and go to Jerusalem and Bethlehem. And that’s a good thing because it would destabilize Israel.


Obesity is increasing in America across racial and gender lines.

This is unironically exactly the fucking thing that will happen. So many burger conservatives i’ve met having a raging hard on for Israel.

Merely some woke, progressive Muslim comrades seeking to culturally enrich the racist Nazi alt-right French. Diversity is our strength, you uneducated right wing bigot!

Fuck off faggot.

Asshurt Reich wing conservatard obese burger detected. Go beat off to your orange messiah while wearing your MAGA hat inbred faggot redneck. We're coming for your guns, Cletus! Fuck the NRA!

You’re embarrassing yourself redditor

Bad false flag. Nor pro islam nor pro gun control, actually the opposite. Lurk more if you want to shitpost

just some hooligans

Pls come to central Appalachia
95% White and this place has been getting fatter by the day for decades