The porkies know it's coming.
Governor of england admits marxism may be inevitable due to automation
Porky's mass depopulation plans will be in motion this decade I guess.
They were in motion alot longer that than you have to make the population dependent first, which is pretty much done. I look forward to seeing world wide just in time systems crash and burn.
marxism is not inevitable. collapse and revolution is inevitable. which way it goes from there is hard to predict. furthermore marx could not predict nuclear weapons and climate change. it's either socialism + all major countries pooling their resources to repair the ozone layer + nuclear abolition, or it's extinction.
How long do you think it'll take before people realise their jobs are doomed? The millions of jobs are expected to be lost in the next 20 years. So how long before people start being fired and realise why no one's suddenly got a job?
Why do porkies keep saying capitalism is coming to an end when capitalism is clearly coming to an end?
Porkies are just as powerless in the face of capitalist system as the proles are. Marx could have never create his system without multiple patrons from capitalist and aristocratic class.
Shut the fuck up.
Engels was literally a capitalist who inherited his father's wealth. He largely bankrolled Marx while he was working on Capital.
remove that flag niglet
Not Just Engels.
von Westphalens, Marx's relatives through marriage, ministers and generals in Prussia.
Anton Philips, founder of Phillips corporation.
Another bunch of englishmen.
duh like that's something new
Marxism is an analysis of capitalism, not a pre-established set of rules, so "Marxism is inevitable" is a meaningless statement.
May I press S to shit on capitalism grave?
Fucking lit
Not even an analysis of capitalism, but more like a set of tools to analyse various things, including, but not limited to, capitalism. Your point still stands though.
I was thinking about this a few days ago. If the republican party dies because (muh demographics) then that will leave only the democrats left. And so the democrats would become the new right wing party. And there will be a void for a new second party. Which would possibly be socialist.
So in the far future its possible the two main parties will be neoliberal and socialist.
Which will lead to an epoch that will last decades till the socialist party defeats the neoliberal democrats. And then finally i guess nothing left to do but communism
Can't we have communism without niggers and subhumans?
I was also thinking, We are probably near the end of neoliberal era. So what could come next. You would think oh , communism. But then maybe i think, nah, they are going to do something fucked up like neo feudalism, or state capitalism
Why do you want to exclude yourself user?
But we already had the Soviet Union, user.
so european peoples will be slaves while everyone else does nothing what is different?
We still have China, the 21st century superpower
yeah and guess π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§whoπ¬π§π¬π§π¬π§ will be in charge of the communist administration. hint its the same π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§peopleπ¬π§π¬π§π¬π§ in charge of capitalism the ones you call porkys because of the association of pigs of with europe; classic misdirection I wonder who could be behind this? wait you already posted a pic of one of them
Slaves will be too expensive and useless with automation. We won't even be able to get slave work.
the pleebs worldwide are confused because theyre not sure where the world went wrong - the good goys won ww2 afterall and somehow everything has accelerated downhill from there on all fronts. the answer provided? its been white people all along, since the early annals of history!
to quote aldous huxley this would be hilarious if it werent criminal
t. brainlet
china is just a bunch of chinese people hardly a superpower
(({communists})) never talk race
problem is it's recovering from the two shitty centuries it had and recovering quick
Reminder that communism is soviet power + state appointed brown qts
Fam, that shit was fixed years ago
I realized the other day that most elites know whats coming. The temperatures are rising and global warming will ravage the world.
You can look it up. The bush family buying land in south america that has gallons of fresh water on it, a bunch of celebrities have bought land in new zeland. The elon musks of the world and their hard on for wanting to find a way out through outer space.
So this will happen.
At the same time automation will destroy millions of jobs, decimating the middle class and only leaving the very poor and the very rich. At the same time the globalists want the borders to be open so even more poor people can rush in.
Even right now there is hyper political polarization, stagnate economy, and restless people.
In the future it will get worse. Maybe america will turn into weimer era Germany with nazis and commies fighting each other in the streets every day
So the future holds, no jobs, alienated people with extremist politics, dwindling resources, and uptick in natural disasters.
I would be very surprised if america or western nations will be able to withhold liberal democracy and capitalism
The guy in the article mentions this period will be similar to the pre war period.
Have you ever wondered about that. In american history class there just seems to be a blank spot between the end of the civil war and the start of ww1.
"scene missing"